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BentoML Examples 🎨 Twitter Follow Slack

BentoML is an open platform for machine learning in production. It simplifies model packaging and model management, optimizes model serving workloads to run at production scale, and accelerates the creation, deployment, and monitoring of prediction services.

The repository contains a collection of example projects demonstrating BentoML usage and best practices.

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Example Framework Model Functionality
custom_model_runner PyTorch MNIST Custom Model Runner, Prometheus, gRPC
custom_python_model/lda_classifier Picklable LDA Custom Python Model
custom_python_model/simple_pickable_model Picklable Python Function
custom_runner/nltk_pretrained_model Custom NLTK Custom Runner
custom_runner/torch_hub_yolov5 Custom YOLOv5 Custom Runner, Torch Hub
custom_web_serving/fastapi_example SKLearn Classification FastAPI
custom_web_serving/flask_example SKLearn Classification Flask
inference_graph Transformers Text Generation, Text Classification Hugging Face Model Hub, Inference Graph
kfserving SKLearn Classification KServe
mlflow/keras MLflow, Keras Sequential
mlflow/lightgbm MLflow, LightGBM Classification
mlflow/pytorch MLflow, PyTorch MNIST
mlflow/sklearn_autolog MLflow, SKLearn Linear Regression, Pipeline MLflow Automatic Logging
mlflow/sklearn_logistic_regression MLflow, SKLearn Logistic Regression
mlflow/torchscript/IrisClassification MLflow, TorchScript Classfication MLflow Log Model
mlflow/torchscript/MNIST MLflow, PyTorch MNIST MLflow Log Model
monitoring/task_classification SKLearn Classfication Model Monitoring, Classification Tasks
pydantic_validation SKLearn Classification Pydantic Model, Validation
pytorch_mnist PyTorch MNIST
quickstart SKLearn Classification Notebook
sklearn/linear_regression SKLearn Linear Regression
sklearn/pipeline SKLearn Pipeline
tensorflow2_keras TensorFlow, Keras MNIST Notebook
tensorflow2_native TensforFlow MNIST Notebook
xgboost XGBoost DMatrix
flax/MNIST Flax MNIST gRPC, Testing
triton/onnx ONNX YOLOv5 Triton Inference Server, gRPC, Python SDK (Containerization, Serve, Build)
triton/pytorch Torchscript YOLOv5 Triton Inference Server, gRPC, Python SDK (Containerization, Serve, Build)
triton/tensorflow Tensorflow YOLOv5 Triton Inference Server, gRPC, Python SDK (Containerization, Serve, Build)
kubeflow XGBoost Fraud Detection Kubeflow, Notebook

How to contribute

If you have issues running these projects or have suggestions for improvement, use Github Issues 🐱

If you are interested in contributing new projects to this repo, let's talk 🥰 - Join us on Slack and share your idea in #bentoml-contributors channel

Before you create a Pull Request, make sure:

  • Follow the basic structures and naming conventions of other existing example projects
  • Ensure your project runs with the latest version of BentoML

For legacy version prior to v1.0.0, see the 0.13-LTS branch.