To run training create a configuration file similar to config/config_incep-all.ini.
To run test create a configuration file similar to one of the ini files under config/*_test/.
Below are the main parameters that may need to be adjusted for a run:
mode: supported values (train, test)
model_path: The output folder
model_base_filename: All output files will have this prefix so it is preferably distinctive of the training configuration
model_restore_filename: The full path of a pretrained model or a previous checkpoint (optional)
For ImageNet pretrained models we used:
class_name: currently supported values are (VGG16Classifier, Resnet101Classifier, Resnet152Classifier, InceptionV4Classifier, InceptionResnetV2Classifier)
input_img_height, input_img_width: the final image height and width that are fed into the network.
official_checkpoint: supported values (true, false). If true, the final fully connected layer is excluded from restoration.
provider_class_name: currently supported values are (TCGADataProvider, TCGABatchDataProvider)
filepath_data: The path of the data files
filepath_label: The path of the labels (if there are labels)
preprocess: supported values (true, false). Preprocessing takes place before augmentation. If true then set either pre_resize or pre_center.
augment: supported values (true, false). If true then setup the augmentation parameters (has the pattern aug_**)
postprocess: supported values (true, false). If true then setup the post processing parameters ((post_crop_center, post_crop_height, post_crop_width), post_resize*). Postprocessing takes place after augmentation.
permute: supported values (true, false). If true then the data is shuffled every epoch.
input_img_height, input_img_width: the final image height and width that are fed into the network. Resize operation uses these dimensions.
similar to TRAIN_DATA section. Usually set augment=false, permute=false.
similar to VALIDATE_DATA section. Only used in mode=test.
If testing with super patches that should be divided in 8x8 sub patches use class_name = TCGASuperpatchBatchDataProvider
class_name: currently supported values are (ClassifierTrainer)
set other training configuration values according to user preference, like batch size, learning rate, etc...
ClassifierTesterExternalInput : if providing external input and not using a dataprovider (i.e. test data provider class name is set to 'None') and expected output is probability. [Typically run using NNFramework_TF_external_call/]
ClassifierTesterExternalInputBinaryOutput : if providing external input and not using a dataprovider (i.e. test data provider class name is set to 'None') and expected output is thresholded probability (i.e. binary) and set the threshold. [Typically run using NNFramework_TF_external_call/]
ClassifierTesterSuperpatchBatch: Use with large patches that are further divided in sub-patches. Each row in the output will have the results of all the sub patches. Set batch_size =1 [Typically run using NNFramework_TF_external_call/]
ClassifierTesterBatch: Use otherwise [Typically run using NNFramework_TF_external_call/]
out_dir: the location where test output files will be saved batch_size: desired batch size. Set according to preference and tester class used If testing with super patches that should be divided in sub patches use batch_size =1 threshold: Set according to desired threshold for binary prediction output, default threshold = 0.5
To create different classes such as for CNN architecture, dataprovider, trainer, or tester they should be supported by the runner file used to execute the training.
Current supported runner file is:
for external input (i.e. not using a data provider) use
- Python 3.5
- Tensorflow 1.8 with CUDA support
- Scikit-image
- The basic models used Resnet, Inception, and Inception-Resnet are imported from the TensorFlow-Slim image classification model library:
To run use a command with the following format:
cd /quip_classification/NNFramework_TF_external_call
python < config file full path >
cd $HOME/quip_classification/NNFramework_TF_external_call
python $HOME/NNFramework/config/config_tcga_resnet-101.ini
Build a sandbox to have a writable container to be able to install scikit-image and any future required libraries:
module load singularity/3.0.0
singularity build --sandbox tf-18.11-py3-w docker://
module unload singularity
module load singularity/2.6.1
singularity run --writable --bind $SCRATCH --nv $SCRATCH/containers/tensorflow/tf-18.11-py3-w
cd /home/shahira/NNFramework_TF_external_call
python $HOME/NNFramework/config_tcga_resnet-101.ini provides api for running from another application without using a data provider.