Snap is a squashfs used to distribute applications on Linux targets in a secure, easy and maintainable fashion.
Snap commands official reference
Info on installing snap can be found at: The official snap installation guide
For more info check: Complete snap usage article
Most Linux distros are covered there. If you encounter a problem contact us @ [email protected].
- To install reicast (after having snap setup), simply run:
snap install reicast --edge
- This will get the latest master build for reicast.
- If it fails, run it with sudo.
snap and snapcraft info:
- Snapcraft is a command line tool used to build snaps.
- For now, all snaps should be built to run against the ‘Series 16’ core.
- Snaps are built to run against a base snap containing a minimal common runtime environment.
- The best experience is generally to use a clean Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS system or LXD containers or VM running Ubuntu 16.04.3.
- Snapcraft is itself available as a snap.
- Snapcraft builds on top of tools like autotools, make, and cmake to create snaps for people to install on Linux.
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