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Testing Scripts

This directory contains scripts for CI testing.

  • -- This is a Bash-based script to test any target. To run, cd to grammar-vs/ or a grammar directory, then type bash _scripts/ <target> where <target> is Cpp, CSharp, Dart, Go, Java, PHP, or Python3. To test the target, you will need the NET SDK installed (required for the trgen driver generator), access to the internet, and to toolchain for the target you want to test. You will also need to set the Antlr4 tool.

  • test.ps1 -- this is a Powershell script for testing, similar to

Both scripts use trgen to generate a program from the pom.xml file in the grammar source. The tool generates a parser program for one of the target langauges, currently CSharp, Java, Cpp, Dart, Go, and Python. The generated code contains makefiles and Powershell files to present an idealized interface to build and run the parse with the examples, so you do not need to memorize how to build and run the parser for the given target.

To build and run the parser using the makefiles, you must be in an environment that provides make and Bash. Ubuntu provides that out of the box. For Windows, you must use MinGW64, then "pacman install make" and provide a symbolic linked file for "make" once installed. I don't know why, but the package doesn't define just a plain old "make.exe".

cd to a grammar directory, e.g., `cd abnf`.
trgen -t CSharp --template-sources-directory _scripts/templates/ --antlr-tool-path /tmp/antlr-4.9.3-complete.jar
make test

Please note the parameters to trgen: "--template-sources-directory" is used to say where to find the templates used in this repo for the driver programs. By default, trgen has a collection of generic templates, and while they are generic, you might want to test the grammars in this repo with the templates used in CI builds.

For Windows or Ubuntu, you may want to provide a "~/.trgen.rc" file to override defaults for that program. For example,

    "antlr_tool_path" : "c:/users/kenne/downloads/antlr-4.9.3-complete.jar"

For the trwdog tool, you may want to override the default 5 minute timeout for parse tests to complete, e.g., if you are on a slow machine. To do that, create a "~/.trwdog.rc" file.

    "Timeout" : 2

The home directory is computed via the C# runtime: Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile).

Templates for CI testing

These are the templates for testing the grammars, which are used by the above scripts and trgen.

If you add or delete any files from the templates/ directory you should regenerate the file templates/files using cd templates/; find . -type f > files. Otherwise, the trgen tool may not add the new template files into your generated code.

What version of trgen do I use?

You should take care to specify a version when installing the trgen tool. I change the tool often, and there may be regressions. Currently version 0.13.2 works well.


All the templates are in the "per-target directory" standard:

  • A template directory contains files that are instantiated in the generated output directory.
  • Contained in the template directory are sub-directories named after the target, e.g., CSharp, Java, JavaScript, etc. Those files are copied to the generated output directory, but only for the specified target for trgen.

Here is the structure of the default templates:


Driver code is generated by merging the code containing the grammar and sources in grammars-v4 with the template source code. For example, for trgen -t CSharp in grammars-v4/abb/, the tool will extract from the pom.xml file details about the grammar, copy the source files from grammars-v4/abb/ to Generated/, then copy the template files from templates/CSharp to Generated/. The end result is:

    abbParser.g4       (from the source abb/abbParser.g4)
    abbLexer.g4       (from the source abb/abbLexer.g4)
    ErrorListener.cs  (from the source templates/CSharp/ErrorListener.cs)
    makefile   (from the source templates/CSharp/makefile)
    Program.cs   (from the source templates/CSharp/Program.cs)
    Test.csproj   (from the source templates/CSharp/Test.csproj)

All files in templates/ are StringTemplate files. To see how it is used, I suggest looking at the default set of templates for the tool here. Look closely for template attribute references, which begin with '<' and end with '>'. (To avoid template attribute replacement, escape '<' with a backslash, e.g., '<'. You only need to do the '<', not the closing '>' symbol.)

Trgen will construct and pass to the template evaluator the following attributes:

Attribute Type Default
additional_sources list This is a list of input files with the suffix for the target, e.g., all .cpp files for Cpp.
antlr_tool_path string Ubuntu: "~/Downloads/antlr-4.9.1-complete.jar" Win: Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile) + "/Downloads/antlr-4.9.1-complete.jar"
cap_start_symbol string same as start_symbol, but first letter capitalized
cli_bash bool Ubuntu: true; Win: false
cli_cmd bool Ubuntu: false; Win: true
cmake_target string Win: '-G "MSYS Makefile"'; Ubuntu: ''
exec_name string Ubuntu: Test; Win: Test.exe
has_name_space bool only true if the pom.xml has non-empty <packageName> specified
is_combined_grammar bool true if the grammar is a combined grammar.
lexer_grammar_name string the name of the grammar file file, or just the combined grammar file name.
lexer_name string from pom.xml <grammarName> + "Lexer"
name_space string value in pom.xml <packageName>
parser_name string from pom.xml <grammarName> + "Parser"
path_sep_colon bool Ubuntu: true; Win: false
path_sep_semi bool Ubuntu: false; Win: true
start_symbol string from pom.xml <entryPoint>
temp_dir string Win: c:/temp; Ubuntu: /tmp. This is used for the Cpp target
tool_grammar_files List computed; names of grammar files with relative path from output directory
tool_grammar_tuples { string GrammarFileName, string GeneratedFileName, string GrammarAutomName } computed from tool_grammar_files, parser_name, lexer_name. Example: [{ "abbLexer.g4", "abbLexer.cs", "abbLexer" }, ...]
version string version number of trgen

How template code is instantiated

To generate the driver code from templates for a grammar, you will need to have the NET SDK installed. Afterwards, install trgen:

dotnet tool install -g trgen --version 0.20.19

To create a driver program:

  1. Change directory to grammar directory, e.g., cd abb.
  2. trgen -t Java --template-sources-directory ../_scripts/templates/

You will need to pass to trgen --template-sources-directory ../_scripts/templates/ to indicate the path to the templates. If you do not pass the --template-sources-directory option, the tool will use the default templates contained with the tool. You can generate a different target using -t. Acceptable targets are Cpp, CSharp, Dart, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python3. The "files" directory in the templates directory indicates what files are included in generation, and obtained via "find . -type f > files".