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Component Overview |
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ProComponents was developed to reduce the cost of implementing CRUD in the middle and backend, with the idea of reducing the necessary state maintenance and focusing more on the business.
- ProLayout solves the layout problem and provides out-of-the-box menu and breadcrumb functionality
- ProTable solves table issues, abstracts web requests and table formatting
- ProForm solves form issues, pre-defines common layouts and behaviors
- ProCard provides card slicing and raster layout capabilities
- ProDescriptions provides the ability to use the same configuration as a table
- ProSkeleton Page level skeleton screen
The main feature of ProForm is that it has a lot of pre-defined layouts, so if you need to switch you just need to change the Layout of the outer wrapper, here is a demo.
ProTable, ProList uses a new data structure which is very easy to use if you use the parameters we have agreed upon.
const msg: {
data: T[];
page: number;
success: boolean;
total: number;
} = {
data: [],
page: 1,
success: true,
total: 0,
If your backend data uses a familiar url, we could use a request to convert it, but it would be a pain to configure each table. If you're using umi's request, we can define a global transformer. We need to configure this in app.tsx
import { RequestConfig } from 'umi';
export const request: RequestConfig = {
errorConfig: {
adaptor: (resData) => {
// resData is our own data
return {
... . resData,
total: resData.sum,
success: resData.ok,
errorMessage: resData.message,
// when used
import { request } from 'umi';
<ProTable request={request('/list')} />;
If fetch is used, you can customize fetch.
const request = (url, options) => {
return fetch(url, options)
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((resData) => {
return Promise.resolve({
... . resData,
total: resData.sum,
success: resData.ok,
errorMessage: resData.message,
// when used
<ProTable request={request('/list')} />;
ProTable, ProDescriptions share a common set of configurations that can use the same columns and requests to generate data, the only difference being that Table requires an array, while ProDescriptions only requires an object. Here are the specific configurations.
* Commonly supported render for each component
export type ProSchema<T = unknown, U = string, Extra = unknown> = {
* @name Determines the unique value of this column
key?: (string | number);
* @name The key mapped to the entity
* @description supports a number, [a,b] will be converted to obj.a.b
dataIndex?: string | number | (string | number)[];
* Select how to render the corresponding pattern
valueType?: ((entity: T, type: ProSchemaComponentTypes) => U) | U;
* @name title
* @description supports ReactNode and methods
| ((
schema: ProSchema<T, U, Extra>,
type: ProSchemaComponentTypes,
dom: React.ReactNode,
ReactNode, ) => React.)
| ReactNode;
*@name shows an icon, hover shows some hints
tooltip?: LabelTooltipType | string;
* @deprecated you can use tooltip, this change is for consistency with antd
tip?: string;
render?: (
dom: React.ReactNode,
entity: T,
index: number,
action: ProCoreActionType,
schema: ProSchema<T, U, Extra>,
) => React.ReactNode;
* @name Customize the edit schema
* @description returns a node that will automatically wrap value and onChange
renderFormItem?: (
item: ProSchema<T, U, Extra>,
config: {
index?: number;
value?: any;
onSelect?: (value: any) => void;
type: ProSchemaComponentTypes;
defaultRender: (newItem: ProSchema<T, U, Extra>) => JSX.Element | null;
form: FormInstance,
) => React.ReactNode;
* @name Custom render
* @description must return string
renderText?: (text: any, record: T, index: number, action: ProCoreActionType) => any;
fieldProps?: any;
* @name The type of the mapped value
valueEnum?: ProSchemaValueEnumObj | ProSchemaValueEnumMap;
* @name request enum from server
request?: ProFieldRequestData<ProSchema>;
* @name Parameter requested from the server, changes will trigger a reload
params?: {
[key: string]: any;
* @name hidden in descriptions
hideInDescriptions?: boolean;
} & Extra;