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Setting up Prebid for AMP in DFP |
Setting up Prebid for AMP in DFP |
Setting up Prebid for AMP in DFP |
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tutorials |
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This page describes how to set up a line item and creative to serve on AMP pages with Prebid.js.
{: .alert.alert-success :} For engineering setup instructions, see Show Prebid Ads on AMP Pages.
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In addition to your other line item settings, you'll need the following:
Enter the Inventory Sizes of the creatives you want the line item to use, e.g., 300x250, 300x50, etc.
Set the Type to Price Priority
Set Display creatives to One or More.
Set Rotate creatives to Evenly.
In the targeting section, select Key-values targeting. You'll need to coordinate with your development team on what key-values you want to target.
Save your line item and add a creative.
On the new creative screen, select the Third party creative type.
Ensure that the Serve into a SafeFrame box is checked.
Enter the below code snippet in the Code snippet text area.
{: .alert.alert-success :} You can always get the latest version of the creative code below from the AMP example creative file in our GitHub repo.
{% include dev-docs/ %}