SLMP (a subset of it) client library for C#
WARNING: Keep in mind, this is my first C# project and despite considering myself as a pretty competent programmer, I'm sceptical of the code and my understanding of SLMP. Therefore I'd not advise you to use this library in production without proper testing. I tested this library pretty extensively with an FX5U-32M but there are no unit tests as of now. Use this library at your own risk.
Config plcConfig = new Config()
Client plcClient = new Client(plcConfig);
// reading form word/bit devices
var _ = plcClient.ReadDevice(BitDevice.M, 200, 18); // an array of bools starting from
// M200 and ending on M217
var _ = plcClient.ReadDevice(WordDevice.D, 200, 8); // an array of `ushort`s starting from
// D200 and ending on D207
// reading to word/bit devices
plcClient.WriteDevice(BitDevice.M, 200, new bool[]{ true, false }); // write `true, false` to `BitDevice.M`
// starting from M200
plcClient.WriteDevice(WordDevice.D, 200, new ushort[] { 0xdead, 0xbeef }); // write `0xdead, 0xbeef` to `WordDevice.D`
// starting from D200
// read/write strings
plcClient.WriteString(WordDevice.D, 200, "SLMPSTRING"); // write a string to `WordDevice.D`
var _ = plcClient.ReadString(WordDevice.D, 200, 10); // read a string of length `10`
public struct ExampleStruct
public bool boolean_word;
public int signed_double_word;
public uint unsigned_double_word;
public short short_signed_word;
public ushort ushort_unsigned_word;
[SLMPString(length = 6)]
public string even_length_string;
[SLMPString(length = 5)]
public string odd_length_string;
Config plcConfig = new Config()
Client plcClient = new Client(plcConfig);
var _ = plcClient.ReadStruct<ExampleStruct>(STRUCT_DEVICE, STRUCT_ADDR);