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Building documentation locally

The documentation is available online at, always up to date with master on GitLab.

Building instructions

To build the documentation, you can use the main Makefile target doc-html

# in the project root directory
make doc-html

The documentation is built by Sphinx, and uses the Read The Docs theme.

On a debian system, you can install the needed dependencies with:

sudo apt install \
  python3-recommonmark \
  python3-sphinx \

If you prefer to use a specific python environment to build the documentation, create a virtualenv with a python3 interpreter and install these PIP packages:

pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme recommonmark

The HTML pages will be available in docs/_build.

Sphinx extensions

Some ad-hoc reference kinds are supported.

  • :package-src:`name` or :package-src:`text<name>` points to the gitlab source tree viewer where the .opam for the package is located
  • :package:`name` or :package:`text<name>` now points either to the odoc page, or if it doesn't exist, to the gitlab source tree viewer
  • :package-name:`name` or :package-name:`text<name>` just displays the package name (no link), checking that the package exists
  • :src:`/path/to/file/or/dir` or :src:`text</path/to/file/or/dir>` points to the gitlab source tree viewer
  • :opam:`package` or :opam:`text<package>` points to the package page on, version number is supported (package.version)

OCaml documentation

Odoc is used for OCaml API generation, that you can install with:

opam install odoc

Tezos generates the API documentation for all libraries in HTML format. The generated HTML pages in _build/<context>/_doc. It creates one sub-directory per public library and generates an index.html file in each sub-directory.

The documentation is not installed on the system by Tezos. It is meant to be read locally while developing and then published on the www when releasing packages.