My Android coding exercise. 这个repo将不断更新一些自己手敲的功能各异的Android小Demo。
##20. Fragment3D
Switch Fragment with 3D flip effect.
用3D 翻转的效果切换Fragment。
##19. Card2D
Use view animation to achieve the flip effect of 2D card.
##18. MoveButton
Use view animation and property animation to set the button motion, and set the image rotation effect.
##17. AnimationEffects
Several effects of button animation.
##16. BaiduWaimai API 23
Page UI interface display effect of Baidu Waimai.
##15. AddCards Use code to achieve the layout of the list of squares.
##14. CustomButton A custom display for button.
##13. ExampleApplication An application requires a specific permission to start . StartExampleApplication can open the application (ExampleApplication which set the permission) .
##12. LaunchAppFromWeb API 21
A image browser.
- open the image the project has,
- open the image which is downloaded.
一个图片浏览器。 1.打开项目自带的图片, 2.打开浏览器下载的图片
##11. LaunchAppFromWeb Turn to the activity from the other, and also can open the activity from the browser page. 从某个activity跳转到另一个activity,以及从浏览器页面打开activity。
##10. SMSReceiver API 18
Spam SMS interception tool. 垃圾短信拦截工具(模拟器版本为Android 4.3及以下) a)编辑关键字, b)通过关键字屏蔽短信, c)编辑屏蔽的号码, d)通过号码屏蔽短信, e)将屏蔽的短信保存
##9. TimerService Use AIDL connection TimerService, achieve communication cross application. 使用AIDL连接TimerService,实现跨应用通讯。
##8. JikeContacts API 21
A simple phone address book
- it can show the system contacts and add contact,
- can take phone call and send SMS,
- Multi language display.
1.实现简单通讯录,可以读取显示系统联系人,可以添加联系人到系统通讯录, 2.可以启动发信息和打电话, 3.实现多语言显示
##7. MessageInputActivity Start a Activity to input information and get its return value and return status. 启动一个Activity用于输入信息并获取其返回值和返回状态。
##6. SimpleCalculator A simple calculator can calclulate do long integer arithemetic addition subtraction multiplication and division. 一个小的计算器,可以进行对长整型数进行简单的加减乘除(不包含小数点)。
##5. GuessNumber A little game on guessing number from 0 to 100 [0,100). 猜数字小游戏(区间为[0,100))。
##4. MultipleChoice Multiple choice. 多项选择示例。
##3. SingleChoose Single choose. 单项选择示例。
##2. LearnContext Share message between activities. Activity之间共享数据。
##1. SendArgs Start another activity, and send the message. 跳转到另一个activity,并传递数据。