Exam is 2 hours
FFT is included
Only topics from Assignment 1 to 5 AND FFT
Heavier weighting from 2 to 5
Algebraic manipulations are correct
If you have no clue of a question, go through each of the lectures and see if you can tweak the solution
- IE instead of a knapsack problem, you might have a server and que problem
Maybe 5 points of extra in the final
- derive recurrance relation
- graph navigation
- FFT (high level, ie when to use, how it works, why, where is the savings, is it divide and conquoer)
Tentative grade window, depends on how final exam goes
- C, C+ is 5 point
- B is 4 point window
- A is the final window
- C windows might shrink You MUST secure 50 to pass Homeworks are best 4 out of 5