simplest demo for the UniDB class, shows how to connect and disconnect a server/database, do a basic query etc.
shows getting the list of databases on server, getting list of table etc
shows how you can do insert/update/delte on a table using UniDB objects
shows how to do a simple query and iterate over the results
shows how to do multiple queries in loop using the UniDB object
shows how to configure SQLite database filename extension before using it. By default '.db' is assumed if not configured
To properly see the demo working, please create a table called 'test_table' inside your database, with the following structure: [ id int autoincrement primary key name varchar dept_id int the_time datetime info text ]
The SQLite database provided in the demo/sqlite folder already contains this table. Since SQLite is a 'free form' database, you can use text columns instead of varchar and date time fields.
If you want to use a database other than 'test', please change the name of the database in 'config.php' first.