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How to run test cases in local

For running intergration test cases (defined in ./fullstack-test, ./fullstack-test-dt, ./new_collation_fullstack), you should define a TiDB cluster with TiFlash node (1 PD, 1 TiKV, 1 TiDB, 1 TiFlash at least).

  1. Deploy a cluster using tiup
  2. Use x.ti prop to ensure the ports of your cluster
  3. Change the "storage_port", "tidb_port" in ./ to let it connect to your cluster
  4. Run tests with ./ fullstack-test/ddl

How to run test cases in delta-merge-test

For running mock test cases (defined in ./delta-merge-test), you should start a standalone tiflash that is not connected to tidb cluster

export TIFLASH_PORT=9000
./tiflash server -- --path /tmp/tiflash/data --tcp_port ${TIFLASH_PORT}
storage_port=${TIFLASH_PORT} verbose=true ./ delta-merge-test