- A Note on Distributed Computing
- BigTable - Distributed storage system
- Borg
- Byzantine Generals Problem
- Cassandra
- Chubby lock service
- Comparing the use of DynamoDB and HBase for NoSQL
- Consistency Models of NoSQL Databases
- Dapper - Distributed tracing
- Dynamo - Key value store
- FLP Impossibility Result
- Harvest, yield and Fault tolerant systems
- IEEE Software Design 2PC
- Increasing the resilience of Distributed and Replicated database systems
- LegoOS: A Disseminated, Distributed OS for Hardware Resource Disaggregation
- Lifeguard
- Paxos Made Simple
- Raft
- Spanner - Google's Globally distributed database
- The Part-Time Parliament
- Time, clocks and the Ordering of events in a Distributed System
- WiscKey
- Zookeeper