This code has been forked from the pi-battery-widget status icon widget, with major design changes to support The Red Reactor Raspberry Pi UPS, including accurate battery life modelling for charging and discharging profiles.
Please visit for more technical details and code examples.
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The C code executes the python code to configure and the read the battery voltage and current via the INA219 I2C device, also allowing for the detection of charging, charging complete and no battery states.
Python code output format is
voltage(float) | current(float)
4.142 | 1088.98
Displays a battery widget on the desktop panel of the general Raspberry LXDE at the right side in the System Tray section.
The green bar turns red if the battery charge left is below 10%, and yellow if the battery is charging.
The time remaining is displayed as a tooltip (both for charging and discharging!)
The display is updated every 5 seconds
Logs all activities in ~/RedReactor_batteryLog.txt
Log File shows instant and averaged readings, battery life and status chargingState = -1 is "no battery" chargingState = 0 is "discharging" chargingState = 1 is "charging" chargingState = 2 is "AC or Externally Powered "
Actual battery reading code is done in python script based on The Red Reactor configuration
The Red Reactor UPS for Raspberry Pi zero, Pi Model 2/3 and Pi Model 4!
Open a terminal and type the following
cd Downloads
git clone
cd pi-battery-widget
Make sure GTK3.0 library is installed:
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev
Compile the code with the following commands:
Finally install the widget with the following commands:
chmod +x install
Please check the install script output for errors. It has been tested on Raspberry Pi with Buster, and creates or updates the ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart file.
Please adjust your chosen battery capacity by editing ~/.config/lxpanel/LXDE-pi/panels/redreactor.conf (given in mAh for total capacity)
Reboot your pi.
To update the widget to the latest version
Open a terminal and type
cd Downloads/pi-battery-widget
git pull
Now install the updated widget
chmod +x install
To uninstall the widget
Open a terminal and type
cd Downloads/pi-battery-widget
chmod +x uninstall
Please open an issue in this repository or write to hello@theredreactor if you have any feedback or problem with this repository. Your input is appreciated.