Corporate Contributor License Agreement ("Agreement")
Thank you for your interest in the MoonRay (aka OpenMoonRay) Project (hereinafter "Project")
which has selected the Apache License, Version 2.0 (hereinafter "Apache 2.0 License") for its
inbound contributions. The terms You, Contributor and Contribution are used here as defined in
the Apache 2.0 License.
The Project is required to have a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) on file that binds each
You agree that all Contributions to the Project made by You or by Your designated employees
shall be licensed to the Project under the Apache 2.0 License, and that You agree to, and shall be
bound by, the terms of the Apache 2.0 License for all contributions made by You and Your
employees. Your initial list of designated employees who are authorized to make Contributions
shall be as set forth in Schedule A. You agree to identify Your initial CLA Manager below and
thereafter provide any updates to the identity of your CLA Manager or employees eligible to
make Contributions by providing updated lists to [email protected].
You certify that, for all Contributions to the Project made by You or by Your designated
(a) The Contribution was created in whole or in part by You or Your designated
employees and You have the right to submit it under the Apache 2.0 License; or
(b) The Contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best of Your knowledge, is
covered under an appropriate open source license and You have the right under that
license to submit that work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part by
You or Your designated employees, under the Apache 2.0 License; or
(c) The Contribution was provided directly to You or Your designated employees by
some other person who certified (a) or (b) and You or Your designated employees have
not modified it.
You acknowledge and agree that the Project and the Contribution are public and that a record of
the Contribution (including all personal information You or Your designated employees submit
with it, including Your or Your designated employees’ sign-off) is maintained indefinitely and
may be redistributed consistent with the Project or the Apache 2.0 License.
Initial CLA Manager (Name and Email): ______________________________________
Company Name: ____________________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________
Title _______________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________
Schedule A
[Initial list of designated employees]