Wishlist is a directory for SSH Apps, and a SSH app itself.
It can be used to start multiple SSH apps within a single package, and provide a list of them over SSH as well. You can also list apps provided elsewhere.
You can also use the wishlist
CLI to just start a listing of external SSH apps based on a JSON config file.
- if ssh agent forwarding is available, it will be used
- otherwise, each session will create a new ed25519 key and use it, in which case your app will be to allow access to any public key
- password auth is not supported
eval (ssh-agent)
ssh-add -k # adds all your pubkeys
ssh-add -l # should list the added keys
ssh \
-o 'ForwardAgent=yes' \ # forwards the agent
-o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' \ # do not add to ~/.ssh/known_hosts, optional
-p 2222 \ # port
foo.bar \ # host
-t list # optional, app name