This page contains a list of quickstart notebooks written with the Open Bandit Pipeline.
: a quickstart guide of the Open Bandit Dataset and Pipeline.synthetic.ipynb
: a quickstart guide to implement the standard off-policy learning, off-policy evaluation (OPE), and the evaluation of OPE procedures with the Open Bandit Pipeline.multiclass.ipynb
: a quickstart guide to handle multi-class classification data as logged bandit feedback data for the standard off-policy learning, off-policy evaluation (OPE), and the evaluation of OPE procedures with the Open Bandit
: a quickstart guide to implement off-policy evaluation (OPE) and the evaluation of OPE procedures for online bandit algorithms with the Open Bandit Pipeline.opl.ipynb
: a quickstart guide to implement off-policy learners and the evaluation of off-policy learners with the Open Bandit Pipeline.synthetic_slate.ipynb
: a quickstart guide to implement off-policy evaluation (OPE) and the evaluation of OPE procedures for the slate recommendation setting with the Open Bandit Pipeline.