Provides key information about committee's finance reports and provides 2-year election totals for key numbers.
As part of each financial report, committees must provide a summary of their financial activity in each filing, and these summaries for each reporting period are included in these files. Generally, committees file reports on a quarterly or monthly basis, but some must also submit a report 12 days before primary elections. During the primary election season, therefore, the period covered by this file may be different for different committees. These totals also incorporate any changes made by committees if any report covering the period is amended.
There are several different reporting structures, depending on what type of organization is submitting financial information. To see an example of these reporting requirements you can look at the summary and detailed summary pages of the FEC form 3, form 3X and form 3P.
Parameter | Description |
/<committee_id> | A single committee's reports and cycle totals. This will be slightly faster that using committee_id as a filter but, only one committee_id is accepted per call. |
committeee_id= | Synonym for /<committee_id> |
fields = | Comma separated list of fields to display or * for all |
The numbers in the financial summaries come from form 3 for House and Senate committees, form 3p for presidential committees and form 3x for parties and PACs.
Image number of the first page of the filing.
Total liquid assets at the beginning of the reporting period
Total of all the debts owed by a committee.
Total of all the debts owed to a committee.
The two-year election cycle of the report.
The image number of the last page of the filing.
If the treasurer, custodian of records, etc., changes, then the current record is expired and the new record is loaded. This is the date the record was updated and no longer up to date.
Date the filing was loaded into the system.
The year of the report.
The sum of all contributions during the period.
The sum of all contributions for the year to date.
The sum of all disbursements during the period.
The sum of all disbursements for the year to date.
The sum of all receipts during the period.
The sum of all receipts for the year to date.
This will be presidential, pac party or House Senate. It corresponds to the form type.
The date the report was recorded in the database.
What kind of report was filed. It can be quarterly, monthly, pre-general, etc.
The written-out description of the report type
The four-digit year for the two-year election cycle.
The sum of all total_contributions_period reported for the election cycle.
The sum of all total_disbursements_period reported for the election cycle.
The sum of all total_receipts_period reported for the election cycle.
Beginning image number.
Candidate contribution during the period.
Candidate contribution for the year to date.
Cash on hand beginning during the period.
Cash on hand end during the period.
Debts owed by committee.
Debts owed to committee.
End image number.
Exempt legal accounting disbursement during the period.
Exempt legal accounting disbursement for the year to date.
Expire date.
Federal funds during the period.
Federal funds for the year to date.
Fundraising disbursements during the period.
Fundraising disbursements for the year to date.
Individual contributions during the period.
Individual contributions for the year to date.
Items on hand liquidated.
Load date.
Loans received from candidate during the period.
Loans received from candidate for the year to date.
Net contribution summary during the period.
Net operating expenses summary during the period.
Offsets to fundraising expenses during the period.
Offsets to fundraising expenditures for the year to date.
Offsets to legal accounting during the period.
Offsets to legal accounting for the year to date.
Offsets to operating expenditures during the period.
Offsets to operating expenditures for the year to date.
Operating expenditures during the period.
Operating expenditures for the year to date.
Other disbursements during the period.
Other disbursements for the year to date.
Other loans received during the period.
Other loans received for the year to date.
Other political committee contributions during the period.
Other political committee contributions for the year to date.
Other receipts during the period.
Other receipts for the year to date.
Political party committee contributions during the period.
Political party committee contributions for the year to date.
Refunds individual contributions during the period.
Refunded individual contributions for the year to date.
Refunded other political committee contributions during the period.
Refunded other political committee contributions for the year to date.
Refunded political party committee contributions during the period.
Refunded political party committee contributions for the year to date.
Repayments loans made by candidate during the period.
Repayments loans made candidate for the year to date.
Repayments other loans during the period.
Repayments other loans for the year to date.
Report for the year to date.
Subtotal summary during the period.
Transfer from affiliated committee during the period.
Transfer from affiliated committee for the year to date.
Transfer to other authorized committee during the period.
transfer to other authorized committee for the year to date.
Total contributions during the period.
Total contribution refunds during the period.
Total contribution refunds for the year to date.
Total contributions for the year to date.
Total disbursements during the period.
Total disbursements summary during the period.
Total disbursements for the year to date.
Total loan repayments made during the period.
Total loan repayments made for the year to date.
Total loans received during the period.
Total loans received for the year to date.
Total offsets to operating expenditures during the period.
Total offsets to operating expenditures for the year to date.
Total during the period.
Total receipts during the period.
Total receipts from the summary page during the period.
Total receipts for the year to date.
Total for the year to date.
All total fields sum the period reports for the two-year election cycles to create totals. for example, 'receipts' in totals is the sum of total_receipts_period during the election cycle. All totals are grouped by election cycle
A four-digit number for the two-year election cycle.
Total candidate contribution for the two-year election cycle.
Total exempt legal accounting disbursement for the two-year election cycle.
Total federal funds for the two-year election cycle.
Total fundraising disbursements for the two-year election cycle.
Total individual contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total loans received from candidate for the two-year election cycle.
Total offsets to fundraising expenses for the two-year election cycle.
Total offsets to legal accounting for the two-year election cycle.
Total offsets to operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total other disbursements for the two-year election cycle.
Total other loans received for the two-year election cycle.
Total other political committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total other receipts for the two-year election cycle.
Total political party committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total refunds individual contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total refunded other political committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total refunded political party committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total repayments loans made by candidate for the two-year election cycle.
Total repayments other loans for the two-year election cycle.
Total transfer from affiliated committee for the two-year election cycle.
Total transfer to other authorized committee for the two-year election cycle.
Total contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total contribution refunds for the two-year election cycle.
Total disbursements for the two-year election cycle.
Total loan repayments made for the two-year election cycle.
Total loans received for the two-year election cycle.
Total offsets to operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total receipts for the two-year election cycle.
Refunds individual contributions during the period.
Refunds other political committee contributions for the year to date.
End image number.
Total offsets to operating expenditures during the period.
Total loan repayments for the year to date.
Transfers from other authorized committee during the period.
Refunds political party committee contributions during the period.
Candidate contributions during the period.
Total contributions column total during the period.
Transfers to other authorized committee during the period.
Net operating expenditures during the period.
Gross receipts minus personal contributions primary (Form 3 -- BCRA Millionaire's Amendment ruled unconstitutional Davis v FEC)
Gross receipts authorized committee in the general election.
Transfers to other authorized committee for the year to date.
Operating expenditures during the period.
Gross receipts minus personal contributions in the primary.
Refunds other political committee contributions during the period.
Offsets to operating expenditures for the year to date.
Total individual itemized contributions for the year to date. Contributions under $200 are not itemized.
Total loan repayments during the period.
Load date.
Loan repayments candidate loans during the period.
Debts owed by committee.
Total disbursements during the period.
Candidate contributions for the year to date.
Transfers from other authorized committee for the year to date.
Cash on hand beginning during the period.
Offsets to operating expenditures during the period.
All other loans for the year to date.
All other loans during the period.
Other disbursements during the period.
Refunds total contributions col total for the year to date.
Other disbursements for the year to date.
Refunds individual contributions for the year to date.
Individual itemized contributions during the period.
Total loans for the year to date.
Cash on hand end during the period.
Net contributions during the period.
Net contributions for the year to date.
Individual unitemized contributions during the period.
Other political committee contributions for the year to date.
Total receipts during the period.
Cash on hand end during the period.
Total contributions refunds for the year to date.
Other political committee contributions during the period.
Total contributions during the period.
Loan repayments candidate loans for the year to date.
Total disbursements for the year to date.
Total offsets to operating expenditures for the year to date.
Debts owed to committee.
Total operating expenditures for the year to date.
Report for the year to date.
Gross receipt authorized committee primary.
Political party committee contributions during the period.
Total contributions for the year to date.
Loan repayments other loans during the period.
Operating expenditures for the year to date.
Total loans during the period.
Total individual contributions for the year to date.
Total receipts.
Loan repayments other loans for the year to date.
Refunds political party committee contributions for the year to date.
Beginning image number.
Expire date.
Political party committee contributions for the year to date.
Loans made by candidate for the year to date.
Total receipts for the year to date.
Total disbursements during the period.
Other receipts during the period.
Total contribution refunds col total during the period.
Total individual contributions during the period.
Net operating expenditures for the year to date.
Total operating expenditures during the period.
Loans made by candidate during the period.
Aggregate amount contributed from personal funds - primary (Form 3 -- BCRA Millionaire's Amendment ruled unconstitutional Davis v FEC)
Total contribution refunds during the period.
Subtotal during the period.
Total individual unitemized contributions for the year to date.
Other receipts for the year to date.
All total fields sum the period reports for the two-year election cycles to create totals. for example, 'receipts' in totals is the sum of total_receipts_period during the election cycle. All totals are grouped by election cycle
The four-digit number for the two-year election cycle.
Total refunds individual contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total offsets to operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total transfers from other authorized committee for the two-year election cycle.
Total refunds political party committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total transfers to other authorized committee for the two-year election cycle.
Total candidate contribution for the two-year election cycle.
Total operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total refunds other political committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total loan repayments for the two-year election cycle.
Total loan repayments candidate loans for the two-year election cycle.
Total disbursements for the two-year election cycle.
Total offsets to operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total all other loans for the two-year election cycle.
Total other disbursements for the two-year election cycle.
Total individual itemized contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total individual unitemized contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total receipts for the two-year election cycle.
Total other political committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total political party committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total loan repayments other loans for the two-year election cycle.
Total other receipts for the two-year election cycle.
Total loans for the two-year election cycle.
Total disbursements for the two-year election cycle.
Total other receipts for the two-year election cycle.
Total individual contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total loans made by candidate for the two-year election cycle.
Total contribution refunds for the two-year election cycle.
Election type sk.
End image number.
Individual contributions refunds for the year to date.
Total contributions refunds during the period i.
Shared nonfed operating expenditures during the period.
Shared fed activity nonfed for the year to date.
Other political committee contributions for the year to date.
Subtotal summary page during the period.
Total fed receipts during the period.
Net operating expenditures during the period.
Shared fed activity for the year to date.
Loan repymts received during the period.
Cash on hand close for the year to date.
Offsets to operating expendituresenditures during the period.
Cash on hand end during the period.
Independent expenditures during the period.
Other fed operating expenditures during the period.
Loan repayments made during the period.
Total fed elect activity during the period.
Total receipts during the period.
Total nonfed transfers during the period.
Political party committee contributions during the period.
Total nonfed transfers for the year to date.
Total fed disbursements during the period.
Offsets to operating expendituresenditures for the year to date.
Total disbursements during the period.
Non allocated fed election activity for the year to date.
Subtotal summary for the year to date.
Political party committee contributions during the period.
All loans received for the year to date.
Load date.
Total fed election activity for the year to date.
Total operating expenditures for the year to date.
Non allocated fed election activity during the period.
Fed candidate committee contributions refunds for the year to date.
Debts owed by committee.
Loan repayments received for the year to date.
Cash on hand beginning during the period.
Total receipts summary page for the year to date.
Coordinated expenditures by party committee for the year to date.
Loan repayments made for the year to date.
Coordinated expenditures by party committee during the period.
Shared fed activity nonfed during the period.
Transfers to affilitated committees for the year to date.
Individual itemized contributions for the year to date.
Other disbursements during the period.
Fed candidate committee contributions for the year to date.
Other disbursements for the year to date.
Loans made for the year to date.
Total disbursements summary page for the year to date.
Fed candidate committee contributions during the period.
Offsets to operating expendituresenditures during the period.
Net contributions during the period.
Net contributions for the year to date.
Individual unitemized contributions during the period.
Total receipts summary page during the period.
Political party committee contributions for the year to date.
All loans received during the period.
Cash on hand at the beginning of the calendar year.
Total individual contributions.
Total contributions during the period.
Offsets to operating expenditures for the year to date.
Transfers from non-federal levin funds (state and local party money that can spend on voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities related to federal elections) during the period.
Total disbursements for the year to date.
Political party committee contributions for the year to date.
Debts owed to committee.
Shared fed operating expenditures during the period.
Transfers from non-federal levin funds (state and local party money that can spend on voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities related to federal elections) for the year to date.
Loans made during the period.
Transfers from affiliated party for the year to date.
Transfers to affiliated committee during the period.
Independent expenditures for the year to date.
Other fed receipts for the year to date.
Total contributions refunded for the year to date.
Report for the year to date.
Other political committee contributions during the period.
Total contributions for the year to date.
Other fed receipts during the period.
Transfers from affiliated party during the period.
Individual unitemized contributions for the year to date.
Total fed disbursements for the year to date.
Total fed operating expenditures for the year to date.
Total individual contributions for the year to date.
Other fed operating expenditures for the year to date.
Total contribution refunds during the period.
Beginning image number.
Expire date.
Individual contribution refunds during the period.
Total contribution refunds for the year to date.
Transfers from non-federal account during the period.
Total fed operating expenditures during the period.
Shared fed operating expenditures for the year to date.
Total fed receipts for the year to date.
Shared fed activity during the period.
Shared non-federal operating expenditures for the year to date.
Fed candidate contributions refunds during the period.
Net operating expenditures for the year to date.
Total operating expenditures during the period.
Transfers from non-federal account for the year to date.
Other political committee contributions during the period.
Total disbursements summary page during the period.
Other political committee contributions for the year to date.
Total receipts for the year to date.
Individual itemized contributions during the period.
Calendar year of the report.
All total fields sum the period reports for the two-year election cycles to create totals. for example, 'receipts' in totals is the sum of total_receipts_period during the election cycle. All totals are grouped by election cycle.
A four-digit number for the two-year election cycle.
Total contribution refunds for the two-year election cycle.
Total shared non-federal operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total fed receipts for the two-year election cycle.
Total loan repayments received for the two-year election cycle.
Total offsets to operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total independent expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total other fed operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total loan repayments made for the two-year election cycle.
Total fed elect activity for the two-year election cycle.
Total receipts for the two-year election cycle.
Total non-federal transfers for the two-year election cycle.
Total political party committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total total fed disbursements for the two-year election cycle.
Total total disbursements for the two-year election cycle.
Total political party committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total non allocated fed election activity for the two-year election cycle.
Total coordinated expenditures by party committee for the two-year election cycle.
Total shared fed activity non-federal for the two-year election cycle.
Total other disbursements for the two-year election cycle.
Total fed candidate committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total offsets to operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total net contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total individual unitemized contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total of all loans received for the two-year election cycle.
Total contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total transfers from non-federal levin funds for the two-year election cycle.
Total shared fed operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total loans made for the two-year election cycle.
Total transfers to affiliated committee for the two-year election cycle.
Total of other political committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total of other federal receipts for the two-year election cycle.
Total transfers from affiliated party for the two-year election cycle.
Total total contribution refunds for the two-year election cycle.
Total individual contribution refunds for the two-year election cycle.
Total transfers from non-federal accounts for the two-year election cycle.
Total total fed operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total shared fed activity for the two-year election cycle.
Total fed candidate contribution refunds for the two-year election cycle.
Total total operating expenditures for the two-year election cycle.
Total other political committee contributions for the two-year election cycle.
Total individual itemized contributions for the two-year election cycle.