Last updated: 09/14/2022 | DSA is Language Agnostic but the following solutions and examples are written in Python.
Hi there! My name is Michael Pradetto. Over the course of studying for multiple months for the coding interviews, I have compiled a lot of study material I'd like to give back like other individuals who supported me on this journey. In my compiled study material I have an Anki Flashcard Deck I created that covers all topics over 450+ flashcards, a compiled list of common data structures and algorithms patterns / templates, and the list of Leetcode questions I practiced on with notes about how to solve them. Hopefully this can save everyone some time without having to compile your own study information to continue the journey! Good luck everyone it is a fun Journey!
- Recommended study method if you have some knowledge of DSA -> Grind 75 Problems sort by topics -> Anki Flashcards study a single topic -> practice Grind 75 questions of this topic -> if stuck on topic go to Common Data Structure and Algorithms Patterns / Templates files and spend time in the debugger stepping through common patterns to derive a a solution
- If you are new to DSA, I highly recommend reading through this free material by the creator of Blind 75. It covers all DSA topics and provides free study material for each topic along with a Leetcode problem study plan. Technical Interview Guide
- Visual Learners like me: I took this DSA Udemy Course only buy on sale for $9.99 (Highly recommend & good community): ZTM Master the Coding Interview DSA
- Youtubers for Leetcode solutions: Neetcode and HappyCoding
The is an all inclusive 450+ flashcard set that covers common data structure and algorithms topics. I have shared 2 decks (both have the same cards). The first one is the traditional Anki study methods if you have extra time because it limits the amount of cards you can study. The second deck is all the cards without any restrictions good for cramming or specific topic studying prior to practicing leetcode. Yes, ANKI is FREE.
Anki Flashcard Set by Michael Pradetto
Topic(s) |
General /Time Complexity / Space Complexity / Big O |
Arrays |
Graphs / BFS /DFS / Matrix |
Hash Tables |
Heaps & Priority Queues |
Linked Lists |
Recursion / Backtracking /Memoization / Dynammic Programming |
Sorting and Search Algorithms |
Stack and Queues and DEQues |
Strings |
Trees / Balanced Search Trees / Binary Search Trees / Binary Trees / Tries |
Coming Soon: Bit Manipulation |
Coming Soon: Computer Science Principles / Fundamentals / Memory |
Coming Soon: Greedy Algorithm |
Coming Soon: Math Logic & Puzzles |
Coming Soon: System Design and Scalability |
This is a unique list of DSA templates and common questions I have encountered while studying Leetcode / Grind 75. It is a great resource to practice the nuances of some of the problems to recognize the patterns. I would recommend running the python file to see how the questions answers appear in the terminal then you can go to the section you want to study. This document is really good for spending time in the debugger stepping through problems you are struggling with.
Topic(s) |
Recursion / Backtracking (Subsets, Permutations and Combinations) |
Sorting Algorithms |
Binary Trees, Traversals and BST Recursive / Iterative Implementation |
Graphs / Grids |
Heaps and Priority Queues |
Just a current updated excel document as I work through the grind 75 and my notes / thoughts. Feel free to download the file and work through these problems yourself and include your notes!
Grind 75 Excel File Build Your Own Leetcode Study Plan
If you have additional information anyone else compiled on their own journey and would like to share with others who are about to embark on this journey feel free to reach out to me and I can upload it. Discord: Detto#3455
Created By: Michael Pradetto | Contact Me: Linkedin
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