To deploy the Docker container from this repository to, follow these steps:
Install Docker on your local machine if it is not already installed.
Install the CLI on your local machine.
Clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone
Navigate to the cloned repository directory:
cd path/to/ChatFiles/chatfiles
Log in to the CLI:
flyctl auth login
Create and launch your app:
flyctl launch
Follow the instructions in your terminal:
- Choose your app name
- Choose your app region
- Don't add any databases
- Don't deploy yet (if you do, the first deploy might fail as the environment variables are not yet set)
Set the required environment variables:
flyctl secrets set OPENAI_API_KEY=your_openai_api_key
Alternatively, you could set environment variables in the Console.
Deploy your app with:
flyctl deploy
After completing these steps, your Docker container should be deployed to and running with the necessary environment variables set. You can view your app by running:
flyctl open
which will open your app url
To view your app logs:
flyctl logs
cd path/to/ChatFiles/chatfiles
Create and launch your app:
flyctl launch
Follow the instructions in your terminal:
- Choose your app name
- Choose your app region
- Don't add any databases
- Don't deploy yet (if you do, the first deploy might fail as the environment variables are not yet set)
Set the required environment variables:
flyctl secrets set OPENAI_API_KEY=your_openai_api_key
flyctl secrets set CHAT_FILES_SERVER_HOST=
Deploy your app with:
flyctl deploy
After completing these steps, your Docker container should be deployed to and running with the necessary environment variables set. You can view your app by running:
flyctl open