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ExTraMapper is a tool to find Exon and Transcript-level Mappings of a given pair of orthologous genes between two organisms using sequence conservation. The figure below shows the overall schematic description of ExTraMapper mapping the homologous transcript and exon-pairs between human and mouse genome.


Steps to run ExtraMapper (For python version 3 or later usage)

Step 1: Prepare the input files

ExTraMapper requires a set of preprocessed files to find the conservation scores. Examples to create these files are provided within the following folders

  1. Human-Mouse-Preprocessed-Data

    Quick look:

    • #f03c15 Set the following path
    export EXTRAMAPPER_DIR=/path/to/Human-Mouse-Preprocess-Data/folder

    • #f03c15 Run the following step to fetch organism specific chromosomal fasta, gtf and liftOver files.
    $ ./ 0

    • #f03c15 The next step will create the genomedata object files. This step requires genomedata package which can be installed by running the following commnand.
    $ pip install genomedata --user
    $ ./ 1

    • #f03c15 The step below will create pickle files and gene summaries. The users are requested to install the latest pickle library.
    $ ./ 2

    • #f03c15 The following step will run the liftOver with multiple mappings.
    $ ./ 3

    • #f03c15 The next three steps will generate the input files.
    $ ./ 4
    $ ./ 5
    $ ./ 6


  2. Human-Rhesus_macaque-Preprocessed-Data

    Quick look:

    • #f03c15 Set the following path
    export EXTRAMAPPER_DIR=/path/to/Human-Monkey-Preprocess-Data/folder

    • #f03c15 Run the following step to fetch organism specific chromosomal fasta, gtf and liftOver files.
    $ ./ 0

    • #f03c15 The above step may produce an error while downloading the monkey genome from UCSC. In that case, please do the following and the script will produce the required fasta files.
    $ cd ./preprocess/data/reference_genomes/rheMac10/
    $ perl
    $ cd -

    • #f03c15 The next step will create the genomedata object files. This step requires genomedata package which can be installed by running the following commnand.
    $ pip install genomedata --user
    $ ./ 1

    • #f03c15 The step below will create pickle files and gene summaries. The users are requested to install the latest pickle library.
    $ ./ 2

    • #f03c15 The following step will run the liftOver with multiple mappings.
    $ ./ 3

    • #f03c15 The next three steps will generate the input files.
    $ ./ 4
    $ ./ 5
    $ ./ 6

Users should look into these folders and follow the instructions to create the required input files before going to the next step.

Step 2: Set the following path

bash export EXTRAMAPPER_DIR=/path/to/this/folder

Step 3: Run ExTraMapper individually

$ python -h
usage: [-h] -m MAPPING -o1 ORG1 -o2 ORG2 -p ORTHOLOG

Check the help flag

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -m MAPPING   ExTraMapper Exon threshold value [e.g. 1]
  -o1 ORG1     First organism name [e.g. human]
  -o2 ORG2     Second organism name [e.g. mouse]
  -p ORTHOLOG  Orthologous gene pair [e.g. ENSG00000141510-ENSMUSG00000059552 OR all]

Example run of using orthologous gene pair ENSG00000141510-ENSMUSG00000059552

$ python -m 1 -o1 human -o2 mouse -p ENSG00000141510-ENSMUSG00000059552

Finding exon mappings for gene pair number 0    ENSG00000141510-ENSMUSG00000059552
Gene pair ID: ENSG00000141510-ENSMUSG00000059552

Information about each gene. Last two numbers are no of transcripts and exons
ENSG00000141510 chr17   7661779 7687538 -       ENSG00000141510 TP53    protein_coding  27      49      gene
ENSMUSG00000059552      chr11   69580359        69591873        +       ENSMUSG00000059552      Trp53   protein_coding  6       24      gene

Number of exons before and after duplicate removal according to coordinates
Org1    49      40
Org2    24      20


Exon file type summaries for the first gene from: ENSG00000141510-ENSMUSG00000059552
        0 exons with: No file exists
        22 exons with: Only Mapped
        0 exons with: Only nonintersecting
        11 exons with: Only unmapped
        15 exons with: Mapped and unmapped
        0 exons with: Mapped and nonintersecting
        1 exons with: Nonintersecting and unmapped
        0 exons with: All three files
Exon file type summaries for the second gene from: ENSG00000141510-ENSMUSG00000059552
        0 exons with: No file exists
        14 exons with: Only Mapped
        0 exons with: Only nonintersecting
        3 exons with: Only unmapped
        7 exons with: Mapped and unmapped
        0 exons with: Mapped and nonintersecting
        0 exons with: Nonintersecting and unmapped
        0 exons with: All three files
Writing exon-level similarity scores into file:

Writing exon classes into file:
        For org1: Mapped exons= 17, Unmapped exons= 21, Nonintersecting exons= 1, OTHER= 10
        For org2: Mapped exons= 13, Unmapped exons= 7, Nonintersecting exons= 0, OTHER= 4

Writing exon-level mappings into file:
Writing trascript-level similarity scores into file:
Writing transcript-level mappings into file:

Condition counter from the greedy transcript mapping stage:
        5 pairs with Condition1: Unique winner pair
        0 pairs with Condition2: Tie in one score, not in the other
        0 pairs with Condition3: Tie in both scores but coding exon length diff breaks the tie
        0 pairs with Condition4: Tie in both scores and coding exon length diff but overall exon length breaks the tie
        1 pairs with Condition5: Tie in all the above but coding length (bp) diff breaks the tie
        0 pairs with Condition6: Tie in all the above, just give up and report all

Writing UCSC browser bed output for org1 into file:
Writing UCSC browser bed output for org2 into file:

ExTraMapper ran successfully for 1 gene pairs between: human and mouse

$ tree ./output

`-- human-mouse
    `-- ENSG00000141510-ENSMUSG00000059552
        |-- exonClasses-1.0.txt
        |-- exonLevelMappings-1.0.txt
        |-- exonLevelSimilarities-1.0.txt
        |-- org1-ucsc-1.0.bed
        |-- org2-ucsc-1.0.bed
        |-- transcriptLevelMappings-1.0.txt
        `-- transcriptLevelSimilarities-1.0.txt

Note: The exonLevelMappings-1.0.txt & transcriptLevelMappings-1.0.txt file contains the mapped exon and transcript pairs from ENSG00000141510-ENSMUSG00000059552 orthologous gene-pair.


Step 3: Run ExTraMapper for all the gene pairs

$ python -h
usage: [-h] -m MAPPING -o1 ORG1 -o2 ORG2 -p all

Prepocessed Results

Check the Result/Exon-Pairs and Result/Transcript-Pairs to download the precomputed ExTraMapper result for human-mouse and human-rhesus orthologous exon and transcript pairs.

Refer the work

ExTraMapper: Exon- and Transcript-level mappings for orthologous gene pairs.

The data shown in the above paper was performed using Human & Mouse ENSMBL release 81 with python 2.7 code. The current update is with ENSMBL release 102 and python 3 or later version. To see the older code and data please change the Branch to ExTraMapper-python2v from master


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