I was looking a way to display battery icon with my Chinese 18650 battery pack. I found pi-top-battery-widget is what I am looking for. So I fork the code and adapted to display the UPS-18650 using I2C reading.
Instead reading the battery info directly in the c code, I choose using pi-battery-reader.py which I adapted from UPS-18650 sample code. This way make others much easier to using their own method to read battery info from other method(e.g I2C,SPI,USB,UART).
The C code which execute python code to read battery values. Python code out put format is
voltage(float) | capacity(int) | chargingState(int)
5.2 | 89 | 1
chargingState = 0 is "discharging"
chargingState = 1 is "charging"
chargingState = 2 is "AC or Externally Powered "
- Displays a battery widget on the desktop panel of the general Raspberry LXDE at the right side in the System Tray section.
- The green bar turns red if the battery charge left is below 10%, and yellow if the battery is charging.
- The time remaining is displayed as a tooltip
- The display is updated every 5 seconds
- Logs all activities in ~/batteryLog.txt
- Actuall battery reading code is done in python script, you can swap the script to read differet value
Open a terminal and type the following
cd Downloads
git clone https://github.com/mezl/pi-battery-widget.git
cd pi-battery-widget
Make sure GTK3.0 library is installed:
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev
Compile the code with the following commands:
Finally install the widget with the following commands:
chmod +x install
Reboot your pi.
To update the widget to the latest version
Open a terminal and type
cd Downloads/pi-battery-widget
git pull
Now install the updated widget
chmod +x install
To uninstall the widget
Open a terminal and type
cd Downloads/pi-battery-widget
chmod +x uninstall
Please open an issue in this repository or write to [email protected] if you have any feedback or problem with this repository. Your input is appreciated.