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Karmada (Kubernetes Armada) is a Kubernetes management system that enables you to run your cloud-native applications across multiple Kubernetes clusters and clouds, with no changes to your applications. By speaking Kubernetes-native APIs and providing advanced scheduling capabilities, Karmada enables truly open, multi-cloud Kubernetes.

Karmada aims to provide turnkey automation for multi-cluster application management in multi-cloud and hybrid cloud scenarios, with key features such as centralized multi-cloud management, high availability, failure recovery, and traffic scheduling.


Switch to the root directory of the repo.

$ helm install karmada -n karmada-system --create-namespace ./charts


  • Kubernetes 1.16+
  • helm v3+

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name karmada in namespace karmada-system:

Switch to the root directory of the repo.

$ helm install karmada -n karmada-system --create-namespace ./charts

Get kubeconfig from the cluster:

$ kubectl get secret -n karmada-system karmada-kubeconfig -o jsonpath={.data.kubeconfig} | base64 -d

Tip: List all releases using helm list

For better scheduling effect, you can choose to install the karmada-descheduler component in the karmada controller plane. Link: here. The following is the specific installation guide.

Edited values.yaml for karmada-descheduler

installMode: "component"
components: [

Execute command (switch to the root directory of the repo, and sets the current-context in a kubeconfig file)

$ kubectl config use-context host
$ helm install karmada-descheduler -n karmada-system ./charts

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the karmada helm release in namespace karmada-system:

$ helm uninstall karmada -n karmada-system

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Note: There are some RBAC resources that are used by the preJob that can not be deleted by the uninstall command above. You might have to clean them manually with tools like kubectl. You can clean them by commands:

$ kubectl delete sa/karmada-pre-job -nkarmada-system
$ kubectl delete clusterRole/karmada-pre-job 
$ kubectl delete clusterRoleBinding/karmada-pre-job
$ kubectl delete ns karmada-system


1. Install agent

Edited values.yaml

installMode: "agent"
  clusterName: "member"
  ## kubeconfig of the karmada
    caCrt: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    crt: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    key: |
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    server: "https://apiserver.karmada"

Execute command (switch to the root directory of the repo, and sets the current-context in a kubeconfig file)

$ kubectl config use-context member
$ helm install karmada-agent -n karmada-system --create-namespace ./charts

2. Install component

Edited values.yaml for karmada-scheduler-estimator

installMode: "component"
components: [
  clusterName: "member"
  ## kubeconfig of the member cluster
    caCrt: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    crt: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    key: |
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    server: "https://apiserver.member"

Execute command (switch to the root directory of the repo, and sets the current-context in a kubeconfig file)

$ kubectl config use-context host
$ helm install karmada-scheduler-estimator -n karmada-system ./charts


Name Description Value
installMode InstallMode "host", "agent" and "component" are provided, "host" means install karmada in the control-cluster, "agent" means install agent client in the member cluster, "component" means install selected components in the control-cluster "host"
clusterDomain Default cluster domain for karmada "cluster.local"
components Selected components list, selectable values: "schedulerEstimator" []
certs.mode Mode "auto" and "custom" are provided, "auto" means auto generate certificate, "custom" means use user certificate "auto" Expiry of the certificate "43800h" Hosts of the certificate ["kubernetes.default.svc","*.etcd.karmada-system.svc.cluster.local","*.karmada-system.svc.cluster.local","*.karmada-system.svc","localhost",""]
certs.custom.caCrt CA CRT of the certificate ""
certs.custom.crt CRT of the certificate ""
certs.custom.key KEY of the certificate ""
certs.custom.frontProxyCaCrt CA CRT of the front proxy certificate ""
certs.custom.frontProxyCrt CRT of the front proxy certificate ""
certs.custom.frontProxyKey KEY of the front proxy certificate ""
etcd.mode Mode "external" and "internal" are provided, "external" means use external ectd, "internal" means install a etcd in the cluster "internal"
etcd.external.servers Servers of etcd ""
etcd.external.registryPrefix Use to registry prefix of etcd "/registry/karmada"
etcd.external.certs.caCrt CA CRT of the etcd certificate ""
etcd.external.certs.crt CRT of the etcd certificate ""
etcd.external.certs.key KEY of the etcd certificate ""
etcd.internal.replicaCount Target replicas of the etcd 1
etcd.internal.image.repository Image of the etcd ""
etcd.internal.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of the etcd "IfNotPresent"
etcd.internal.image.tag Image tag of the etcd "3.4.13-0"
etcd.internal.storageType StorageType of the etcd, accepts "hostPath", "pvc" "hostPath"
etcd.internal.pvc.storageClass StorageClass of the etcd, takes effect when etcd.internal.storageType is "pvc" ""
etcd.internal.pvc.size Storage size of the etcd, takes effect when etcd.internal.storageType is "pvc" ""
etcd.internal.resources Resource quota of the etcd {}
agent.clusterName Name of the member cluster ""
agent.kubeconfig.caCrt CA CRT of the karmada certificate ""
agent.kubeconfig.crt CRT of the karmada certificate ""
agent.kubeconfig.key KEY of the karmada certificate ""
agent.kubeconfig.server API-server of the karmada ""
agent.labels Labels of the agent deployment {"app": "karmada-agent"}
agent.replicaCount Target replicas of the agent 1
agent.podLabels Labels of the agent pods {}
agent.podAnnotations Annotaions of the agent pods {}
agent.imagePullSecrets Image pull secret of the agent []
agent.image.repository Image of the agent ""
agent.image.tag Image tag of the agent "latest"
agent.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of the agent "IfNotPresent"
agent.resources Resource quota of the agent {}
agent.nodeSelector Node selector of the agent {}
agent.affinity Affinity of the agent {}
agent.tolerations Tolerations of the agent []
scheduler.labels Labels of the schedeler deployment {"app": "karmada-scheduler"}
scheduler.replicaCount Target replicas of the scheduler 1
scheduler.podLabels Labels of the scheduler pods {}
scheduler.podAnnotations Annotaions of the scheduler pods {}
scheduler.imagePullSecrets Image pull secret of the scheduler []
scheduler.image.repository Image of the scheduler ""
scheduler.image.tag Image tag of the scheduler "latest"
scheduler.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of the scheduler "IfNotPresent"
scheduler.resources Resource quota of the scheduler {}
scheduler.nodeSelector Node selector of the scheduler {}
scheduler.affinity Affinity of the scheduler {}
scheduler.tolerations Tolerations of the scheduler []
webhook.labels Labels of the webhook deployment {"app": "karmada-webhook"}
webhook.replicaCount Target replicas of the webhook 1
webhook.podLabels Labels of the webhook pods {}
webhook.podAnnotations Annotaions of the webhook pods {}
webhook.imagePullSecrets Image pull secret of the webhook []
webhook.image.repository Image of the webhook ""
webhook.image.tag Image tag of the webhook "latest"
webhook.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of the webhook "IfNotPresent"
webhook.resources Resource quota of the webhook {}
webhook.nodeSelector Node selector of the webhook {}
webhook.affinity Affinity of the webhook {}
webhook.tolerations Tolerations of the webhook []
controllerManager.labels Labels of the karmada-controller-manager deployment {"app": "karmada-controller-manager"}
controllerManager.replicaCount Target replicas of the karmada-controller-manager 1
controllerManager.podLabels Labels of the karmada-controller-manager pods {}
controllerManager.podAnnotations Annotaions of the karmada-controller-manager pods {}
controllerManager.imagePullSecrets Image pull secret of the karmada-controller-manager []
controllerManager.image.repository Image of the karmada-controller-manager ""
controllerManager.image.tag Image tag of the karmada-controller-manager "latest"
controllerManager.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of the karmada-controller-manager "IfNotPresent"
controllerManager.resources Resource quota of the karmada-controller-manager {}
controllerManager.nodeSelector Node selector of the karmada-controller-manager {}
controllerManager.affinity Affinity of the karmada-controller-manager {}
controllerManager.tolerations Tolerations of the karmada-controller-manager []
apiServer.labels Labels of the karmada-apiserver deployment {"app": "karmada-apiserver"}
apiServer.replicaCount Target replicas of the karmada-apiserver 1
apiServer.podLabels Labels of the karmada-apiserver pods {}
apiServer.podAnnotations Annotaions of the karmada-apiserver pods {}
apiServer.imagePullSecrets Image pull secret of the karmada-apiserver []
apiServer.image.repository Image of the karmada-apiserver ""
apiServer.image.tag Image tag of the karmada-apiserver "v1.21.7"
apiServer.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of the karmada-apiserver "IfNotPresent"
apiServer.resources Resource quota of the karmada-apiserver {}
apiServer.hostNetwork Deploy karmada-apiserver with hostNetwork. If there are multiple karmadas in one cluster, you'd better set it to "false" "true"
apiServer.nodeSelector Node selector of the karmada-apiserver {}
apiServer.affinity Affinity of the karmada-apiserver {}
apiServer.tolerations Tolerations of the karmada-apiserver []
apiServer.serviceType Service type of apiserver, accepts "ClusterIP", "NodePort", "LoadBalancer" "ClusterIP"
apiServer.nodePort Node port for apiserver, takes effect when apiServer.serviceType is "NodePort". If no port is specified, the nodePort will be automatically assigned. 0
aggregatedApiServer.labels Labels of the karmada-aggregated-apiserver deployment {"app": "karmada-aggregated-apiserver"}
aggregatedApiServer.replicaCount Target replicas of the karmada-aggregated-apiserver 1
aggregatedApiServer.podLabels Labels of the karmada-aggregated-apiserver pods {}
aggregatedApiServer.podAnnotations Annotaions of the karmada-aggregated-apiserver pods {}
aggregatedApiServer.imagePullSecrets Image pull secret of the karmada-aggregated-apiserver []
aggregatedApiServer.image.repository Image of the karmada-aggregated-apiserver ""
aggregatedApiServer.image.tag Image tag of the karmada-aggregated-apiserver "latest"
aggregatedApiServer.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of the karmada-aggregated-apiserver "IfNotPresent"
aggregatedApiServer.resources Resource quota of the karmada-aggregated-apiserver {requests: {cpu: 100m}}
aggregatedApiServer.nodeSelector Node selector of the karmada-aggregated-apiserver {}
aggregatedApiServer.affinity Affinity of the karmada-aggregated-apiserver {}
aggregatedApiServer.tolerations Tolerations of the karmada-aggregated-apiserver []
kubeControllerManager.labels Labels of the kube-controller-manager deployment {"app": "kube-controller-manager"}
kubeControllerManager.replicaCount Target replicas of the kube-controller-manager 1
kubeControllerManager.podLabels Labels of the kube-controller-manager pods {}
kubeControllerManager.podAnnotations Annotaions of the kube-controller-manager pods {}
kubeControllerManager.imagePullSecrets Image pull secret of the kube-controller-manager []
kubeControllerManager.image.repository Image of the kube-controller-manager ""
kubeControllerManager.image.tag Image tag of the kube-controller-manager "v1.21.7"
kubeControllerManager.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of the kube-controller-manager "IfNotPresent"
kubeControllerManager.resources Resource quota of the kube-controller-manager {}
kubeControllerManager.nodeSelector Node selector of the kube-controller-manager {}
kubeControllerManager.affinity Affinity of the kube-controller-manager {}
kubeControllerManager.tolerations Tolerations of the kube-controller-manager []
schedulerEstimator.clusterName Name of the member cluster ""
schedulerEstimator.kubeconfig.caCrt CA CRT of the certificate ""
schedulerEstimator.kubeconfig.crt CRT of the certificate ""
schedulerEstimator.kubeconfig.key KEY of the certificate ""
schedulerEstimator.kubeconfig.server API-server of the member cluster ""
schedulerEstimator.labels Labels of the scheduler-estimator deployment {}
schedulerEstimator.replicaCount Target replicas of the scheduler-estimator 1
schedulerEstimator.podLabels Labels of the scheduler-estimator pods {}
schedulerEstimator.podAnnotations Annotaions of the scheduler-estimator pods {}
schedulerEstimator.imagePullSecrets Image pull secret of the scheduler-estimator []
schedulerEstimator.image.repository Image of the scheduler-estimator ""
schedulerEstimator.image.tag Image tag of the scheduler-estimator "latest"
schedulerEstimator.image.pullPolicy Image pull policy of the scheduler-estimator "IfNotPresent"
schedulerEstimator.resources Resource quota of the scheduler-estimator {}
schedulerEstimator.nodeSelector Node selector of the scheduler-estimator {}
schedulerEstimator.affinity Affinity of the scheduler-estimator {}
schedulerEstimator.tolerations Tolerations of the scheduler-estimator []