This lab is a supplement to the install and configure SLES 15 SP2 on a Raspberry Pi.
This lab details the additional steps need to boot SLE from a USB boot disk.
There are a couple of things we need to do to make SLE boot from USB.
- Update to the latest firmware (raspian)- reboot
- Set boot order (raspian) - reboot
- Burn SLES15-SP2-JeOS.aarch64-15.2-RaspberryPi-QU1.raw.xz to USB Drive
- Copy latest Firmware from github to SLE USB boot disk
** Don't skip this step - older firmware does not support booting from USB or updating Firmware from the USB
You do not need to go through the full configuration wizard.
Go to a Terminal Prompt
sudo raspi-config
Select 6 Advanced Options-> A7 BootLoader Version
Select E1 Latest and Accept
Exit and reboot
** don't skip this - The next option will not appear if you don't have a current firmware active.
** Reboot can take up to 3 mins to write EPROM
Go to a Terminal Prompt
sudo raspi-config
Select 6 Advanced Options-> A6 Boot Order
Select B2 USB Boot
Exit and Reboot.
Once the Display goes blank the firmware has been update and you can power off and remove the SDcard
Power On the Pi and compare look at the boot screen. It shoud look simular to the screen below.
Burn SLE15 image to the USB Disk with the same method you used to burn the image to an SDCard.
2) Mount the EFI partition on the USB disk you just burned (if it was unmounted during the burn process)
Copy the following files from /boot folder of the github project to root of your boot USB.
start4.elf – The Pi 4 GPU firmware. Forms a matched pair with fixup4.dat
fixup4.dat – Additional code for the Pi 4 GPU. Forms a matched pair with start4.elf
Eject the USB disk from your machine and plug it into the Raspberry Pi.
You are now ready to boot.