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refine is an open-source, headless React framework for developers building enterprise internal tools, admin panels, dashboards, B2B applications.

It eliminates repetitive tasks in CRUD operations and provides industry-standard solutions for critical project components like authentication, access control, routing, networking, state management, and i18n.

Tanstack React Table integration for refine

Tanstack React Table is a headless table library, which means it does not ship with components, markup or styles

refine is headless by design, offering unlimited styling and customization options. Moreover, refine ships with ready-made integrations for Ant Design, Material UI, Mantine, and Chakra UI for convenience.

refine has connectors for 15+ backend services, including REST API, GraphQL, and popular services like Airtable, Strapi, Supabase, Firebase, and NestJS.

Installation & Usage

npm install @refinedev/react-table @tanstack/react-table
import { useTable } from "@refinedev/react-table";

import { ColumnDef, flexRender } from "@tanstack/react-table";

const EditPost = () => {
  const columns =
    React.useMemo <
    ColumnDef <
    IPost >
    [] >
    (() => [
        id: "id",
        header: "ID",
        accessorKey: "id",
        id: "title",
        header: "Title",
        accessorKey: "title",
        meta: {
          filterOperator: "contains",

  const tableInstance = useTable({
    refineCoreProps: {
      resource: "posts",

  return; /* ... */
