- 🌟 Modern bundle
- 🔩 Ultra tiny (only ~4kb)
- 👌 Simple usage
- ⚡ Highly optimized
- ✔ Zero dependencies
- 📱 Mobile / touch support
- 🖱 Vertical and horizontal scroll support
- Vue wrapper
- Preact / React wrapper
Check out the documentation for the package you want to use:
- @viselect/vanilla - To be used with plain JavaScript / TypeScript without any framework.
- @viselect/preact - Preact wrapper.
- @viselect/react - React wrapper.
- @viselect/vue - Vue3 wrapper.
- @viselect/angular - TBA (planned).
Check out recipes for commonly asked questions and how to solve them using the standart library!
This library will always have currentYear - 1
as its target. For 2021 for example the target will be ES2020. It always provides both a UMD
) and .mjs
version. If you want to support legacy browsers, please use the feature of your bundler to transpile dependencie. In case of webpack and babel (give vite a try, it's awesome) you'll have to install corresponding plugins such as babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining and include the dependency from node_modules
which is normally entirely excluded from being processed.
I do this to provide maximum flexibility and give those who target ESNext a chance to make full use of how this library is bundled. Everything else is just a matter of configuration :)