- [EDR statistics](#EDR statistics)
- Rule Management Endpoints
- Endpoint Management
- Executing command on endpoint
- Endpoint logs and alerts
- Endpoint artifacts
- Endpoint reports
🟢 GET /stats
Description: Used to retrieve basic statistics about the EDR manager
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/stats"
"data": {
"endpoint-count": 1,
"rule-count": 133
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
🟢 GET /rules?name=REGEXP
Description: This endpoint is usde to retrive rules loaded in the EDR manager (also deployed on all the endpoints connected).
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/rules?name=HighlyPol.*"
"data": [
"Name": "HighlyPolymorphicCode",
"Tags": [
"Meta": {
"EventIDs": [
"Channels": [
"Computers": [],
"ID": "T1093",
"Tactic": "defense-evasion",
"Reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1093"
"Criticality": 10,
"Disable": false,
"Filter": false
"Matches": [
"$lowboundproc: ProcessIntegrity >= '50'",
"$lowboundpproc: ParentProcessIntegrity >= '50'"
"Condition": "$lowboundproc or $lowboundpproc"
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
🟢 DELETE /rules?name=RULE_NAME
Description: Used to delete a rule from the EDR manager. The engine needs to be reloaded after deletion (c.f. reloading rules)
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" -X DELETE "https://localhost:8001/rules?name=HighlyPolymorphicCode"
"data": null,
"message": "Rules updated succesfully, engine needs to be reloaded",
"error": ""
🟢 POST /rules?update=[1|0|t|f|true|false]
Description: Used to add a new rule to the manager or update an existing rule. In case of update the rule engine needs to be reloaded (c.f. reloading rules).
- update: boolean value to force update if rule already exists
# Let's look at the rule definition
jq . /tmp/rule.gen
"Name": "HighlyPolymorphicCode",
"Tags": [
"Meta": {
"EventIDs": [
"Channels": [
"Computers": [],
"ID": "T1093",
"Tactic": "defense-evasion",
"Reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1093"
"Criticality": 10,
"Disable": false,
"Filter": false
"Matches": [
"$lowboundproc: ProcessIntegrity >= '50'",
"$lowboundpproc: ParentProcessIntegrity >= '50'"
"Condition": "$lowboundproc or $lowboundpproc"
We try to create a new rule from the file shown above
curl -d @/tmp/rule.gen -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/rules"
"data": null,
"message": "NOK",
"error": "Error loading rule: Rule \"HighlyPolymorphicCode\" already exists"
If we want the rule to be overwritten, we need to force update
curl -d @/tmp/rule.gen -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/rules?update=true"
"data": null,
"message": "Rules updated succesfully, engine needs to be reloaded",
"error": ""
🟢 GET /rules/save
Description: endpoint to use to save rules.
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/rules/save"
"data": null,
"message": "Rules saved succesfully on disk",
"error": ""
🟢 GET /rules/reload
Description: API endpoint used to reload the rule engine.
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/rules/reload"
"data": {
"endpoint-count": 1,
"rule-count": 132
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
🟢 GET /endpoints
Description: API endpoint to use to list all the available endpoints configured to communicate with the manager.
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/endpoints"
"data": [
"uuid": "03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef",
"hostname": "DESKTOP-LLOYD",
"ip": "",
"key": "ztBdB6XGl81Vx957YmVXjmh1SfnqliRMeoa7zYewtimXCGCNoR6O2Nfw9YjVD8KX",
"last-connection": "2021-03-02T22:42:35.664304855+01:00"
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
🟢 GET /endpoints/{ENDPOINT_UUID}
Description: endpoint used to list information about a single endpoint.
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/endpoints/03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef"
"data": {
"uuid": "03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef",
"hostname": "DESKTOP-LLOYD",
"ip": "",
"key": "ztBdB6XGl81Vx957YmVXjmh1SfnqliRMeoa7zYewtimXCGCNoR6O2Nfw9YjVD8KX",
"last-connection": "2021-03-02T16:39:13.64023147+01:00"
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
🟢 PUT /endpoints
Description: adds a new endpoint to the EDR. The endpoint will also be added to the configuration of the manager and committed to disk. You can now configure a new EDR agent on any endpoint.
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" -X PUT "https://localhost:8001/endpoints"
"data": {
"uuid": "4a796766-bb17-2e35-64fb-2fb836bf04d0",
"hostname": "",
"ip": "",
"key": "x5l68KpJwk6v5pc1wyJkgBWjTCDRzIGCn9aXapcOjVoWCgKFEh3KEffJRDdkIgNi",
"last-connection": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
Description: deletes an endpoint from the EDR. This change is immediate and persistent. Thus if an EDR agent is still configured using these credentials it will not be able to communicate with the manager any longer.
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" -X DELETE "https://localhost:8001/endpoints/49e63832-cb8e-e2ee-04d5-115e7a85b62f"
Response: information of the deleted endpoint
"data": {
"uuid": "49e63832-cb8e-e2ee-04d5-115e7a85b62f",
"hostname": "",
"ip": "",
"key": "FysqI9gCMT9C9eQgslsOfuW567Ba7X4xWfOe21Dbu7WBKxs1F5sbfXeSH033sj9v",
"last-connection": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
🟢 GET /endpoints/{ENDPOINT_UUID}/command
Description: this API endpoint is used to get information about a pending or executed command. In order to make sure the command has been ran, a specific flag in the response can be checked.
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/endpoints/03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef/command"
"data": {
"uuid": "f3e15c2e-c46e-082d-53a3-fd7621453505",
"name": "cmd.exe",
"args": [
"drop": [],
"fetch": {},
# stdout, base64 encoded
"stderr": null,
"error": "",
# true if the endpoint received the command
"sent": true,
"background": false,
# flag to check to make sure command completed
"completed": true,
"timeout": 0,
# time at which the command has been received by the endpoint
"sent-time": "2021-03-03T14:32:40.939939135+01:00"
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
🟢 GET /endpoints/{ENDPOINT_UUID}/command/{FIELD}
Description: this endpoint is used to retrieve only one field of the command. This way it allows saving bandwith for polling patterns. Not all fields are accessible through that endpoint.
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/endpoints/03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef/command/completed"
Response: the data field of the response contains only the value of the queried field
"data": true,
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
🟢 POST /endpoints/{ENDPOINT_UUID}/command
Description: this endpoint can be used to ask the endpoint to execute a command or fetch files from the endpoint. Files can also be dropped prior to command execution, this way it is possible to execute binaries or scripts not initially present on the endpoint. Such dropped files are removed post command execution.
It is worth mentionning that it is the EDR agent installed on the endpoint which is responsible for checking commands to execute. So no connection from the EDR manager to the agent is made.
Post Data:
# command line to execute
"command-line": "cmd /c dir C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32",
# files to collect (post command execution) from the endpoint
# it can be used to retrieve command's output file or collect
# artifacts
"fetch-files": [
# files to drop on the endpoint (prior to execution)
# it can be used to execute script, exe not initially
# present on the endpoint.
# the paths specified here must be local to the manager
"drop-files": [
# timeout for the command, if 0 or empty no timeout is applied
"timeout": 10 ,
jq . /tmp/command.json
"command-line": "cmd.exe /c dir C:\\\\"
# POST command
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" -d @/tmp/command.json "https://localhost:8001/endpoints/03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef/command"
"data": {
"uuid": "03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef",
"hostname": "DESKTOP-LLOYD",
"ip": "",
"key": "ztBdB6XGl81Vx957YmVXjmh1SfnqliRMeoa7zYewtimXCGCNoR6O2Nfw9YjVD8KX",
"command": {
"uuid": "f3e15c2e-c46e-082d-53a3-fd7621453505",
"name": "cmd.exe",
"args": [
"drop": [],
"fetch": {},
"stdout": null,
"stderr": null,
"error": "",
"sent": false,
"background": false,
"completed": false,
"timeout": 0,
"sent-time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"last-connection": "2021-03-03T14:32:36.460166243+01:00"
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/endpoints/03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef/command"
"data": {
"uuid": "f3e15c2e-c46e-082d-53a3-fd7621453505",
"name": "cmd.exe",
"args": [
"drop": [],
"fetch": {},
# stdout, base64 encoded
"stderr": null,
"error": "",
# true if the endpoint received the command
"sent": true,
"background": false,
# flag to check to make sure command completed
"completed": true,
"timeout": 0,
# time at which the command has been received by the endpoint
"sent-time": "2021-03-03T14:32:40.939939135+01:00"
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
As stdout may contain binary data it is base64 encoded, after decoding we get
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9274-71C1
Directory of C:\
03/02/2021 08:28 AM <DIR> Program Files
01/11/2021 05:06 PM <DIR> Program Files (x86)
06/12/2019 10:51 AM <DIR> Users
03/03/2021 02:05 PM <DIR> Windows
0 File(s) 0 bytes
4 Dir(s) 14,656,937,984 bytes free
🟢 GET /endpoints/{ENDPOINT_UUID}/alerts
Description: API endpoint to use in order to retrieve alerts collected from a given endpoint.
Requirement: endpoint logging must be configured on the manager (cf. manager config)
- start: RFC 3339 formatted timestamp used as starting point for getting alerts
- stop: RFC 3339 formatted timestamp used as stopping point for getting alerts
- pivot: RFC 3339 formatted timestamp used as pivot point for retrieving logs
- delta: duration string used for getting alerts around pivot point. Specifying
a pivot and a delta will search alerts from
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/endpoints/03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef/alerts"
"data": [
"Event": {
"EventData": {
"Ancestors": "System|C:\\Windows\\System32\\smss.exe|C:\\Windows\\System32\\smss.exe|C:\\Windows\\System32\\wininit.exe|C:\\Windows\\System32\\services.exe",
"CommandLine": "\"C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Microsoft Shared\\ClickToRun\\OfficeClickToRun.exe\" /service",
"Company": "Microsoft Corporation",
"CurrentDirectory": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\",
"Description": "Microsoft Office Click-to-Run (SxS)",
"FileVersion": "16.0.13628.20346",
"Hashes": "SHA1=6A32BCEA6106E9151A5BDB4B7A8AA31C78C8C5C7,MD5=2B2DC8D683ACDC977F9E4109F0BBE0D9,SHA256=C779EA16CE7AD786AA83455F2A5A46A964ADE47FB8CDA5537CFE116B14ECACD3,IMPHASH=4606D7A079BA8D6E7F9540975D7E79FF",
"Image": "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\microsoft shared\\ClickToRun\\OfficeClickToRun.exe",
"ImageSize": "8905608",
"IntegrityLevel": "System",
"LogonGuid": "{515cd0d1-00f4-6040-e703-000000000000}",
"LogonId": "0x3e7",
"OriginalFileName": "OfficeClickToRun.exe",
"ParentCommandLine": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\services.exe",
"ParentImage": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\services.exe",
"ParentIntegrityLevel": "System",
"ParentProcessGuid": "{515cd0d1-00f4-6040-0b00-000000005a00}",
"ParentProcessId": "640",
"ParentServices": "N/A",
"ProcessGuid": "{515cd0d1-00f6-6040-4400-000000005a00}",
"ProcessId": "2796",
"Product": "Microsoft Office",
"RuleName": "-",
"Services": "ClickToRunSvc",
"TerminalSessionId": "0",
"UtcTime": "2021-03-03 21:34:46.769"
"GeneInfo": {
"Criticality": 10,
"Signature": [
"System": {
"Channel": "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational",
"Computer": "DESKTOP-LLOYD",
"Correlation": {},
"EventID": "1",
"EventRecordID": "53336456",
"Execution": {
"ProcessID": "3288",
"ThreadID": "724"
"Keywords": "0x8000000000000000",
"Level": "4",
"Opcode": "0",
"Provider": {
"Guid": "{5770385f-c22a-43e0-bf4c-06f5698ffbd9}",
"Name": "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon"
"Security": {
"UserID": "S-1-5-18"
"Task": "1",
"TimeCreated": {
"SystemTime": "2021-03-03T21:34:51.790661600Z"
"Version": "5"
# [...]
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
🟢 GET /endpoints/{ENDPOINT_UUID}/logs
Description: used to retrieve logs of an endpoint. Those logs includes filtered in events as well as alerts.
Requirement: endpoint logging must be configured on the manager (cf. manager config)
Exact same behaviour as endpoint alerts endpoint
🟢 GET /endpoints/{ENDPOINT_UUID}/artifacts
Description: list the artifacts collected (following an alert) on a given endpoint.
- since: RFC 3339 formatted timestamp used to retrieve artifact collected last updated after this date
curl -skH Api-key: admin https://localhost:8001/endpoints/03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef/artifacts?since=2021-07-06T17:19:42.835802162Z
"data": [
"update": "2021-07-06T19:21:50.655802826Z",
"process-guid": "515cd0d1-ab35-60e4-827c-000000004e00",
"event-hash": "2252cc3dee2623a44f5d1644338129b9",
"base-url": "/endpoints/03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef/artifacts/515cd0d1-ab35-60e4-827c-000000004e00/2252cc3dee2623a44f5d1644338129b9/",
"files": [
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
Description: download a given artifact
- raw: boolean telling that we want to receive the raw file
- gunzip: boolean instructing that artifact content must be gunzipped before being sent
NB: boolean must be in one of the following values (true, false, t, f, 0, 1)
curl -skH Api-key: admin https://localhost:8001/endpoints/03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef/artifacts/515cd0d1-9064-60e4-577c-000000004e00/443884f68ad4203613ff54a80d4fba15/event.json.gz
"data": "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",
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
🟢 GET /endpoints/reports
Description: API endpoint to get EDR reports about all the endpoints connected. Reports are not persistent accross restart of the manager.
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/endpoints/reports"
"data": {
"03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef": {
"identifier": "03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef",
"alert-count": 99,
"count-by-signature": {
"DefenderConfigChanged": 2,
"ExecTimestomping": 1,
"ExecutableFileCreated": 3,
"HeurPersistentRAT": 1,
"HeurSpawnShell": 1,
"NewAutorun": 8,
"StopSvchostAccess": 71,
"UnknownServices": 6,
"UntrustedDriverLoaded": 4,
"UntrustedService": 3
"signatures": [
"techniques": [
"tactics": [
"Defense Evasion",
"signature-count": 100,
"sum-alert-criticality": 744,
"avg-alert-criticality": 7.51,
"std-dev-alert-criticality": 1.05,
"sum-rule-criticality": 747,
"avg-signature-criticality": 7.47,
"std-dev-signature-criticality": 1.05,
"signature-diversity": 100,
"count-uniq-signatures": 10,
"signature-criticality-metric": 70,
"alert-criticality-metric": 751,
# aggregated metric which can be used to rank endpoints
# between them and prioritize investigation. It is made
# in such a way that it is relative to every environment.
# So a given noisy machine would not have the same score
# in a noisy and quiet environment.
"score": 821,
"start-time": "2021-03-03T21:34:51.3769993Z",
"median-time": "2021-03-03T21:43:01.53481525Z",
"stop-time": "2021-03-03T21:51:11.6926312Z"
"1829e1ac-acf6-953f-c3a8-27818820bb9f": null,
"5949e4a8-82c3-2284-58d1-0a93a3f8ed04": null,
"7fa7a8ab-4725-bf63-f8b3-9c72ed07f45a": null
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
🟢 GET /endpoints/{ENDPOINT_UUID}/reports
Description: API endpoint to get an EDR report about a given endpoint.
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" "https://localhost:8001/endpoints/03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef/report"
"data": {
"identifier": "03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef",
"alert-count": 99,
"count-by-signature": {
"DefenderConfigChanged": 2,
"ExecTimestomping": 1,
"ExecutableFileCreated": 3,
"HeurPersistentRAT": 1,
"HeurSpawnShell": 1,
"NewAutorun": 8,
"StopSvchostAccess": 71,
"UnknownServices": 6,
"UntrustedDriverLoaded": 4,
"UntrustedService": 3
"signatures": [
"techniques": [
"tactics": [
"Defense Evasion"
"signature-count": 100,
"sum-alert-criticality": 744,
"avg-alert-criticality": 7.51,
"std-dev-alert-criticality": 1.05,
"sum-rule-criticality": 747,
"avg-signature-criticality": 7.47,
"std-dev-signature-criticality": 1.05,
"signature-diversity": 100,
"count-uniq-signatures": 10,
"signature-criticality-metric": 70,
"alert-criticality-metric": 751,
"score": 821,
"start-time": "2021-03-03T21:34:51.3769993Z",
"median-time": "2021-03-03T21:43:01.53481525Z",
"stop-time": "2021-03-03T21:51:11.6926312Z"
"message": "OK",
"error": ""
🟢 DELETE /endpoints/{ENDPOINT_UUID}/reports
Description: API to delete a report for a given endpoint. A report can be deleted after an enpoint has been investigated.
curl -skH "Api-key: admin" -X DELETE "https://localhost:8001/endpoints/03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef/report"
"data": {
"identifier": "03e31275-2277-d8e0-bb5f-480fac7ee4ef",
"alert-count": 99,
"count-by-signature": {
"DefenderConfigChanged": 2,
"ExecTimestomping": 1,
"ExecutableFileCreated": 3,
"HeurPersistentRAT": 1,
"HeurSpawnShell": 1,
"NewAutorun": 8,
"StopSvchostAccess": 71,
"UnknownServices": 6,
"UntrustedDriverLoaded": 4,
"UntrustedService": 3
"signatures": [
"techniques": [
"tactics": [
"Defense Evasion",
"signature-count": 100,
"sum-alert-criticality": 744,
"avg-alert-criticality": 7.51,
"std-dev-alert-criticality": 1.05,
"sum-rule-criticality": 747,
"avg-signature-criticality": 7.47,
"std-dev-signature-criticality": 1.05,
"signature-diversity": 100,
"count-uniq-signatures": 10,
"signature-criticality-metric": 70,
"alert-criticality-metric": 751,
"score": 821,
"start-time": "2021-03-03T21:34:51.3769993Z",
"median-time": "2021-03-03T21:43:01.53481525Z",
"stop-time": "2021-03-03T21:51:11.6926312Z"
"message": "OK",
"error": ""