- Raspberry Pi 4 running SLES 15 SP3
The SUSE Documentation for the Raspberry Pi Quickstart is another awesome doc to get SLES running on the Pi
- Raspberry Pi 4 w/ 8gb Ram
- Micro SD Card
- Optional USB 3 boot drive
1) Download the file SLES15-SP3-JeOS.aarch64-15.3-RaspberryPi-GM.raw.xz from the link below - make sure you choose Stable Release 15 SP3 and Architecture Arm
Download SLES and copy a registration code
You will need to burn this image to the micro SD card.
In this example I'm using /dev/mmcblk0
xz -cd SLES15-SP3-JeOS.aarch64-15.3-RaspberryPi-GM.raw.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4096 iflag=fullblock status=progress
*If you need additional help use the link below:
You will need a Monitor and Keyboard plugged into the Raspberry Pi for the first boot
Choose your local
Select Keyboard
Accept the licenses
Select Timezone
Enter a Password for the 'root' user
Enable Wifi if needed (Ethernet is strongly suggested)
The System will now reboot
Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3
eth01: fe80::dea6:32ff:febb"6ffa
*At this point you can continue the rest of the setup via ssh
*Note the by default on SLES for Raspberry Pi, root is the only user created by default
SUSEConnect -r INTERNAL-USE-ONLY-xxxx-xxxx
Registering system to SUSE Customer Center
Using E-Mail: ###@###.com
Announcing system to https://scc.suse.com ...
Activating SLES 15.3 aarch64 ...
-> Adding service to system ...
Activating sle-module-basesystem 15.3 aarch64 ...
-> Adding service to system ...
-> Installing release package ...
Activating sle-module-server-applications 15.3 aarch64 ...
-> Adding service to system ...
-> Installing release package ...
Successfully registered system
*Note SLES for ARM is a different license than SLES for x86
zypper ref
zypper up -y
zypper in -y -t pattern yast2_basis
** Note 'which' is needed for the k3s install and 'sudo' is not installed by default
zypper in -y sudo which curl nmap git-core bash-completion apparmor-parser
hostnamectl set-hostname pi-YOURNAME-1
systemctl disable --now firewalld
useradd -m -g users tux
passwd tux
wait 30 seconds