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No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator

This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 5.0.0
  • Generator version: 7.8.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioClientCodegen


Installation & Usage

To use the package from, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

  openapi: 1.0.0


If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

      #ref: main

Local development

To use the package from your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/openapi

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:openapi/openapi.dart';

final api = Openapi().getAuthApi();
final LogoutCommand logoutCommand = ; // LogoutCommand | Refresh token body for clients that don't use cookies

try {
    final response = await api.getNewRefreshToken(logoutCommand);
} catch on DioException (e) {
    print("Exception when calling AuthApi->getNewRefreshToken: $e\n");

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to /api

Class Method HTTP request Description
AuthApi getNewRefreshToken POST /token/ Get fresh tokens
AuthApi login POST /login/ Login
AuthApi logout POST /logout/ Logout
AuthApi signUp POST /signUp Signs up
CategoryApi createCategory POST /category/ Create category
CategoryApi deleteCategory DELETE /category/{categoryId} Delete category
CategoryApi getAllCategories GET /category/ Get all categories
CategoryApi getCategoryCountByName GET /category/{categoryName} Get category count by name
CategoryApi getPagedCategories POST /category/getPagedCategories Get paged categories
CategoryApi updateCategory PUT /category/{categoryId} Update category
CommentApi addComment POST /comment/ Add comment
CommentApi deleteComment DELETE /comment/{commentId} Delete comment
DashboardApi createDashboard POST /dashboard/ Create dashboard
DashboardApi deleteDashboard DELETE /dashboard/{dashboardId} Delete dashboard
DashboardApi getDashboardsForUserByGroupId GET /dashboard/{groupId} Get dashboards for a user by group id
DashboardApi updateDashboard PUT /dashboard/{dashboardId} Update dashboard
FeatureConfigApi getFeatureConfig GET /featureConfig Get feature config
GroupsApi createGroup POST /group Create group
GroupsApi deleteGroup DELETE /group/{groupId} Delete group
GroupsApi getGroupById GET /group/{groupId} Gets a group by Id
GroupsApi getGroupsForuser GET /group Get groups for user
GroupsApi getOcrTextForGroup GET /group/{groupId}/ocrText Reads each image in a group and returns the zipped read text
GroupsApi getPagedGroups POST /group/getPagedGroups Get paged groups
GroupsApi pollGroupEmail POST /group/{groupId}/pollGroupEmail Poll group email
GroupsApi updateGroup PUT /group/{groupId} Update a group
GroupsApi updateGroupSettings PUT /group/{groupId}/groupSettings Update group settings
ImportApi importConfigJson POST /import/importConfigJson Import config json
NotificationsApi deleteAllNotificationsForUser DELETE /notifications/ Delete all notifications for user
NotificationsApi deleteNotificationById DELETE /notifications/{notificationId} Delete notification by id
NotificationsApi getNotificationCount GET /notifications/notificationCount Notification count
NotificationsApi getNotificationsForuser GET /notifications/ Get all user notifications
PromptApi createDefaultPrompt POST /prompt/createDefaultPrompt Create default prompt
PromptApi createPrompt POST /prompt/ Create prompt
PromptApi deletePromptById DELETE /prompt/{id} Delete prompt by id
PromptApi getPagedPrompts POST /prompt/getPagedPrompts Gets paged prompts
PromptApi getPromptById GET /prompt/{id} Get prompt by id
PromptApi updatePromptById PUT /prompt/{id} Update prompt by id
ReceiptApi bulkReceiptStatusUpdate POST /receipt/bulkStatusUpdate Bulk receipt status update
ReceiptApi createReceipt POST /receipt/ Create receipt
ReceiptApi deleteReceiptById DELETE /receipt/{receiptId} Delete receipt
ReceiptApi duplicateReceipt POST /receipt/{receiptId}/duplicate Duplicate receipt
ReceiptApi getReceiptById GET /receipt/{receiptId} Get receipt
ReceiptApi getReceiptsForGroup POST /receipt/group/{groupId} Gets receipts
ReceiptApi hasAccessToReceipt GET /receipt/hasAccess Has access to receipt
ReceiptApi quickScanReceipt POST /receipt/quickScan Quick scan a receipt
ReceiptApi updateReceipt PUT /receipt/{receiptId} Update receipt
ReceiptImageApi convertToJpg POST /receiptImage/convertToJpg Converts a receipt image to jpg
ReceiptImageApi deleteReceiptImageById DELETE /receiptImage/{receiptImageId} Delete receipt image
ReceiptImageApi downloadReceiptImageById GET /receiptImage/{receiptImageId}/download Download receipt image
ReceiptImageApi getReceiptImageById GET /receiptImage/{receiptImageId} Get receipt image
ReceiptImageApi magicFillReceipt POST /receiptImage/magicFill Reads a receipt image and returns the parsed results
ReceiptImageApi uploadReceiptImage POST /receiptImage/ Uploads a receipt image
ReceiptProcessingSettingsApi checkReceiptProcessingSettingsConnectivity POST /receiptProcessingSettings/checkConnectivity Check receipt processing settings connectivity
ReceiptProcessingSettingsApi createReceiptProcessingSettings POST /receiptProcessingSettings Create receipt processing settings
ReceiptProcessingSettingsApi deleteReceiptProcessingSettingsById DELETE /receiptProcessingSettings/{id} Delete receipt processing settings by id
ReceiptProcessingSettingsApi getPagedProcessingSettings POST /receiptProcessingSettings/getPagedProcessingSettings Gets paged processing settings
ReceiptProcessingSettingsApi getReceiptProcessingSettingsById GET /receiptProcessingSettings/{id} Get receipt processing settings by id
ReceiptProcessingSettingsApi updateReceiptProcessingSettingsById PUT /receiptProcessingSettings/{id} Update receipt processing settings by id
SearchApi receiptSearch GET /search/ Receipt Search
SystemEmailApi checkSystemEmailConnectivity POST /systemEmail/checkConnectivity Check system email connectivity
SystemEmailApi createSystemEmail POST /systemEmail/ Create system email
SystemEmailApi deleteSystemEmailById DELETE /systemEmail/{id} Delete system email by id
SystemEmailApi getPagedSystemEmails POST /systemEmail/getSystemEmails Gets paged system emails
SystemEmailApi getSystemEmailById GET /systemEmail/{id} Get system email by id
SystemEmailApi updateSystemEmailById PUT /systemEmail/{id} Update system email by id
SystemSettingsApi getSystemSettings GET /systemSettings Get system settings
SystemSettingsApi updateSystemSettings PUT /systemSettings Update system settings
SystemTaskApi getPagedSystemTasks POST /systemTask/getPagedSystemTasks Gets paged system tasks
TagApi createTag POST /tag/ Create tag
TagApi deleteTag DELETE /tag/{tagId} Delete tag
TagApi getAllTags GET /tag/ Get all tags
TagApi getPagedTags POST /tag/getPagedTags Get paged tags
TagApi getTagCountByName GET /tag/{tagName} Get tag count by name
TagApi updateTag PUT /tag/{tagId} Update tag
UserApi convertDummyUserById POST /user/{userId}/convertDummyUserToNormalUser Converts dummy user
UserApi createUser POST /user Create user
UserApi deleteUserById DELETE /user/{userId} Delete user
UserApi getAmountOwedForUser GET /user/amountOwedForUser Get amount owed for user
UserApi getAppData GET /user/appData Get app data
UserApi getUserClaims GET /user/getUserClaims Get claims for logged in user
UserApi getUsernameCount GET /user/{username} Get username count
UserApi getUsers GET /user Get users
UserApi resetPasswordById POST /user/{userId}/resetPassword Reset password
UserApi updateUserById PUT /user/{userId} Update user by id
UserApi updateUserProfile PUT /user/updateUserProfile Update user profile
UserPreferencesApi getUserPreferences GET /userPreferences Get user preferences
UserPreferencesApi updateUserPreferences PUT /userPreferences Update user preferences

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: HTTP Bearer Token authentication (JWT)
