Expo react native application for Fusion.
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The mobile application has the following features:
- Ability to create and respond to personalized prompts
- Getting summaries and recommendations from prompt responses
- Get prompt suggestions based on what's top of mind for you
- Connect your sleep, activity and heart rate data
- Reason over changes in your data by chatting with Fusion
Data is stored on the phone using SQLite.
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Start the app
npx expo run:ios
If you don't have simulator, please follow these steps to create one - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safari-developer-tools/adding-additional-simulators
- Generate ios build :
eas build --platform ios
- to build android locally
eas build --local --platform=android
- to build android locally
- Submit build - eas submit --platform ios
Before submission, we need to run npx expo prebuild
responseType - "number", "yesno", "text", "customOptions"
additionalMeta - {category, isNotificationActive, customOptionsText}
notificationConfig_days - json.stringify of "{"monday": true, "tuesday": false ....., "sunday": true}"
customOptionText will look like - 'optionA;optionB;optionC'
After a prompt is created, a notification is generated.
Response to prompts are saved in format
additionalMeta {
note: string
media: [string] // local path to media on phone
when responseType == customOption, value can contain "valA;valB"
Prompts and responses can be exported as individual csv files for analysis.
Mapping Fusion event schema to prompt_response
- startTimestamp:
when the prompt was sent - endTimestamp:
when the prompt was responded to
- (done) Allow to chose the time range for notifications on certain days & times
- Show some default prompts that users can add/enable
- Pause notification prompts
- UI - swipe for more (edit/delete/view responses)
- When the person chooses 1 as number of times, only show one time to select.
- (done) Save response at the time of entry & also when it was generated.
- (done) Allow user to tap to respond to prompts (create prompt component)
- (done) include filter for "day/week/month" view
- clearly identify periods of missing data
- Send notification to view weekly updates.
- Compare values for one week vs. last period
- Textual summary with contributing factors. - chatbox below to ask questions & reason over displayed data
- e.g under the prompt for energetic... I could ask "how does this related with my work?"
- Allow user to compare result with another prompt
- Log when notifications are triggered and responded to. Just counts no identifying info.
- Random guid per device instance which can be regenerated (or pubkey)
We will be using [Azure Application Insights] for event tracking.
PageViews (for screen loads)
- name: <name_of_component> e.g (done) Home, (prompt_count: number) (done) Author Prompt, (intent : create, edit) (done) Prompt Responses, (promptId, responseCount) (done) Account
Custom Events (for user actions)
(done) app_started
(done) prompt_saved
- identifier (randomly generated, different from what's in the local db)
- action_type: "create" / "update"
- notification_config
(done) prompt_deleted
- identifier (randomly generated, different from what's in the local db)
(done) prompt_response (changed in Fusion_ios_1.0.01_14 from
)- identifier
- triggerTimestamp
- responseTimestamp
(todo) prompt_notification
TODO: handle when user is offline :p
(done) switch storage to sqlite
(done) create tables
- prompts
- prompt_responses
- prompt_notifications
(done) logic to save prompts & read from tables
(done) delete logic for prompts, prompt_notifications
(done) logic to trigger notifications based on prompt config first, we use a function to select the times to trigger
- if Mon-Sun are set, then use DailyTriggerInput https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/notifications/#dailytriggerinput
- with multiple notification instances scheduled for time periods.
- otherwise, use WeeklyTriggerInput https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/notifications/#weeklytriggerinput
- with multiple notification instances scheduled for time periods.
- repeated across selected days.
- if Mon-Sun are set, then use DailyTriggerInput https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/notifications/#dailytriggerinput
(done) edit prompts
(done) logic to save prompt responses & read
(notes on notifications)
remove other ones when a new one is presented (we should only have one in the tray at a time)
Have only one notification for a prompt in the tray.
When installing "isomorphic-webcrypto", set "--ignore-optional"
if things aren't making sense, run
expo run:ios --no-build-cache
Setting environment variables
Expo handles environment variables a little different than regular web app. We set them in the app.config.ts file. and then use constants. See appInsights.js for an example. More docs - https://docs.expo.dev/build-reference/variables/
- Follow this doc for neurosity bluetooth integration: https://docs.neurosity.co/docs/api/bluetooth-react-native