Service for publications, tutorials and articles.
- Open JDK 11
- Gradle 5.2.1
- Spring Boot 2.2.2
- Spring Data 2.2.2
- Spring Security 2.2.2
- Spring Cloud 2.2.2
- Netflix Eureka 2.2.4
- Netflix Zuul 2.2.4
- MongoDB 4.2
- Lombok 1.18.12
- Model Mapper 2.3.7
- Mongobee 0.13
- Swagger 2.9.2
- Open API 3.0.0
- Junit 5
- Checkstyle 7.2
- Openshift CLI 4
- GitHub Workflow CI
To run your application without first building an archive use the bootRun task:
gradle bootRun
To build use the command:
gradle build
To create a jar file write following command and put enter:
java -jar ./build/libs/post-api-1.0.2.jar
You need an installed docker program on your computer, or download it, such as:
apt-get install docker
Build project with Gradle:
apt-get install gradle
Build project with Gradle:
gradle build
After build, please create an image woth and link tag with -t
docker build -t reckue/post .
Run the MongoDB latest version image with 27017 port:
docker run -p 27017:27017 -t mongo:latest
Run this image in a container on the 9002 port and connect with the develop
spring profile on the 8080 port:
docker run -e "--spring.profiles.active=develop" -p 8080:9002 -t reckue/post
Open the http://localhost:8080 on your browser.
For any problems, comments, or feedback please create an issue here on GitHub.
Reckue is released under the MIT license.