Sbt plugin for fully automated releases, without SNAPSHOT and git sha's in the version. A remix of the best ideas from sbt-ci-release and sbt-release-early.
- Features
- Installation
- Configuration for an in-house repository (e.g. jenkins/artifactory)
- Configuration for sonatype (maven central) via github actions
- Dependencies
- Alternatives
- detects last version from git tags (e.g.
), and automatically tags and releases the next version asv1.0.1
- no snapshots, no manual tagging
- automatically performs a cross-release if your build has multiple scala versions configured
- uses sbt-sonatype's fast new
- use
for your in-house setup (e.g. jenkins/artifactory/nexus etc), very easy to configure - use
for your open source actions/sonatype/maven-central setup, a little more involved to configure - easy to test locally (faster turnaround than debugging on ci)
- verifies that your build does not depend on any snapshot dependencies
Add the dependency in your projects/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("io.shiftleft" % "sbt-ci-release-early" % <version>)
Enable sbt-git (automatically brought in as a plugin dependency) in your build.sbt
, this will automatically set the version
based on your git repo (e.g. the git tag, or as a fallback the commit sha)
Make sure the typical publishTo
variable in your built.sbt
points to your repository (this isn't specific to this plugin). Example in build.sbt
ThisBuild / publishTo := Some("releases" at "")
If you don't have any previous versions tagged in git, now is the time to choose your versioning scheme. To do so simply tag your current commit with the version you want:
git tag v0.0.1
N.b. other versioning schemes like v1
, v0.1
, v0.0.0.1
will work as well.
To double check that the auto-tagging works, let the plugin create a new version tag for you:
sbt ciReleaseTagNextVersion
Now let's try to publish a release from your local machine:
sbt ciRelease
If that all worked, just configure the two commands ciReleaseTagNextVersion ciRelease
at the end of your build pipeline on your CI server. A complete command would e.g. be:
sbt clean test ciReleaseTagNextVersion ciRelease
Cross builds (for multiple scala versions) work seamlessly (the plugin just calls +publishSigned
Sonatype (which syncs to maven central) imposes additional constraints on the published artifacts, so the setup becomes a little more involved. These steps assume you're using github actions, but it'd be similar on other build servers.
If you don't have a sonatype account yet, follow the instructions in to create one.
Make sure build.sbt
does not define any of the following settings:
Ensure the following settings are defined in your build.sbt
: enable sbt-git (automatically brought in as a plugin dependency)name
: must match your sonatype account namelicenses
publishTo := sonatypePublishToBundle.value
Global/useGpgPinentry := true
: to ensure we're usinggpg --pinentry-mode loopback
- otherwise the sbt prompt asks for the key password, which will timeout on Note that this is required for gpg2. Do not configure if you use an older version (e.g. gpg1 shipped withdist: xenial
Example for a multi-project build:
ThisBuild/organization := "io.shiftleft"
ThisBuild/licenses := List("Apache-2.0" -> url(""))
ThisBuild/homepage := Some(url(""))
ThisBuild/scmInfo := Some(ScmInfo(
"scm:[email protected]:mpollmeier/sbt-ci-release-usage.git"))
ThisBuild/developers := List(
Developer("mpollmeier", "Michael Pollmeier", "[email protected]", url("")))
ThisBuild/publishTo := sonatypePublishToBundle.value
Global/useGpgPinentry := true // to ensure we're using `--pinentry-mode loopback`
If you don't have any previous versions tagged in git, now is the time to choose your versioning scheme. To do so simply tag your current commit with the version you want:
git tag v0.0.1
N.b. other versioning schemes like v1
, v0.1
, v0.0.0.1
will work as well.
To double check that the auto-tagging works, let the plugin create a new version tag for you:
sbt ciReleaseTagNextVersion
Sonatype requires all artifacts to be signed. Since it doesn't matter which key it's signed with, and we need to share the private key with, we will simply create a new one specifically for this project:
gpg --gen-key
- For real name, use "$PROJECT_NAME bot", e.g.
gremlin-scala bot
- For email, use your own email address
- For passphrase, generate a random password, e.g. using
apg -n1 -m20 -Mncl
At the end you'll see output like this
pub rsa2048 2018-06-10 [SC] [expires: 2020-06-09]
Take note of $LONG_ID
, make sure to replace this ID from the code examples
below. The ID will look something like
export LONG_ID=6E8ED79B03AD527F1B281169D28FC818985732D9
Optional: if you would like to change the key expiry date:
gpg --edit-key $LONG_ID
expire #follow prompt
key 1
expire #follow prompt
Now have one final look and submit the public key to a keyserver (shouldn't matter which one, keyservers synchronize their keys with each other):
gpg --list-keys $LONG_ID
gpg --send-keys $LONG_ID
Then export the private key locally so we can later encrypt the private one for travis. Make sure you don't publish it anywhere. The actual damage is small since it's just for this build, but the internet will shame you.
gpg --armor --export-secret-keys $LONG_ID > private-key.pem
echo "\nprivate-key.pem" >> .gitignore
git add .gitignore
Travis will automatically tag each release in git. In order to push that tag, it needs push access to your repository. The easiest way to achieve that is to create a personal access token for travis. Note it down somewhere, it will be used in the next section (and you can use for all your travis builds).
Open the "Settings" panel for your project on Travis CI, for example
And define the following secret variables. They are shared with travis, but cannot be accessed outside your build:
: The email you use to log into
: The password you use to log into
: The randomly generated password you used to create a fresh gpg key.GITHUB_TOKEN
: the token that allows travis to push to your remote git(hub) repository
Now configure your .travis.yml
. There are many ways to do this, but to make things simple you can just copy paste the following into your .travis.yml
. It sets up your build in two stages:
: always runsbt +test
: if it's themaster
branch and all tests passed, runsbt ciReleaseTagNextVersion ciReleaseSonatype
dist: bionic
language: scala
jdk: openjdk11
if: tag IS blank
- git fetch --tags
- gpg --batch --import private-key.pem
- name: test
- name: release
if: branch = master AND type = push
- stage: test
script: sbt +test
- stage: release
script: sbt ciReleaseTagNextVersion ciReleaseSonatype
- find $HOME/.sbt -name "*.lock" -type f -delete
- find $HOME/.ivy2/cache -name "ivydata-*.properties" -type f -delete
- rm -rf $HOME/.ivy2/local
- "$HOME/.sbt/1.0/dependency"
- "$HOME/.sbt/boot/scala*"
- "$HOME/.sbt/launchers"
- "$HOME/.ivy2/cache"
- "$HOME/.coursier"
Finally, share the private key with travis. Note that this has to be run from within the repository. If you haven't yet, you'll need to install travis (e.g. with gem install travis
travis encrypt-file private-key.pem --add
That's all - give it a try. Remember to add private-key.pem.enc
to your repository, but not private-key.pem
By installing sbt-ci-release-early
the following sbt plugins are also brought in:
- sbt-pgp: signs the artifacts before publishing
- sbt-sonatype: publishes your artifacts to Sonatype
- sbt-git: sets the project version based on the git tag
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 6; columnNumber: 3; The element type "hr" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</hr>".
The most likely cause is that sonatype is having infrastructure issues and sends a timeout. The error message is quite cryptic because sbt-sonatype doesn't handle that case well, but the root issue is (likely) that sonatype's infrastructure is flakey.
If you want to use jdk8 (which is end of life), you need to make the following changes:
- .travis.yml:
dist: xenial
,jdk: openjdk8
- build.sbt:
Global/useGpgPinentry := false
,Global/useGpg := false
Other than manually looking at sonatype/maven central or git tags, you can use the following snippet that remotely gets the git tags that start with v
and have (in this version) three decimals separated by .
, and returns the highest version.
git ls-remote --tags $REPO | awk -F"/" '{print $3}' | grep '^v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*' | grep -v {} | sort --version-sort | tail -n1
When a build is e.g. interrupted, or didn't satisfy the sonatype requirements for publishing, it is likely that these artifacts are still lying around in the sonatype staging area. You can log into and clean it up, or just do it from within sbt, locally on your machine:
// lists staging repo idssonatypeDrop [id]
SNAPSHOT dependencies are evil because they:
- are mutable, i.e. your builds aren't reproducible
- slow down your build, because sbt has to check for updates all the time
- involve (sometimes multiple layers) of caches, which tend to break and add complexity if you try to debug a problem
To keep things simple I decided to not add that feature to this plugin. If you want to release a specific version you have to do that yourself:
// in sbt:
set version := "1.2.3"
// on the terminal:
git tag v1.2.3
git push origin v1.2.3
Note to future self: this would have added complexity because to trigger it we would rely on git tags, and we need a foolproof way to check if a given tag has already been released. My intial thought was to tag anything released with _released_1.0.1_
, but it was getting quite complicated for handling an edge case.
Add the following to the project settings:
skip in publish := true
If the build defines a dependency on the subproject (e.g. dependsOn(subProjectName)
) then it's automatically included in the release.
Otherwise you can just append subProjectName/publish
to your build pipeline, the version is already set for you :)
Yes. As soon as CI "closes" the staging repository they are available on sonatype/releases and will be synchronized to maven central within ~10mins. If you can't wait so long, add a sonatype resolver:
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
You can publish sbt plugins like a normal library, no custom setup required. In fact, this plugin is published with a previous version of itself :)
There exist great alternatives to sbt-ci-release-early that may work better for your setup.
- sbt-ci-release: Releases versions that you previously tagged in git (rather than automatically tagging every build). This plugin started as a fork of sbt-ci-release. I ran into some issues with gpg keys, ymmv.
- sbt-release-early:
- sbt-rig