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Softmax/LogSoftMax refactor (wrapped up) (pytorch#3245)
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* Unify CUDA kernels for SoftMax and LogSoftMax

* Improve SoftMax and LogSoftMax kernels performance

Added a new instantiation of the spatial kernel for
low inner_size and larger dim_size.
  • Loading branch information
apaszke authored and soumith committed Oct 25, 2017
1 parent e43a63a commit b3642b3
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Showing 6 changed files with 580 additions and 625 deletions.
32 changes: 28 additions & 4 deletions test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4390,8 +4390,20 @@ def mseloss_no_reduce_module_test():
constructor=wrap_functional(F.softmax, dim=1),
input_size=(2, 3, 4, 5),
input_size=(2, 128), # trigger the last-dim algo in CUDA
constructor=wrap_functional(F.softmax, dim=1),
input_size=(2, 128, 2, 2), # trigger special case of spatial CUDA algo
constructor=wrap_functional(F.softmax, dim=1),
input_size=(2, 2, 4, 4), # regular spatial algorithm
Expand All @@ -4410,8 +4422,20 @@ def mseloss_no_reduce_module_test():
constructor=wrap_functional(F.log_softmax, dim=1),
input_size=(2, 3, 4, 5),
input_size=(2, 128), # trigger the last-dim algo in CUDA
constructor=wrap_functional(F.log_softmax, dim=1),
input_size=(2, 128, 2, 2), # trigger special case of spatial CUDA algo
constructor=wrap_functional(F.log_softmax, dim=1),
input_size=(2, 2, 4, 4), # regular spatial algorithm
Expand Down
334 changes: 14 additions & 320 deletions torch/lib/THCUNN/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,337 +1,31 @@
#include "THCUNN.h"
#include "THCHalf.h"
#include "THCTensorTypeUtils.cuh"
#include "THCHalfAutoNumerics.cuh"
#include "SharedMem.cuh"

template <typename T, typename AccumT>
__global__ void cunn_SpatialLogSoftMax_updateOutput_kernel(T *output, T *input, uint32_t outer_size, uint32_t dim_size, uint32_t inner_size)
const uint32_t outer_stride = inner_size * dim_size;
const uint32_t dim_stride = inner_size;

for (uint32_t outer_index = blockIdx.x; outer_index < outer_size; outer_index += gridDim.x) {
const uint32_t outer_offset = outer_index * outer_stride;
for (uint32_t inner_index = blockIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; inner_index < inner_size; inner_index += blockDim.x * gridDim.y) {
const uint32_t data_offset = outer_offset + inner_index;

T max_input = input[data_offset];
for (uint32_t d = 1; d < dim_size; d++) {
const T value = input[data_offset + d * dim_stride];
max_input = THCNumerics<T>::ge(max_input, value) ? max_input : value;

AccumT sum = 0;
for (uint32_t d = 0; d < dim_size; d++)
sum += THCNumerics<T>::exp(input[data_offset + d * dim_stride] - max_input);
const T logsum = max_input + ScalarConvert<AccumT, T>::to(THCNumerics<AccumT>::log(sum));

for (uint32_t d = 0; d < dim_size; d++)
output[data_offset + d * dim_stride] = input[data_offset + d * dim_stride] - logsum;

template <typename T, typename AccumT>
__global__ void cunn_SpatialLogSoftMax_updateGradInput_kernel(T *gradInput, T *output, T *gradOutput, uint32_t outer_size, uint32_t dim_size, uint32_t inner_size)
const uint32_t outer_stride = inner_size * dim_size;
const uint32_t dim_stride = inner_size;

for (uint32_t outer_index = blockIdx.x; outer_index < outer_size; outer_index += gridDim.x) {
const uint32_t outer_offset = outer_index * outer_stride;
for (uint32_t inner_index = blockIdx.y * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; inner_index < inner_size; inner_index += blockDim.x * gridDim.y) {
const uint32_t data_offset = outer_offset + inner_index;

AccumT sum = 0;
for (uint32_t d = 0; d < dim_size; d++) {
sum += gradOutput[data_offset + d * dim_stride];
const T real_sum = ScalarConvert<AccumT, T>::to(sum);

for (uint32_t d = 0; d < dim_size; d++) {
gradInput[data_offset + d * dim_stride] = gradOutput[data_offset + d * dim_stride] -
THCNumerics<T>::exp(output[data_offset + d * dim_stride]) * real_sum;

static void LogSoftMax_getSpatialGridSize(
uint32_t block_size, uint32_t max_active_blocks,
uint64_t outer_size, uint64_t dim_size, uint64_t inner_size,
dim3& grid, dim3& block) {
// First, tile as many blocks as we can over the y axis
uint32_t y_size = (inner_size + block_size - 1) / block_size;
if (y_size > max_active_blocks)
y_size = max_active_blocks;
// Fill the x axis with as many blocks as we can fit
uint32_t x_size = (max_active_blocks + y_size - 1) / y_size;
if (x_size > outer_size)
x_size = outer_size;
grid = dim3(x_size, y_size);
block = dim3(block_size);

template <typename T, typename AccumT>
struct MaxFloat
__device__ __forceinline__ AccumT operator()(AccumT max, T v) const
return fmaxType(max, v);

template<typename T, typename AccumT>
struct SumFloat
__device__ __forceinline__ AccumT operator()(AccumT sum, T v) const
return sum + v;
#include "SoftMaxCommon.cuh"

template<typename T, typename AccumT>
struct SumExpFloat
__device__ __forceinline__ SumExpFloat(T v)
: max_k(v)
struct LogSoftMaxForwardEpilogue {
__device__ __forceinline__ LogSoftMaxForwardEpilogue(T max_input, AccumT sum)
: logsum(max_input + ScalarConvert<AccumT, T>::to(THCNumerics<AccumT>::log(sum))) {}

__device__ __forceinline__ AccumT operator()(AccumT sum, T v) const
return sum + THCNumerics<T>::exp(v - max_k);
__device__ __forceinline__ T operator()(T input) const {
return input - logsum;

const T max_k;

template<typename AccumT>
struct NoFinal
__device__ __forceinline__ AccumT operator()(AccumT v) const
return v;
const T logsum;

template<typename AccumT>
struct LSMFinal
__device__ __forceinline__ LSMFinal(AccumT m)
: max_k(m)
template<typename T, typename AccumT>
struct LogSoftMaxBackwardEpilogue {
__device__ __forceinline__ LogSoftMaxBackwardEpilogue(AccumT sum)
: sum(ScalarConvert<AccumT, T>::to(sum)) {}

__device__ __forceinline__ AccumT operator()(AccumT v) const
return max_k + THCNumerics<AccumT>::log(v);
__device__ __forceinline__ T operator()(T gradOutput, T output) const {
return gradOutput - THCNumerics<T>::exp(output) * sum;

const AccumT max_k;
const T sum;

template <template<typename, typename> class Reduction, template<typename> class Finalize, typename AccumT>
__device__ __forceinline__ AccumT
blockReduce(AccumT* smem, AccumT val,
const Reduction<AccumT, AccumT>& r,
AccumT defaultVal,
const Finalize<AccumT>& f)
// To avoid RaW races from chaining blockReduce calls together, we
// need a sync here

smem[threadIdx.x] = val;


AccumT warpVal = defaultVal;

// First warp will perform per-warp reductions for the remaining warps
if ((threadIdx.x / 32) == 0) // only threads in warp1 go into this (if)
int lane = threadIdx.x % 32; // from 0 to 31

// if less than 1024 threads per block, then only activate the relevant lanes
if (lane < blockDim.x / 32)
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
warpVal = r(warpVal, smem[lane * 32 + i]);

smem[lane] = warpVal;


// First thread will perform a reduction of the above per-warp reductions
AccumT blockVal = defaultVal;

if (threadIdx.x == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < blockDim.x / 32; ++i)
blockVal = r(blockVal, smem[i]);

smem[0] = f(blockVal);

// Sync and broadcast
return smem[0];

template <template<typename, typename> class Reduction, typename AccumT>
__device__ __forceinline__ AccumT
blockReduce(AccumT* smem, AccumT val,
const Reduction<AccumT, AccumT>& r,
AccumT defaultVal)
return blockReduce<Reduction, NoFinal, AccumT>(smem, val, r, defaultVal, NoFinal<AccumT>());

template <template<typename, typename> class Reduction, int ILP, typename T, typename AccumT>
__device__ __forceinline__ AccumT
ilpReduce(T* data,
int size,
const Reduction<T, AccumT>& r,
AccumT defaultVal)
AccumT threadVal = defaultVal;
int offset = threadIdx.x;

int last = size % (ILP * blockDim.x);

// Body (unroll by ILP times)
for (; offset < size - last; offset += blockDim.x * ILP)
T tmp[ILP];

#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < ILP; ++j)
tmp[j] = data[offset + j * blockDim.x];

#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < ILP; ++j)
threadVal = r(threadVal, tmp[j]);

// Epilogue
for (; offset < size; offset += blockDim.x)
threadVal = r(threadVal, data[offset]);

return threadVal;

template <int ILP, typename T, typename AccumT>
__global__ void
cunn_LogSoftMax_updateOutput_kernel(T *output, T *input, int classes)
SharedMem<AccumT> smem;
AccumT *buffer = smem.getPointer();
// forward pointers to batch[blockIdx.x]
// each block handles a sample in the mini-batch
input += blockIdx.x * classes;
output += blockIdx.x * classes;

// find the max of the batch
AccumT threadMax = ilpReduce<MaxFloat, ILP, T, AccumT>(
input, classes, MaxFloat<T, AccumT>(), -THCNumerics<AccumT>::max());
// find the max over all batches
AccumT max_k = blockReduce<MaxFloat, AccumT>(
buffer, threadMax, MaxFloat<AccumT, AccumT>(), -THCNumerics<AccumT>::max());
T max_k_non_accum = ScalarConvert<AccumT, T>::to(max_k);

AccumT threadExp = ilpReduce<SumExpFloat, ILP, T, AccumT>(
input, classes, SumExpFloat<T, AccumT>(max_k_non_accum), AccumT(0));
T logsum_k = ScalarConvert<AccumT, T>::to(
blockReduce<SumFloat, LSMFinal, AccumT>(
buffer, threadExp, SumFloat<AccumT, AccumT>(), AccumT(0), LSMFinal<AccumT>(max_k)));

// Output LSM (hand ILP)
int offset = threadIdx.x;

int last = classes % (ILP * blockDim.x);
for (; offset < classes - last; offset += blockDim.x * ILP)
T tmp[ILP];

#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < ILP; ++j) {
tmp[j] = input[offset + j * blockDim.x];

#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < ILP; ++j)
output[offset + j * blockDim.x] = tmp[j] - logsum_k;

for (; offset < classes; offset += blockDim.x)
output[offset] = input[offset] - logsum_k;

template <int ILP, typename T, typename AccumT>
__global__ void
cunn_LogSoftMax_updateGradInput_kernel(T *gradInput,
T *output,
T *gradOutput,
int classes)
SharedMem<AccumT> smem;
AccumT *buffer = smem.getPointer();
gradInput += blockIdx.x * classes;
output += blockIdx.x * classes;
gradOutput += blockIdx.x * classes;

AccumT threadSum = ilpReduce<SumFloat, 4, T, AccumT>(
gradOutput, classes, SumFloat<T, AccumT>(), AccumT(0));
T sum_k = ScalarConvert<AccumT, T>::to(
blockReduce<SumFloat, AccumT>(
buffer, threadSum, SumFloat<AccumT, AccumT>(), AccumT(0)));

// Update gradInput (hand ILP)
int offset = threadIdx.x;
int last = classes % (ILP * blockDim.x);
for (; offset < classes - last; offset += blockDim.x * ILP)
T tmpGradOutput[ILP];
T tmpOutput[ILP];

#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < ILP; ++j)
tmpGradOutput[j] = gradOutput[offset + j * blockDim.x];
tmpOutput[j] = output[offset + j * blockDim.x];

#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < ILP; ++j)
gradInput[offset + j * blockDim.x] =
tmpGradOutput[j] - THCNumerics<T>::exp(tmpOutput[j]) * sum_k;

for (; offset < classes; offset += blockDim.x)
gradInput[offset] =
gradOutput[offset] - THCNumerics<T>::exp(output[offset]) * sum_k;

#include "generic/"
#include "THCGenerateFloatTypes.h"

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