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Saucery handles all the plumbing required to integrate with SauceLabs, making writing TUnit tests a breeze, so you only need to tell Saucery what you want. Saucery takes care of the how.

Note: The tests specified below are provided as examples only. Your tests, of course, will be specific to your System Under Test.

Initial Setup

  1. You'll need a SauceLabs account. You can get a free trial account here.
  2. If you want to run your tests locally you need to set 2 environment variables, SAUCE_USER_NAME and SAUCE_API_KEY
  3. To run your test suite from your GitHub Actions pipeline you need to set two secrets SAUCE_USER_NAME and SAUCE_API_KEY. Instructions on how to set Github Secrets are here.

Writing TUnit Tests

  1. In your solution create a simple class library.
  2. Add a NuGet Reference to Saucery.TUnit.

Your Project file should look something like this:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="Saucery.TUnit" Version="0.6.0" />


IDE Setup

Follow the instructions here to set up your IDE.

The ExternalMerlin.TUnit dogfood integration tests use the following template:

using ExternalMerlin.XUnit.PageObjects;
using Saucery.Core.Dojo;
using Saucery.TUnit;

namespace Merlin.TUnit.RealDevices;

public class DataDrivenTests : SauceryTBase
    [MethodDataSource(nameof(AllCombinations), Arguments = [new[] { 4, 5 }])]
    public async Task DataDrivenTest(BrowserVersion requestedPlatform, int data)

        var guineaPigPage = new GuineaPigPage(SauceryDriver(), "");

        guineaPigPage.TypeField(SauceryDriver(), "comments", data.ToString());

        var commentField = guineaPigPage.GetField(SauceryDriver(), "comments");
        await Assert.That(commentField).IsNotNull();

        var commentText = commentField.GetDomProperty("value");
        await Assert.That(commentText).Contains(data.ToString());

    public static IEnumerable<Func<(BrowserVersion, int)>> AllCombinations(int[] data) =>
            browserVersionFunc => data,
            (browserVersionFunc, datum) => new Func<(BrowserVersion, int)>(() => (browserVersionFunc(), datum))

The above code will run 2 unit tests (2 DataDrivenTitle tests) on all the platforms you specify, in parallel by default.


  • Parallelism in TUnit is default out of the box. For SauceLabs it needs to be constrained.
  • Have a look at MyParallelLimit.cs in the ExternalMerlin.TUnit project for an example of how to do that.
  • We recommend 2 less than your limit. Our OpenSauce account has 5 so we specify 3 in our internal testing.

The other lines are mandatory. Let's break the key lines down.

public class DataDrivenTests : SauceryTBase

Your class must subclass SauceryTBase. SauceryT will take care of the rest.

A data driven test is specified like this:

[MethodDataSource(nameof(AllCombinations), Arguments = [new[] { 4, 5 }])]
public async Task DataDrivenTest(Func<BrowserVersion> requestedPlatform, int data)

You can call the class what you like but it must take a Func<BrowserVersion> and the data as a parameter and subclass SauceryTBase.

[MethodDataSource(nameof(AllCombinations)...] is how you tell SauceryT what platforms you want to test on. You need to specify a class to do that. In this example its called RequestedPlatformData but you can call it anything you like.

Let's look at what it should contain.

using Saucery.Core.DataSources;
using Saucery.Core.Dojo;
using Saucery.Core.OnDemand;
using Saucery.Core.OnDemand.Base;
using Saucery.Core.Util;

namespace ExternalMerlin.TUnit;

public class RequestedPlatformData : SauceryTestData
    static RequestedPlatformData()
        var platforms = new List<SaucePlatform>
            //Emulated Mobile Platforms
            new AndroidPlatform("Google Pixel 8 Pro GoogleAPI Emulator", "15.0", SauceryConstants.DEVICE_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT),
            new IOSPlatform("iPhone 14 Pro Max Simulator", "16.2", SauceryConstants.DEVICE_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE),

            //Desktop Platforms
            new DesktopPlatform(SauceryConstants.PLATFORM_WINDOWS_11, SauceryConstants.BROWSER_CHROME, "123"),
            new DesktopPlatform(SauceryConstants.PLATFORM_WINDOWS_10, SauceryConstants.BROWSER_CHROME, "124", SauceryConstants.SCREENRES_2560_1600)

        SetPlatforms(platforms, PlatformFilter.Emulated);

    public static List<Func<BrowserVersion>> AllPlatforms() => GetAllPlatformsAsFunc();

The List<SaucePlatform> is what you will specify. The rest of the class is mandatory. Check out SauceryConstants for all the platform, browser and screenres enums.

Platform Range Expansion

Platform range expansion is a feature unique to Saucery. Say you wanted to test on a range of browser versions but you didn't want to specify each individually. That's fine. Saucery supports specifying ranges.

    new DesktopPlatform(SauceryConstants.PLATFORM_WINDOWS_11, SauceryConstants.BROWSER_CHROME, "100->119")

This will test on Windows 11 Chrome all available versions from 100 to 119 inclusive.

Real Devices

Yes, Saucery supports Real Devices!