- Git
- CMake & Make
- Flex
- Bison
Test dependencies:
- Java
- Mars IDE
You can install all those dependencies & build the project using the following script :
If you're missing some packages listed above, please execute the following script as root.
Submodules will be cloned to lib/ directory
Mars will be downloaded to lib/ directory.
SoS binary will be build into cmake-build-debug/ folder.
If you used script, please enter the cmake-build-debug/ folder.
cd cmake-build-debug/
To start the program, use:
./sos <args>
To show the help, use:
./sos --help
To compile a file, please give it as an argument, if no output file is given, it will print MIPS on stdout.
./sos <file> [-o=<file_path>]
Create a branch linked to issue.
git checkout -B <issue_id>-<short_description>
git push origin <issue_id>-<short_description>
Then open a merge request.
When no issue is linked: write a branch with: hotfix-<short_description>
The logs are classified from the most detailed to the most discreet. When calling the compiler, you can choose the level of display of the logs.
On the development side, the different log levels should follow the following rules:
log_trace(const char *message, ...);
is used to follow the code flow, example : nameFunction(parameter list)
log_debug(const char *message, ...);
is used to display values useful to follow the code, example : nameVariable : value
log_info(const char *message, ...);
is used to monitor the condition of structures, for example: nameStruct : nameVariable : position : numberElement
log_warn(const char *message, ...);
is used to display information related to a non-blocking degraded procedure, example : nomStruct : max depaced size
log_error(const char *message, ...);
is used to display additional information when an error occurs in the process,
example : error value does not match expectations variableName : value : expectedvalue
log_fatal(const char *message, ...);
is used if log_error
isn't enough.