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VTAdmin is an experimental replacement for the vtctld2 web UI, that also allows users to manage multiple Vitess clusters from a single API and web UI.

For a more detailed writeup, refer to the original RFC.


The simplest VTAdmin deployment involves a single Vitess cluster. You can look at the local example for a minimal invocation of the vtadmin-api and vtadmin-web binaries.

Important vtadmin-api flags

Please refer to vtadmin --help for the full listing, but a few flags warrant explanation here.

  • --http-origin — this flag sets up the allowed CORS origins that vtadmin-api will serve HTTP requests for, and is required if you are (very likely) running vtadmin-api and vtadmin-web on different domains.

  • --cluster, --cluster-defaults — A DSN-style flag that allows cluster configuration options to be specified on the command-line rather than needing a config file. When both command-line cluster configs and a config file are provided, any options for a given cluster on the command-line take precedence over options for that cluster in the config file.

    For a description of the cluster configuration options, see clusters.example.yaml.

  • --http-tablet-url-tmpl — Go template string to generate a reachable http(s) address for a tablet, used to make passthrough requests to /debug/vars endpoints.


Building vtadmin-api

If you are making changes to .proto files, make sure you run

source dev.env
make proto grpcvtctldclient vtadmin_web_proto_types

Then, you can run make build, and run ./bin/vtadmin with any flags you need (see the local example, and also the section on flags above).

Building and running vtadmin-web

Make sure you are using node version 16.x.

Then, you may run:

cd ./web/vtadmin
npm install

# This should be the address you passed to `./vtadmin --addr`. For example,
# "".
export REACT_APP_VTADMIN_API_ADDRESS="${vtadmin_api_addr}"
npm run start