See current and previous Advent article entries here and here.
Get a Raku Wordpress account from an admin on IRC #raku or #raku-dev (jmerelo, timotimo, moritz, tbrowder ...).
Write your article using Github Markdown. Note that it is recommended to have each paragraph in the markdown source file collapsed into one long line before using one of the html converter tools listed in the next step. That is necessary in order to get the html formatting correct (Wordpress doesn't remove newlines inside html text content).
An easier way is to write the article in Raku Pod, then transform it to Markdown by using Raku's built-in converter. A great advantage of this method is multiple lines in paragraphs are collapsed into single lines automatically.
$ raku --doc=Markdown my-article.pod >
Convert the file to Wordpress html format using one of the two tools here (see para 2 for an important note before using one of these tools). The first method is currently the easiest to use and gives much better results.
Raku module Acme::Advent::Highlighter See intructions at its repository here. Note the html output has two embedded html comments telling the user where to delete lines before inserting the remainder into Wordpress.
tools/raku-advent-md2html.raku Execute it without an argument to see instructions.
Insert the converted file into Wordpress.
When your article is ready for publication, you can announce it on the IRC #raku channel and someone with the proper credentials will schedule its live publication at the proper time.
For detailed Wordpress instructions see this article.