The Pillarbox Web Player is a web-based video player that extends Video.js to enable playback of SRGSSR content through a custom data provider. This player is designed to enhance the viewing experience of SRGSSR content, making it more accessible and feature-rich.
To get started with Pillarbox, add the @srgssr
registry in your .npmrc
To generate an authentication token follow this guide: Authenticating with a personal access token
You can now install it through npm
the following command:
npm install --save @srgssr/pillarbox-web
In your HTML file, add the following code to initialize Pillarbox:
<video-js id="my-player" class="pillarbox-js" controls crossorigin="anonymous"></video-js>
Import the CSS file in your HTML to apply Pillarbox default theme:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@srgssr/pillarbox-web/dist/pillarbox.min.css" />
Finally, import Pillarbox and set up the player:
import Pillarbox from '@srgssr/pillarbox-web';
const player = new Pillarbox('my-player', {// Options... });
player.src({ src: 'urn:swi:video:48115940', type: 'srgssr/urn' });
For detailed information on how to use the Pillarbox Web Player, checkout the API Documentation. A live demo of the player is available here: Pillarbox Web Demo
Pillarbox comes in two variants:
: is the core library that provides a rich set of features on top of the Video.js API. It does not include any SRGSSR-specific business logic, so it can be used by any developer who wants to customize their own video player.pillarbox
is the complete package that includes the core library as well as the SRGSSR data provider and analytics. It is designed for SRGSSR applications that need to integrate with the SRGSSR media platform and tracking behavior.
TypeScript is a language that extends JavaScript with static types and other features. It helps to
write more reliable and maintainable code. Pillarbox
is written in plain JavaScript, but it
provides type declarations for TypeScript users. These declarations are carefully generated and
included in the bundled package.
If you want to contribute to this project, you are welcome to do so. Please follow the code style and linting rules defined in this project. You can use the following commands to check and fix your code:
Check your javascript code:
npm run eslint
Check your CSS and SCSS code:
npm run stylelint
Fix your CSS and SCSS code:
npm run stylelint:fix
This project also has a pre-commit hook that runs the linting check automatically before you commit
your changes. You can enable this hook by running the prepare
script: npm run prepare
Before submitting a pull request, please make sure that your code builds successfully. You can use the following commands to build the project:
npm run build
See the LICENSE file for more information.