Starred repositories
Red Team oriented C# Simple HTTP & WebDAV Server with Net-NTLM hashes capture functionality
Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
A fast tool to mass scan for a vulnerability on Microsoft Exchange Server that allows an attacker bypassing the authentication and impersonating as the admin (CVE-2021-26855).
reconFTW is a tool designed to perform automated recon on a target domain by running the best set of tools to perform scanning and finding out vulnerabilities
A protective and Low Level Shellcode Loader that defeats modern EDR systems.
Xmader / bilitwin
Forked from liqi0816/bilitwinbilibili merged flv+mp4+ass+enhance / 哔哩哔哩: 超清FLV下载, FLV合并, 原生MP4下载, 弹幕ASS下载, CC字幕转码ASS下载, AAC音频下载, MKV打包, 播放体验增强, 原生appsecret, 不借助其他网站
📊 The concise and progressive visualization grammar.
A new way to see and navigate directory trees :
Automation for internal Windows Penetrationtest / AD-Security
Public malware techniques used in the wild: Virtual Machine, Emulation, Debuggers, Sandbox detection.
An improvement of the original reflective DLL injection technique by Stephen Fewer of Harmony Security
Also known by Microsoft as Knifecoat 🌶️
Small self-contained pure-Go web server with Lua, Teal, Markdown, Ollama, HTTP/2, QUIC, Redis, SQLite and PostgreSQL support ++
🚀 gnet is a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go.
** DISCONTINUED ** C2 framework that uses Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) as communication protocol and Direct Syscalls + Dinvoke for EDR user-mode hooking evasion.
Ah shhgit! Find secrets in your code. Secrets detection for your GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket repositories.
Nightly builds of common C# offensive tools, fresh from their respective master branches built and released in a CDI fashion using Azure DevOps release pipelines.
ToRat is a Remote Administation tool written in Go using Tor as a transport mechanism and RPC for communication
Block spying and tracking on Windows
Sinister is Windows/Linux Keylogger Generator which sends key-logs via email with other juicy target info
collect for learning cases