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This directory provides only backends that run on the server for
*non-Python* languages. Look in ../v5-unity/ for the Python Tutor
frontend code and the Python execution backend.

Release notes:

2015-01-24 - This is an experimental version of OPT that adds support
for multiple target languages under one unified app. It relies on
Node.js for the server and docker for sandboxing.

2018-03-04 - moved the C/C++ backend into this directory; it was
previously in a separate github repo since it was so big:
... but I decided it's easier if everything is together in one repo

Setup instructions:

This has been tested in the following version of Node.js for Linux:
... which comes in this repo. Untar it in your home directory:

untar it and add this to .bashrc to find it:
export PATH=$HOME/node-v6.9.5-linux-x64/bin:"$PATH"

symlink node to /usr/bin/node so that as soon as the machine restarts,
the environment knows where to find node before your own .bashrc runs:

sudo ln -s /home/pgbovine/node-v6.9.5-linux-x64/bin/node /usr/bin/

Let this node.js process bind to privileged ports < 1024 as non-root:

sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /home/pgbovine/node-v6.9.5-linux-x64/bin/node

[If you install Node with your OS's package manager, then there's no
guarantee that it will work!]

First install global dependencies:

npm install -g jshint
npm install -g forever

To install cokapi's node dependencies, run 'make deps'
(this depends on jshint and forever being globally-installed)

To start up the backend server, run 'make'

(Note that this is really really really hard-coded for my own server
setup, so it will likely be hard for you to reproduce that setup.)

Before you can actually run the backends, you'll also need to install
and configure Docker to run the individual backends in backends/

See Makefile and Dockerfile in each respective directory for details!

I also recommend to clear out all 'created' (but not actively running)
docker containers every ~10 minutes by putting an entry in your crontab:

*/10 * * * * docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -f status=created)

Check out crontabs.txt for details

Once you start up the cokapi.js Node.js server, you can ping it with
HTTP/HTTPS endpoints such as:


to run various language backends, passing arguments in via GET
parameters. Each set of endpoints comes in a pair that returns either
regular JSON data (e.g., /exec_java) or JSONP (e.g., /exec_java_jsonp)
for cross-domain AJAX.

How does the OPT web frontend call this backend? Look at variables such
as langSettingToJsonpEndpoint in ../v5-unity/js/opt-frontend-common.ts
to see how the frontend calls the backends via JSONP using jQuery code
such as:

        // the REAL call uses JSONP
          url: jsonp_endpoint,
          // The name of the callback parameter, as specified by the YQL service
          jsonp: "callback",
          dataType: "jsonp",
          data: {user_script : codeToExec,
                 options_json: JSON.stringify(backendOptionsObj)},
          success: callbackWrapper,