change internal header tripletmarginloss.hpp position
change internal header tripletmarginloss.hpp position
fix fin interface test
fix fin interface test
Disable CPU_kernel_inliner_NONE unless invoked from ctest
Disable CPU_kernel_inliner_NONE unless invoked from ctest
clang tidy clean ups
clang tidy clean ups
Align buffers at 2 MiB boundary (plus a possible offset)
Align buffers at 2 MiB boundary (plus a possible offset)
Force push
2 days ago
Fix tolerance for ConvHipImplicitGemmV4R1WrW
Fix tolerance for ConvHipImplicitGemmV4R1WrW
Align buffers at 2 MiB boundary (plus a possible offset) for Fwd
Align buffers at 2 MiB boundary (plus a possible offset) for Fwd
Update submodule fin to point to develop branch
Update submodule fin to point to develop branch
Update CK commit hash in requirements.txt
Update CK commit hash in requirements.txt
leave definitions in for navi3/4 but turn off the target and describe…
leave definitions in for navi3/4 but turn off the target and describe…
Fix tolerance for ConvHipImplicitGemmV4R1WrW and ConvHipImplicitGemmW…
Fix tolerance for ConvHipImplicitGemmV4R1WrW and ConvHipImplicitGemmW…
Added a getter for tuning policy
Added a getter for tuning policy
Fix tolerance for ConvHipImplicitGemmV4R4WrW and ConvOclBwdWrW2
Fix tolerance for ConvHipImplicitGemmV4R4WrW and ConvOclBwdWrW2
Merge branch 'develop' into ck_promote
Merge branch 'develop' into ck_promote
Implemented an API way to set find enforce value for non find2 calls
Implemented an API way to set find enforce value for non find2 calls
Fix formatting
Fix formatting
Merge branch 'develop' into impl_median
Merge branch 'develop' into impl_median
Merge branch 'develop' into impl_pad_constant
Merge branch 'develop' into impl_pad_constant
Merge branch 'develop' into impl_any_all_op
Merge branch 'develop' into impl_any_all_op
Merge branch 'develop' into impl_generate_random_bit_mask
Merge branch 'develop' into impl_generate_random_bit_mask
Merge branch 'develop' into impl_pdist
Merge branch 'develop' into impl_pdist