These are optional utility headers on top of the Sokol headers. Unlike the 'core headers' they are not standalone but depend on other Sokol headers and sometimes also external libraries.
- sokol_imgui.h: implements a renderer for Dear ImGui on top of sokol_gfx.h and sokol_app.h (the latter being optional if you do your own input-forwarding to ImGui), the implementation can be compiled as C++ or C.
- sokol_gfx_imgui.h: a debug-inspection UI for sokol_gfx.h, this hooks into the sokol-gfx API and lets you inspect resource objects and captured API calls
- sokol_gl.h: an OpenGL 1.x style immediate-mode rendering API on top of sokol_gfx.h
- sokol_fontstash.h: a renderer for fontstash.h on on top of sokol_gl.h
- sokol_debugtext.h: a simple text renderer using 8-bit home computer fonts
- sokol_memtrack.h: simple utility header to easily track memory allocations in sokol headers
See the embedded header-documentation for build- and usage-details.