- Required a newer version of django-js-asset which actually works with Django 4.1.
- CKEditor 4.21.0
- Avoided calling
is defined. - Fixed
./manage.py generateckeditorthumbnails
to work again after the image uploader backend rework. - CKEditor 4.19.1
- Stopped calling
during application startup. - Added Django 4.1
- Changed the context for the widget to deviate less from Django. Removed a
few template variables which are not used in the bundled
template. This only affects you if you are using a customized widget or widget template. - Dropped support for Python < 3.8, Django < 3.2.
- Added a pre-commit configuration.
- Removed the Travis CI configuration; Travis CI hasn't run our unit tests for months now.
- Added a GitHub action for running tests.
- Made selenium tests require opt in using a
environment variable.
- CKEditor 4.18.0
- Made it possible to override the CKEditor template in the widget class.
- Changed
to require dotted module paths (the old identifiers are still supported for now).
- CKEditor 4.17.1
- CKEditor 4.16.1
- Replace
- CKEditor 4.14.1
- Changed our JS script to listen for Django's
signals instead of detecting clicks on inline buttons. This should fix compatibility with various Django admin skins. - Dropped compatibility guarantees for Django<2.2 and Python<3.6.
- Reformatted the code using black, isort.
- Added testing using Django 3.1.
- Django 3.0 support
- Python 3.8 support
- Replace staticfiles templatetags library usage with static
- Add a templates validation step to the tests
- Internationalize ckeditor_upload browse.html template.
- Add ckeditor_upload features and custom configuration example to ckeditor_demo
- CKEditor 4.13.1
- CKEditor 4.13
- CKEditor 4.11.4
- Fix JS handling again
- Allow using settings to configure
- Fix Django 1.8 - 1.10 regression
- Drop leftover support for Django older than 1.8
- Django 2.2 support
- Documentation updates
- Minor fixes to JS handling
- Fix bad pypi package
- Django 2.1 compatibility, minimal supported Django version is 1.11 LTS
- Option to set custom django file backend for CKEditor uploader app.
- CKEditor 4.9.2
- Documentation improvements
- Allow non-string properties of user for CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_USER
- Django 2.0 compatibility
- Actually include the code which sets
. - CKEditor 4.7.3
- CKEditor 4.7
- Fix storage problems by setting
(hopefully for real this time) - Documentation updates
- Added a
setting to add uploaded files into folders containing the current date. - Added a
setting that allows overriding the icons used by Gallerific. - Added a
setting which allows specifying a callable which mangles the filename of uploaded files. - Added
settings for the Pillow image backend. - Actually include static assets for
in the pip-installable package. - Removed
and the jQuery dependency. The CKEditor activation now uses plain JavaScript. Dependencies are JSON.parse and document.querySelectorAll which are supported in practically all used browsers these days. - Fixed a bug where the CKEditor language was not set individually for each request.
- Django 1.11 support
- Drop South migrations
- Fix storage problems by setting CKEDITOR_BASEPATH
- Fix CKEditor package static path
- Django 1.10 updates
- Development dependencies bump
- CKEditor 4.6.1
- Paste image support
- Fix for ManifestStaticFilesStorage
- Re-add missing additional CkEditor plugins
- Updated CkEditor to 4.5.10
- Django 1.10 compatibility changes
- Documentation updates
- Fix file/directory browsing and searching
- Editor width style fixes
- Python 2.6 compatibility fix
- Added template missing in the package
- Update Readme with backward-incompatible changes
- Moved file upload code to new Django application - ckeditor_uploader. RichTextField doesn't use file upload which have been moved to RichTextUploadingField.
File upload support have been moved to ckeditor_uploader. The urls are in ckeditor_uploader.urls while for file uploading widget you have to use RichTextUploadingField from ckeditor_uploader.fields instead of RichTextField from from ckeditor.fields.
- Updated ckeditor to 4.5.3 (from https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev/tree/4.5.3)
- Added new plugins from ckeditor maintainers: adobeair, ajax, autoembed, autogrow, autolink, bbcode, codesnippet, codesnippetgeshi, devtools, divarea, docprops, embed, embedbase, embedsemantic, filetools, iframedialog, image2, language, lineutils, mathjax, menubutton, notification, notificationaggregator, placeholder, sharedspace, sourcedialog, stylesheetparser, tableresize, uicolor, uploadimage, uploadwidget, widget, xml
- Add zip_safe=False on setup config, to force does not create ".egg" file
- Add python Wheel package configuration
- Add setup.py functions to easy release ".egg" package and Wheel package, and tag version on git (
python setup.py publish
andpython setup.py tag
) - Improved Tox configuration to code coverage check, code quality check (flake8), imports order check (isort) and test with django master branch
- Add code quality configurations
- Add EditorConfig configuration file
- Refactored code to be in compliance with PEP8
- Fixed unbound variable in non-image file upload
- Updated ckeditor to 4.5.1
- Reverted django.contrib.staticfiles.templatetags.staticfiles.static usage causing problems with some storages
- Allow non-image files to be upload (the upload widget expects images so the user experience isn't best at the moment)
- Few refactors and fixes to selenium tests
- Python 3 compatibility fixes
- Get static files paths in a proper way
- Fix Django 1.7 deprecation warning
- More examples in readme
- Allow only POST requests on upload view.
- Exclude hidden files from image browser
- Prevent caching of image browser view
- Use lazy JSON encoder to support i18n in CKEditor settings.
- Misc documentation updates
- Check for jQuery presence correctly
- Update to CKEditor 4.4.6
- Make upload/browse views be staff_member_required by default (can be overridden)
- Fix ckeditor initialisation code breaking with other jQuery versions.
- Support grappelli inline form widgets.
- Remove odd left margin from widget template.
- Allow running selenium tests with chromium.
- Post merge package name fix in Readme
Update CKEditor to 4.4.4 full package - for all plugins and static files you may need
Fixes for inline editor
Editor initialisation uses jQuery. You need to specify CKEDITOR_JQUERY_URL for it to work. You can use:
CKEDITOR_JQUERY_URL = '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js'
- Update CKEditor to 4.4.1
- Django 1.7 compatibility fix
- Update CKEditor to 4.3.3
- Fix slugifying to empty filename if only bad characters given in filename. Use random string as fallback.
- Don't use IMG tags for non image files in ckeditor file browser.
- Remove non-existing image reference from CSS files that broke collectstatic.
- Misc fixes
- Fix static files installation - switch from distutils to setuptools
- Added new demo application with selenium integration test
- tox setup for Python 3.3 and 2.7 testing
- Extracted image processing to backends. PIL/Pillow is optional now. Other backends can be added.
- Fixed a bug with thumbnail generation
- Python 3.3 compatibility
- All uploaded files are slugified by default (New settings CKEDITOR_SLUGIFY_FILENAME)
- Upload file when editing a link (<a href>) now works properly
- Python 3.3 compatibility in widgets.py
- Include CKEditor version 4.2.1.
- Support Django 1.6
- Include CKEditor version 4.0.2.
- Remove unwanted static files from distribution.
- Use Pillow instead of PIL since it builds on all systems.
- Include CKEditor version 3.6.2.
- Initial work on Django aligned theme.
- Fix schema slash removal issue on media url generation. Thanks mwcz
- Added compatibility for South. Thanks 3point2
- Prevented settings from leaking between widget instances. Thanks 3point2
- Fixed config_name conflict when verbose_name is used as first positional argument for a field. Thanks 3point2
- Refactored views to allow use of file walking with local paths. Thanks 3point2
- Added command to generate thumbnails. Thanks 3point2
- Migrated from using media to static file management.
- Added ability to configure CKeditor through a CKEDITOR_CONFIGS settings. Thanks jeffh for the input.
- Removed buggy url include check.
- Egg package corrected to exclude testing admin.py and models.py.
- Enforce correct configuration.
- Changed upload behavior to separate files into directories by upload date. Thanks loop0 .
- Added ability to limit user access to uploaded content (see the CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_USER setting). Thanks chr15m for the input.
- Added initial set of much needed tests.
- General cleanup, light refactor.
- csrf_exempt backwards compatability. Thanks chr15m .
- Include resources, sorry about that.
- More robust PIL import. Thanks buchuki .
- Better CKEDITOR_MEDIA_PREFIX setting error.
- Included README.rst in manifest.
- Added CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PREFIX setting. Thanks chr15m for the input.