Version control is what it's all about
GitHub is a website that allows you to upload your git respositories online. It allows you to have a backup of your files online, has a visual interface to navigate your repos, and it allows other people to be able to view, copy, or contribute to your repos.
Git is a version control system. It allows you to manage the history of your git repositories.
Part 1: Software Installations (Required)
Part 2: SSH Keys (Optional)
Part 3: Setup (Required)
- Introduction to Git & GitHub
- GitHub browser
- Navigating page
- Individual repositories
- learn to create a repo on GitHub and update via Git
- clone a repository (copy from GitHub browser to local machine using Git)
- create a branch and work from it
- undo Git changes
- Collaborating
- clone an organization's repo
- make changes and submit a pull request
Exercise 1: create & update your repo
- create repo on GitHub
- clone (copy) GH repo to local computer
- look at remotes
- work with branches
- add, update files at Git terminal and send changes up to GH
- submit a pull request
Exercise 2: fork & update an organization repo
- fork/clone an organization's repo
- add updates and submit a pull request
Exercise 3: rebasing
- git fetch/rebase vs git pull
- edit and squash commits