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How to run the chart locally

  1. Create the cluster with kind

    Make sure ports 30001, 30002 (Grafana, optional) are available

    kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1.24.7 --config kind.yml
  2. (Optional) Build oncall image locally and load it to kind cluster

       docker build ../engine -t oncall/engine:latest --target dev
       kind load docker-image oncall/engine:latest

    Also make sure to add the following lines to your simple.yml (you may also need to enable devMode):

      repository: oncall/engine
      tag: latest
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      devMode: true

    Alternatively you can also pass an extra --values ./local_image.yml in the command below.

  3. Install the helm chart

       helm install helm-testing \
       --wait \
       --values ./simple.yml \
  4. Get credentials

    echo "\n\nOpen Grafana on localhost:30002 with credentials - user: admin, password: $(kubectl get secret --namespace default helm-testing-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo)"
    echo "Open Plugins -> Grafana OnCall -> fill form: backend url: http://host.docker.internal:30001"
  5. Clean up If you happen to helm uninstall helm-testing be sure to delete all the Persistent Volume Claims, as Postgres stores the auto-generated password on disk, and the next helm install will fail.

    kubectl delete pvc --all
    kubectl delete pv --all

    This, of course, will delete all the PVs and PVCs also :-)

    kind delete cluster