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Form Widgets

This document is a list of available ODK :term:`Collect` :term:`form` :term:`widgets <widget>` (question types), with:

Basic Form Widgets

This section shows examples of all the form widgets types, with no additional options displayed.

String Input

A simple text input.

String input form widget, displayed in ODK Collect on an Android phone. The label is "What is your name?"

XLSForm Rows

type name label
text name What is your name?


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/name" type="string"/>

<input ref="/sample-xlsform/name">
  <label>What is your name?</label>

Single Select

A radio-button single choice from several options.

Single-select (radio button) form widget, displayed in ODK Collect on an Android phone. The question label is "What is your favorite fruit?" After the question is a list of fruits.

XLSForm Rows

type name label
select_one fruit_list fruits What is your favorite fruit?
list_name name label
fruit_list apple apple
fruit_list pear pear
fruit_list peach peach
fruit_list strawberry strawberry
fruit_list pineapple pineapple
fruit_list orange orange
fruit_list grape grape
fruit_list plum plum

The list_name in the choices table matches the string after select_one in the type column of the survey table.


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/fruits" type="select1"/>

<select1 ref="/sample-xlsform/fruits">
  <label>What is your favorite fruit?</label>


A checkbox-list selection of multiple items. (The example includes a :term:`hint`.)

Multi-select (checkbox-list) form widget, displayed in ODK Collect on an Android phone. The question label is "What vegetables do you enjoy?" and the hint text "Select all the apply." After the question is a list of vegetables.

XLSForm Rows

type name label hint
select_multiple veggie_list veggies Which vegetables do you enjoy? Select all that apply.
list_name name label
veggie_list broccoli. broccoli  
veggie_list carrot carrot
veggie_list spinach spinach
veggie_list tomato tomato
veggie_list bell_pepper bell pepper
veggie_list asparagus asparagus
  • The list_name in the choices table matches the string after select_one in the type column of the survey table.
  • The content of name can not have spaces.


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/veggies" type="select"/>

<select ref="/sample-xlsform/veggies">
  <label>Which vegetables do you enjoy?</label>
  <hint>Select all that apply.</hint>
    <label>bell pepper</label>


A whole number entry input. Integer widgets will not accept decimal points.

An integer form widget displayed in ODK Collect on an Android phone. The question is "What is your age in years?" A numerical keyboard is displayed.

XLSForm Rows

type name label
integer age What is your age in years?


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/age" type="int"/>

<input ref="/sample-xlsform/age">
  <label>What is your age in years?</label>


A numerical entry input that will accept decimal points.

An integer form widget displayed in ODK Collect on an Android phone. The question is "Weight in kilograms." A numerical keyboard is displayed.

XLSForm Rows

type name label
decimal weight Weight in kilograms.


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/weight" type="decimal"/>

<input ref="/sample-xlsform/weight">
  <label>Weight in kilograms.</label>


A single set of GPS coordinates. The example includes a :term:`hint`.

A geopoint form widget displayed in ODK Collect on an Android phone. The question headline is "Current location." Below that is the hint text "You might have to turn on your GPS," followed by a button with the label "Start GeoPoint."

A modal popup over an obscured screen. The headline of the modal is "Loading Location." The text is "Please wait. This could take a few minutes." There are two options: "Cancel" and "Save Geopoint."

A completed geopoint form widget. It looks the same as before, but now has four fields below the button: Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, and Accuracy.

XLSForm Rows

type name label hint
geopoint current_location Current location. You might have to turn on your GPS.


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/current_location" type="geopoint"/>

<input ref="/sample-xlsform/current_location">
  <label>Current location.</label>
  <hint>You might have to turn on your GPS.</hint>


A line or polygon of GPS coordinates tracking actual device movement. The user can specify one of two location-recording modes:

  • Manual Mode — The user taps the device to place a marker as desired while moving.
  • Automatic Mode — The app creates a marker on a regular time interval (default: 20 seconds) as the user moves.

A geotrace form widget displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is "Where have you been?" and below that is a button with the label "Start GeoTrace."

A modal popup over a map. The modal headline is "Zoom to..." Below that are two options: "Zoom to current location" (selected) and "Zoom to saved feature". In the bottom-right of the modal is a Cancel button.

A map displayed in the ODK Collect App on an Android phone. Above the map is the instruction: Wait for lock, then tap add marker button start. On the right side are five icon buttons stacked vertically: Add marker, Zoom, Layers, Trash, Save.

The same map as displayed in the previous image. Over the map is a modal popup. The modal headline is "Select GeoTrace Mode," followed by two radio-button (single select) options: Manual Mode (selected) and Automatic Mode. In the bottom-right are buttons for Cancel and Start.

The same modal popup as in the previous image, but the Automatic Mode radio button is not selected. Below it are two drop-down select boxes. Their values are "20" and "seconds."

The same map as displayed previously, but now a series of red markers form a line across the map.

The same map as previously, with a new modal popup. The headline of the modal is "Save GeoTrace as" followed by two options: Save as Polygon and Save as Polyline. In the bottom-right is a Cancel button.

The Geotrace form widget, as shown previously. The question text is "Where have you been?" and the button label is "View or Change GeoTrace." Below that is a list of lat/long GPS coordinates.

XLSForm Rows

type name label
geotrace trace_example Where have you been?


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/trace_example" type="geotrace"/>

<input ref="/sample-xlsform/trace_example">
  <label>Where have you been?</label>


A user-entered series of GPS coordinates, forming a polygon.

The GeoShape form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is "Select an Area." Below that is a button labeled "Start GeoShape."

A modal popup over a map. The modal headline is "Zoom to..." Below that are two options: "Zoom to current location" (selected) and "Zoom to saved feature". In the bottom-right of the modal is a Cancel button.

A map displayed in the ODK Collect App on an Android phone. Above the map is the instruction: "Long press to place marks." On the right side are five icon buttons stacked vertically: Add marker, Zoom, Layers, Trash, Save.

The same map as displayed previously, but now a series of red markers form a polygon across the map.

The GeoShape form widget shown previously. The question text is "Select an Area." The button label is now "View or Change GeoShape." Below the button is a list of lat/long GPS coordinates.

XLSForm Rows

type name label
geoshape shape_example Select an area.


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/shape_example" type="geoshape"/>

<input ref="/sample-xlsform/shape_example">
  <label>Select an area.</label>


A date selector.

The date selection form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is "What is your birthday?" The button label is "Select date." Below that is the message "No date selected."

The same form widget screen as previously, overlaid with a modal popup calendar. The headline is a date: 2017 Tue, Aug 8. The main body shows a monthly calendar with selectable days and arrows for scrolling month-to-month. In the bottom-right are Cancel and OK buttons.

The date selection form widget as shown previously. Below the "Select date" button is the date Aug 01, 2017.

XLSForm Rows

type name label
date birthday What is your birthday?


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/birthday" type="date"/>

<input ref="/sample-xlsform/birthday">
  <label>What is your birthday?</label>


A time selector. Captures only a specific time-of-day, not a date and time. For date and time, see :ref:`datetime`.

The Time form widget as displayed in the ODK Collect App on an Android phone. The question text is "What time do you usually wakeup?" The button label is "Select time." Below the button is the message "No time selected."

The Time widget as displayed previously, with a modal popup. The modal headline is "Select time." The body of the modal contains scrollers for Hour, Minute, and AM/PM. At the bottom of the modal are Cancel and OK buttons.

The Time form widget as displayed previously. Below the "Select time" button is "06:30".

XLSForm Rows

type name label
time wakeup What time do you usually wakeup?


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/wakeup" type="time"/>

<input ref="/sample-xlsform/wakeup">
  <label>What time do you usually wakeup?</label>


A datetime selector. For date only, see :ref:`date`. For time only, see :ref:`time`.

The Datetime form widget as displayed in the ODK Collect App on an Android phone. The question text is "When was the last time you ate?" Below the question are two buttons. The first button is labeled "Select date" and below it is the message "No date selected." The second button is labeled "Select time" and below it is the message "No time select."

The same form widget screen as previously, overlaid with a modal popup calendar. The headline is a date: 2017 Tue, Aug 8. The main body shows a monthly calendar with selectable days and arrows for scrolling month-to-month. In the bottom-right are Cancel and OK buttons.

The Datetime form widget as displayed previously. The question text is "When was the last time you ate?" Below the question are two buttons. The first button is labeled "Select date" and below it is the date "Aug 08, 2017" The second button is labeled "Select time" and below it is the message "No time select."

The Datetime widget as displayed previously, with a modal popup. The modal headline is "Select time." The body of the modal contains scrollers for Hour, Minute, and AM/PM. At the bottom of the modal are Cancel and OK buttons.

The Datetime form widget as displayed previously. The question text is "When was the last time you ate?" Below the question are two buttons. The first button is labeled "Select date" and below it is the date "Aug 08, 2017" The second button is labeled "Select time" and below it is the time "06:45"

XLSForm Rows

type name label
dateTime previous_meal When was the last time you ate?


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/previous_meal" type="dateTime"/>

<input ref="/sample-xlsform/previous_meal">
  <label>When was the last time you ate?</label>


An image collector. The user can choose to select an image stored on the device or take a new picture. The example includes :term:`hint` text.

The Image widget as displayed in the ODK Collect App on an Android phone. The question text is "Please take a self portrait." Below the question is the hint text, "A 'selfie.'" There are two buttons: Take Picture and Choose Image.

The camera app on an Android phone, with a person's face in the camera image. Below the camera image is a large, blue Checkbox button.

The Image widget as displayed previously. Below the buttons is the photo of a face from the previous camera app image.


type name label hint
image selfie Please take a self portrait. A "selfie."


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/selfie" type="binary"/>

<upload mediatype="image/*" ref="/sample-xlsform/selfie">
  <label>Please take a self portrait.</label>
  <hint>A &quot;selfie.&quot;</hint>


An audio recording collector.

The Audio form widget as displayed in the ODK Collect App on an Android phone. The question text is "Please record your name." There are three buttons: Record Sound, Choose Sound and Play Sound. The "Play Sound" button is disabled.

XLSForm Rows

type name label
audio name_pronounce Please record your name.


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/name_pronounce" type="binary"/>

<upload mediatype="audio/*" ref="/sample-xlsform/name_pronounce">
  <label>Please record your name.</label>


A video collector. The example includes :term:`hint` text.

The Video form widget as displayed in the ODK Collect App on an Android phone. The question text is "Please record a video of yourself blinking." The hint text is "Three times is probably sufficient." Below that are three buttons: Record Video, Choose Video, and Play Video. The Play Video button is disabled.

The Android camera app, in video mode. A person's face is in the camera viewer. Below the camera viewer is a large, blue checkmark button.

The Video form widget as displayed previously. The question text is "Please record a video of yourself blinking." The hint text is "Three times is probably sufficient." Below that are three buttons: Record Video, Choose Video, and Play Video. All three buttons are enabled.

XSLForm Rows

type name label hint
video blinking Please record a video of yourself blinking. Three times is probably sufficient.


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/blinking" type="binary"/>

<upload mediatype="video/*" ref="/sample-xlsform/blinking">
  <label>Please record a video of yourself blinking.</label>
  <hint>Three times is probably sufficient.</hint>


A note to the user, accepting no input. This example includes :term:`hint` text.

The Note form widget as displayed in the ODK Collect App on an Android phone. The headline text is, "This is an example note." The hint text is, "The text displays, but there is no input."

XSLForm Rows

type name label hint
note note_1 This is an example note. The text displays, but there is no input.


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/note_1" readonly="true()" type="string"/>

<input ref="/sample-xlsform/note_1">
  <label>This is an example note.</label>
  <hint>The text displays, but there is no input.</hint>


Captures the text from a barcode using the device camera. Supported barcode formats are described [here]( Non-printing control codes are removed.

The flash can be used as a light source when scanning barcodes in a poorly-lit environment.


Barcode scanning is built into ODK Collect versions 1.7.0 and greater. Versions of ODK Collect prior to 1.7.0 require the [ZXing app]( to be installed.

The Barcode form widget as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The headline text reads, "Scan any barcode." Below that is an image labeled "Get Barcode."

A barcode scanner on an Android device. A barcode is in the viewfinder, with a thin blue line across the barcode.

The Barcode form widget as displayed previously. The button label is now "Replace Barcode." Below the button is a string of numbers representing the decoded content of the scanned barcode.

XSLForm Rows

type name label
barcode barcode_example Scan any barcode.


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/barcode_example" type="barcode"/>
<input ref="/sample-xlsform/barcode_example">
  <label>Scan any barcode.</label>


An acknowledgement prompt with single checkbox. In :term:`Aggregate`, a completed acknowledgement is stored as the string response OK.

The Acknowledge form widget as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The headline text is, "I acknowledge this acknowledgment." Below that is a single checkbox with the label, "OK. Please continue."

XLSForm Rows

type name label
acknowledge ack_sample I acknowledge this acknowledgement.


<bind nodeset="/sample-xlsform/ack_sample" type="string"/>

<trigger ref="/sample-xlsform/ack_sample">
  <label>I acknowledge this acknowledgement.</label>

Widget Formatting with Appearance

In your :term:`xlsform` sheet, you can optionally specify an :th:`appearance` column. This will affect widget display and functionality in :term:`Collect`.

Text Widgets

Default Appearance

The default String widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is "String Widget." Below that is a simple text input. Above the question text is the form group name, "Text widgets."

XLSForm Rows
type name label
text string_widget String widget
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/text_widgets/string_widget" type="string"/>

<input ref="/all-widgets/text_widgets/string_widget">
   <label>String widget</label>

String Number

A numerical input that treats the input as a string, rather than a number.

The text widget, with numerical entry, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is "String number widget." The hint text is, "text type with numbers appearance." Below that is a simple input. Above the question text is the form group name "Text Widget." The Android onscreen keyboard displays a number pad.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
text string_number_widget String number widget numbers text type with numbers appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/text_widgets/string_number_widget" type="string"/>

<input appearance="numbers" ref="/all-widgets/text_widgets/string_number_widget">
  <label>String number widget</label>
  <hint>text type with numbers appearance</hint>

URL Widget

Provides a link which the user can open from the survey. Takes no input.

The URL to open is specified with :th:`default`.

The URL form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is "URL Widget." The hint text is "text type with url appearance and default value of" Below that is a button labeled, "Open URL." Below the button is the URL, "" Above the question text is the form group name "Text widgets."

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint default
text url_widget URL widget url text type with url appearance and default value of
      <!-- URL is defined here. -->

<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/text_widgets/url_widget" type="string"/>

<input appearance="url" ref="/all-widgets/text_widgets/url_widget">
  <label>URL widget</label>
  <hint>text type with url appearance and default value of</hint>

External App String Widget

Launches an external app and receives a string input back from the external app. If the specified external app is not available, a manual input is prompted.

The external app widget is displayed when the :th:`appearance` attribute begins with :tc:`ex:`. The rest of the :th:`appearance` string specifies the application to launch.

The External App form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect App on an Android phone. The question text is "Ex string widget." The hinst text is, "text type with appearance (can use other external apps)." Below that is a button labelled "Launch." Above the question text is the form group name "Text widgets."

The External App widget as displayed earlier. The Launch button has now been disabled. Below it is a simple input. A help message displays the text, "The requested application is missing. Please manually enter the reading."

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
text ex_string_widget Ex string widget text type with appearance (can use other external apps)
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/text_widgets/ex_string_widget" type="string"/>

<input appearance="" ref="/all-widgets/text_widgets/ex_string_widget">
  <label>Ex string widget</label>
    <hint>text type with appearance (can use other external apps)</hint>

External Printer Widget

Connects to an external printer. See printing widget for complete details.

The external printer widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is "Ex printer widget." The hint text is "text type with printer:org.opendatakit.sensors.ZebraPrinter." Below that is a button labeled, "Initiate Printing." Above the question text is the form group name "Text widgets."

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
text ex_printer_widget Ex printer widget printer:org.opendatakit.sensors.ZebraPrinter text type with printer:org.opendatakit.sensors.ZebraPrinter
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/text_widgets/ex_printer_widget" type="string"/>

<input appearance="printer:org.opendatakit.sensors.ZebraPrinter" ref="/all-widgets/text_widgets/ex_printer_widget">
  <label>Ex printer widget</label>
  <hint>text type with printer:org.opendatakit.sensors.ZebraPrinter</hint>

Number Widgets

Default Integer Widget

The default Integer form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Integer Widget." The hint text is "integer type with no appearance." Below that is a simple input. The numerical keypad is active. Above the question text is the form group name "Numerical widgets."

XLSForm Rows
type name label hint
integer integer_widget Integer widget integer type with no appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/number_widgets/integer_widget" type="int"/>

<input ref="/all-widgets/number_widgets/integer_widget">
  <label>Integer widget</label>
  <hint>integer type with no appearance</hint>

External Integer Widget

Launches an external app and receives an integer input back from the external app. If the specified external app is not available, a manual input is prompted.

The External Integer form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Ex integer widget." The hint text is, "integer type with appearance (can use other external apps)." Below that is a button labeled "Launch." Above the question text is the form name "Numerical widgets."

The External Integer widget as displayed previously. The Launch button is now disabled and below it is a simple input. A help text reads, "The requested application is missing. Please manually enter the reading."

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
integer ex_integer_widget Ex integer widget integer type with appearance (can use other external apps)
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/number_widgets/ex_integer_widget" type="int"/>

<input appearance="" ref="/all-widgets/number_widgets/ex_integer_widget">
  <label>Ex integer widget</label>
  <hint>integer type with appearance (can use other external apps)</hint>

Default Decimal Widget

The default Decimal form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Decimal widget." The hint text is "decimal type with no appearance." Below that is a simple input. The number pad is active. Above the question text is the form group name "Numerical widgets."

XLSForm Rows
type name label hint
decimal decimal_widget Decimal widget decimal type with no appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/number_widgets/decimal_widget" type="decimal"/>

<input ref="/all-widgets/number_widgets/decimal_widget">
  <label>Decimal widget</label>
  <hint>decimal type with no appearance</hint>

External Decimal Widget

Launches an external app and receives a decimal number input back from the external app. If the specified external app is not available, a manual input is prompted.

The External Decimal form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Ex decimal widget." The hint text is, "decimal type with appearance (can use other external apps)." Below that is a button labeled "Launch." Above the question text is the form group name "Numerical widgets."

The External Decimal widget displayed previously. The Launch button is now disabled and below it is a simple input. A help text reads, "The requested application is missing. Please manually enter the reading."

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
decimal ex_decimal_widget Ex decimal widget decimal type with appearance (can use other external apps)
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/number_widgets/ex_decimal_widget" type="decimal"/>

<input appearance="" ref="/all-widgets/number_widgets/ex_decimal_widget">
  <label>Ex decimal widget</label>
  <hint>decimal type with appearance (can use other external apps)</hint>

Bearing Widget

Captures a compass reading.

The Bearing form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Bearing widget." The hint text is, "decimal type with bearing appearance. Below that is a button labeled "Record Bearing." Above the question text is the form group name "Numericl widgets."

The Bearing widget, overlaid with a model popup. The modal headline is "Loading Bearing." In the body of the modal are two fields: "Direction: W" and "Bearing: 273.001". At the bottom of the modal are Cancel and Record Bearing buttons.

The Bearing widget, as displayed previously. The button's label is not "Replace bearing." Below the button is the decimal number 271.538 (the recorded bearing).

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
decimal bearing_widget Bearing widget bearing decimal type with bearing appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/number_widgets/bearing_widget" type="decimal"/>

<input appearance="bearing" ref="/all-widgets/number_widgets/bearing_widget">
  <label>Bearing widget</label>
  <hint>decimal type with bearing appearance</hint>

Image Widgets

Default Image Widget

The default Image form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Image Widget." The hint text is, "image type with no appearance." Below that are two buttons: "Take Picture" and "Choose Image." Above the question text is the form group name "Image widgets."

XLSForm Rows
type name label hint
image image_widget Image widget image type with no appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/image_widgets/image_widget" type="binary"/>

<upload mediatype="image/*" ref="/all-widgets/image_widgets/image_widget">
  <label>Image widget</label>
  <hint>image type with no appearance</hint>

Selfie Widget

Takes a picture using the front-facing ("selfie") camera. The "Choose picture" button is not displayed.

The Selfie form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Selfie widget." The hint text is, "image type with selfie appearance." There is a single button, labeled "Take Picture." Above the question text is the form group name "Image widgets."

A camera view on an Android phone. A person is taking a self-portrait.

The Selfie form widget as displayed previously. Below the button is the self-portrait from the previous image.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
image selfie_image_widget Selfie widget selfie image type with selfie appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/image_widgets/selfie_image_widget" type="binary"/>

<upload appearance="selfie" mediatype="image/*" ref="/all-widgets/image_widgets/selfie_image_widget">
  <label>Selfie widget</label>
  <hint>image type with selfie appearance</hint>

Draw Widget

Provides the user a drawing pad and collects the drawn image.

The Draw form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Draw widget." The hint text is "image type with draw appearance." Below that is a button labeled "Sketch Image." Above the question text is the form group name "Image widgets."

A white "drawing pad" on an Android phone, horizontally oriented (landscape mode). A simple smiley face has been drawn. In the lower right corner of the drawing pad is a plus sign (+) in a circle.

The drawing pad as displayed in the previous image. A menu has expanded from the lower right corner with the options: Reset, Save and Close, and Set Color.

The Draw widget as displayed previously. Below the "Sketch Image" button is the smiley face from the drawing pad image shown previously.

XLSForm Rows
name label appearance hint
image draw_image_widget Draw widget draw image type with draw appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/image_widgets/draw_image_widget" type="binary"/>

<upload appearance="draw" mediatype="image/*" ref="/all-widgets/image_widgets/draw_image_widget">
  <label>Draw widget</label>
  <hint>image type with draw appearance</hint>

Annotate Widget

Allows user to take or select an image and then draw on it.

The Annotate form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Annotate widget." The hint text is, "image type with annotate appearance." There are three buttons: "Take Picture," "Choose Image," and "Markup Image." The Markup Image button is disabled. Above the question text is the form group name "Image widgets."

The camera view on an Android phone. In the viewer is a picture of a small saucer. Below the viewer is a blue checkmark button.

The Annotate form widget displayed previously. The Markup Image button is now enabled. Below the buttons is the picture of a saucer shown previously.

The image of a saucer on a drawing pad, with a poorly-drawn cup of tea drawn over it. In the lower right corner is a plus sign (+) in a circle.

The same picture shown in the previous image. The menu in the bottom right corner has expanded to show the options: Reset, Save and Close, and Set Color.

The Annotate form widget shown previously. The drawn-on picture is below the buttons.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
image annotate_image_widget Annotate widget annotate image type with annotate appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/image_widgets/annotate_image_widget" type="binary"/>

<upload appearance="annotate" mediatype="image/*" ref="/all-widgets/image_widgets/annotate_image_widget">
  <label>Annotate widget</label>
  <hint>image type with annotate appearance</hint>
Signature Widget

Collects a signature from the user.

The Signature form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Signature widget." The hint text is "image type with signature appearance." Below that is a button labelled "Gather Signature." Above the question text is the form group name "Image widgets."

A drawing pad with a signature line, displayed in an Android phone. A signature is drawn across it. In the lower right corner is circular button marked with a plus sign (+).

The signature widget displayed previously. Below the button is the signature drawn in the previous image.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
image signature_widget Signature widget signature image type with signature appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/image_widgets/signature_widget" type="binary"/>

<upload appearance="signature" mediatype="image/*" ref="/all-widgets/image_widgets/signature_widget">
  <label>Signature widget</label>
  <hint>image type with signature appearance</hint>

Media Widgets

The media widgets do not accept any appearance attributes. They are documented in :ref:`basic-form-widgets` above:

Date and Time Widgets

Default Date Widget

The default Date form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Date widget." The hint text is "date type with no appearance." Below that is a button labeled "Select date." Below that is the text, "No date selected." Above the question text is the form group name "Date and time widgets."

The date widget shown in the previous image, with a modal popup showing a monthly calendar. A date is selected. At the bottom of the modal are Cancel and OK buttons.

The date widget shown previously. Below the button is a date: Aug 11, 2017.

XLSForm Rows
type name label hint
date date_widget Date widget date type with no appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/date_time_widgets/date_widget" type="date"/>

<input ref="/all-widgets/date_time_widgets/date_widget">
  <label>Date widget</label>
  <hint>date type with no appearance</hint>

Date, No Calendar

The :tc:`no-calendar` appearance displays a "spinner" type date selection. This is especially appropriate for selecting dates more than in the past.

The no-calendar Date form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Date Widget." The hint text is "date type with no-calendar appearance." Below that is a button labeled "Select date." Below the button is the text, "No date selected." Above the question text is the form group name "Date and time widgets."

The date widget shown previously, with a pop modal. The headline of the modal is "Select date." There are individual "spinner" style selectors for month, day, and year. At the bottom of the modal are OK and Cancel buttons.

XSLForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
date date_widget_nocalendar Date Widget no-calendar date type with no-calendar appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/date_time_widgets/date_widget_nocalendar" type="date"/>

<input appearance="no-calendar" ref="/all-widgets/date_time_widgets/date_widget_nocalendar">
   <label>Date Widget</label>
   <hint>date type with no-calendar appearanec</hint>

Month and Year Widget

Collects only a month and year.

The date widget, with a modal popup labeled "Select date." There are individual "Spinner" type selectors for month and year, but not for date. At the bottom are Cancel and OK buttons.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
date date_widget_month_year Date widget month-year date type with month-year appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/date_time_widgets/date_widget_month_year" type="date"/>

<input appearance="month-year" ref="/all-widgets/date_time_widgets/date_widget_month_year">
  <label>Date widget</label>
  <hint>date type with month-year appearance</hint>

Year Widget

Collects only a year.

The Year form widget, with a model popup labeled "Select date." There is a single "spinner" type selector for year. At the bottom are Cancel ans OK buttons.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
date date_widget_year Date widget year date type with year appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/date_time_widgets/date_widget_year" type="date"/>

<input appearance="year" ref="/all-widgets/date_time_widgets/date_widget_year">
  <label>Date widget</label>
  <hint>date type with year appearance</hint>

Time Widgets

The :tc:`time` widget does not accept an appearance attribute.

See :ref:`basic-form-widgets` for details on:

The :ref:`datetime` widget accepts a :tc:`no-calendar` appearance. This changes the date selector to the "spinner" style shown in :ref:`date-no-calendar`.

GPS Widgets

Default Geopoint

The default :ref:`geopoint` widget collects the current GPS position (if available) from the device.

The default Geopoint form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Geopoint widget." The hint text is "geopoint type with no appearance." Below that is a button labeled "Start Geopoint." Below the button are completed fields for Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, and Accuracy.

XLSForm Rows
type name label hint
geopoint geopoint_widget Geopoint widget geopoint type with no appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/geopoint_widgets/geopoint_widget_placementmap" type="geopoint"/>

<input ref="/all-widgets/geopoint_widgets/geopoint_widget">
  <label>Geopoint widget</label>
  <hint>geopoint type with no appearance</hint>

Geopoint Placement Map Widget

A geopoint with the appearance attribute :tc:`placement-map` allows the user to select a geopoint from a map.

A map app opens on an Android phone. Above the map is the message: "Long press to place mark or tap add marker button." Along the right side of the map are buttons: Add Marker, Zoom to point, Layers, Trash, Save.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
geopoint geopoint_widget_placementmap Geopoint widget placement-map geopoint type with placement-map appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/geopoint_widgets/geopoint_widget_placementmap" type="geopoint"/>

<input appearance="placement-map" ref="/all-widgets/geopoint_widgets/geopoint_widget_placementmap">
  <label>Geopoint widget</label>
  <hint>geopoint type with placement-map appearance</hint>

Geopoint with Map

The default :ref:`geopoint` widget does not display map to the user. With the added :tc:`maps` appearance attribute, a map of the recorded location is shown to the user. The user cannot select a different location on the map. (See :ref:`placement-map-widget` for a geopoint with a user-selected location.)

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
geopoint geopoint_widget_maps Geopoint widget maps geopoint type with maps appearance
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/geopoint_widgets/geopoint_widget_maps" type="geopoint"/

<input appearance="maps" ref="/all-widgets/geopoint_widgets/geopoint_widget_maps">
  <label>Geopoint widget</label>
  <hint>geopoint type with maps appearance</hint>

Geoshape and Geotrace

The :ref:`geopoint` and :ref:`geotrace` widgets do not accept any appearance attributes.

Single Select Widgets

Default Single Select

The default Single Select form widget, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Select one widget." The hint text is "select_one type with no appearance, 4 text choices." Below that is a set of radio button selectors labeled A, B, C, and D. Above the question text is form group name "Select one widgets."

XLSForm Rows
type name label hint
select_one opt_abcd select_one_widget Select one widget select_one type with no appearance, 4 text choices
list_name name label
opt_abcd a A
opt_abcd b B
opt_abcd c C
opt_abcd d D
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/select_one_widget" type="select1"/>

<select1 ref="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/select_one_widget">
  <label>Select one widget</label>
  <hint>select_one type with no appearance, 4 text choices</hint>

Spinner Widget

Adding the :tc:`minimal` appearance attribute places the choices into a drop-down style menu.

The Single Select form widget, with minimal appearance, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is "Spinner widget." The hint text is "select_one type with minimal appearance, 4 text choices." Below that is a drop-down style select menu with the prompt "Select One Answer." Above the question text is the form group name "Select one widgets."

The Single Select form widget, wih minimal appearance, as displayed in the previously image. The select menu has expanded to show choices: A, B, C, D, and Remove Response.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
select_one opt_abcd spinner_widget Spinner widget minimal select_one type with minimal appearance, 4 text choices
list_name name label
opt_abcd a A
opt_abcd b B
opt_abcd c C
opt_abcd d D
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/spinner_widget" type="select1"/>

<select1 appearance="minimal" ref="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/spinner_widget">
  <label>Spinner widget</label>
  <hint>select_one type with minimal appearance, 4 text choices</hint>

Autoadvance Widget

Advances immediately to the next question once a selection is made.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
select_one opt_abcd select_one_autoadvance_widget Select one autoadvance widget quick select_one type with quick appearance, 4 text choices
list_name name label
opt_abcd a A
opt_abcd b B
opt_abcd c C
opt_abcd d D
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/select_one_autoadvance_widget" type="select1"/>

<select1 appearance="quick" ref="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/select_one_autoadvance_widget">
  <label>Select one autoadvance widget</label>
  <hint>select_one type with quick appearance, 4 text choices</hint>

Select with Search Widget

A set of radio buttons with a search and filter function.

The Select One form widget with search, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Select one search widget." The hint text is, "select one type with search appearance, 4 text choices." Below that is a text input above four radio buttons labeled A, B, C, and D. Above the question text is the form group name, "Select one widgets." The phone's keyboard is active.

The Select One form widget as displayed previously. The text input contains a lowercase 'b'. There is a single radio button: B. The other three radio buttons are no longer displayed.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
select_one opt_abcd select_one_search_widget Select one search widget search select_one type with search appearance, 4 text choices
list_name name label
opt_abcd a A
opt_abcd b B
opt_abcd c C
opt_abcd d D
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/select_one_search_widget" type="select1"/>

<select1 appearance="search" ref="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/select_one_search_widget">
  <label>Select one search widget</label>
  <hint>select_one type with search appearance, 4 text choices</hint>

Select with Autocomplete Widget

A set of radio buttons with a search and filter function. The search input has an autocomplete feature.

The Select One form widget with autocomplete, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is "Select one search widget." The hint text is, "select one type with autocomplete appearance, 4 text choices." Below that is a text input followed by four radio buttons labeled A, B, C, and D. Above the question text is the form group name "Select one widgets." The device keyboard is active.

The Select One form widget as displayed previously. The text input contains a lowercase 'b'. There is a single radio button: B. The other three radio buttons are no longer displayed.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
select_one opt_abcd select_one_autocomplete_widget Select one search widget autocomplete select_one type with autocomplete appearance, 4 text choices
list_name name label
opt_abcd a A
opt_abcd b B
opt_abcd c C
opt_abcd d D
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/select_one_autocomplete_widget" type="select1"/>

<select1 appearance="autocomplete" ref="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/select_one_autocomplete_widget">
  <label>Select one search widget</label>
  <hint>select_one type with autocomplete appearance, 4 text choices</hint>

Default Single Select with Images

A set of radio buttons with text labels and accompanying images.

See :ref:`image-options` to learn more about including images in surveys.

The Single Select form widget with images, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Grid select one widget." The hint text is, "select_one type with no appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpb, c.jpg, d.jpg)." Below that is a set of radio buttons labeled A, B, C, and D. Below each radio button is a small icon of an animal: A - whale, B - frog, C - alligator, D - eagle. Above the question text is the form group name "Select one widgets."

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
select_one abcd_icon grid_widget Grid select one widget   select_one type with no appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)
list_name name label media::image
abcd_icon a A a.jpg
abcd_icon b B b.jpg
abcd_icon c C c.jpg
abcd_icon d D d.jpg
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget" type="select1"/>

<select1 ref="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget">
  <label>Grid select one widget</label>
  <hint>select_one type with no appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)</hint>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget/a:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget/b:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget/c:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget/d:label')"/>

Compact Single Select with Images

Image options are placed on a single line.

The compact Single Select form widget with images, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is "Grid select one widget." The hint text is, "select_one with compact appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)." Below that are four small animal icons arranged on a single line. Above the question text is the form group name "Select one widgets."

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
select_one abcd_icon grid_widget_compact Grid select one widget compact select_one type with compact appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)
list_name name label media::image
abcd_icon a A a.jpg
abcd_icon b B b.jpg
abcd_icon c C c.jpg
abcd_icon d D d.jpg
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_compact" type="select1"/>

<select1 appearance="compact" ref="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_compact">
  <label>Grid select one widget</label>
  <hint>select_one type with compact appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)</hint>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_compact/a:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_compact/b:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_compact/c:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_compact/d:label')"/>

Compact Single Select with Images, width specified

With the :tc:`compact-{x}` style, you can specify the number of images to display on each row. To display two images on each row, specify an :th:`appearance` of :tc:`compact-2`.

The single select form widget with images and appearance of 'compact-2,' as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Grid select one widget." The hint text is "select_one type with compact-2 appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)." Below that are four animal icons arranged in a two-by-two grid. Above the question text is the form group name "Select one widgets."

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
select_one abcd_icon grid_widget_compact2 Grid select one widget compact-2 select_one type with compact-2 appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)
list_name name label media::image
abcd_icon a A a.jpg
abcd_icon b B b.jpg
abcd_icon c C c.jpg
abcd_icon d D d.jpg
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_compact2" type="select1"/>

<select1 appearance="compact-2" ref="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_compact2">
  <label>Grid select one widget</label>
  <hint>select_one type with compact-2 appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)</hint>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_compact2/a:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_compact2/b:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_compact2/c:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_compact2/d:label')"/>

Compact Single Select with Images and Autoadvance

The :tc:`quickcompact` appearance attribute combines the design of the :ref:`compact-single-image-select` widget with the :ref:`autoadvance-widget` functionality.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
select_one abcd_icon grid_widget_quickcompact Grid select one widget quickcompact select_one type with quickcompact appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)
list_name name label media::image
abcd_icon a A a.jpg
abcd_icon b B b.jpg
abcd_icon c C c.jpg
abcd_icon d D d.jpg
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_quickcompact2" type="select1"/>

<select1 appearance="quickcompact" ref="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_quickcompact">
  <label>Grid select one widget</label>
  <hint>select_one type with quickcompact appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)</hint>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_quickcompact/a:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_quickcompact/b:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_quickcompact/c:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_quickcompact/d:label')"/>

Compact Single Select with Images and Autoadvance, width specified

As with :ref:`compact <compact-2>`, you can specify a width when using :tc:`quickcompact`. To display two images on each row, set the :th:`appearance` attribute to :tc:`quickcompact-2`.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
select_one abcd_icon grid_widget_quickcompact2 Grid select one widget quickcompact-2 select_one type with quickcompact-2 appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)
list_name name label media::image
abcd_icon a A a.jpg
abcd_icon b B b.jpg
abcd_icon c C c.jpg
abcd_icon d D d.jpg
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_quickcompact2" type="select1"/>

<select1 appearance="quickcompact-2" ref="/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_quickcompact2">
  <label>Grid select one widget</label>
  <hint>select_one type with quickcompact-2 appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)</hint>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_quickcompact2/a:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_quickcompact2/b:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_quickcompact2/c:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_one_widgets/grid_widget_quickcompact2/d:label')"/>

Multiselect Widgets

Default Multiselect Widget

The default Multiselect widget as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Multiselect widget." The hint text is, "select_one widget with no appearance, 4 text choices." Below that are four checkbox options labeled A, B, C, and D. Above the question text is the form group label, "This section contains 'Select Multi Widgets'"

XLSForm Rows
type name label hint
select_multiple opt_abcd select_multi_widget Multi select widget select_multiple type with no appearance, 4 text choices
list_name name label media::image
abcd_icon a A a.jpg
abcd_icon b B b.jpg
abcd_icon c C c.jpg
abcd_icon d D d.jpg
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/select_multi_widget" type="select"/>

<select ref="/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/select_multi_widget">
  <label>Multi select widget</label>
  <hint>select_multiple type with no appearance, 4 text choices</hint>

Compact Multiselect with Images

The compact multiselect form widget with image options, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on Android phone. The question text is "Grid select multiple widget." The hint text is select_multiple type with compact appearance, 4 image choices." Below that are four small animal icons in a single row. Above the question text is the section label "This section contains 'Select Multi Widgets.'"

The compact multiselect as shown in the previous image. Two of the small animal icons are outlined with an orange border, indicating they have been selected.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
select_multiple abcd_icon grid_multi_widget_compact Grid select multiple widget compact select_multiple type with compact appearance, 4 image choices
list_name name label media::image
abcd_icon a A a.jpg
abcd_icon b B b.jpg
abcd_icon c C c.jpg
abcd_icon d D d.jpg
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/grid_multi_widget_compact" type="select"/>

<select appearance="compact" ref="/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/grid_multi_widget_compact">
  <label>Grid select multiple widget</label>
  <hint>select_multiple type with compact appearance, 4 image choices</hint>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/grid_multi_widget_compact/a:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/grid_multi_widget_compact/b:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/grid_multi_widget_compact/c:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/grid_multi_widget_compact/d:label')"/>

Compact Multiselect with Image Choices, style 2

The multiselect form widget with images and appearance of 'compact-2,' as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is, "Grid select multiple widget." The hint text is "select_one type with compact-2 appearance, 4 image choices (a.jpg, b.jpg, c.jpg, d.jpg)." Below that are four animal icons arranged in a two-by-two grid. Above the question text is the form group label "This section contains 'Select multi Widgets.'"

The compact multiselect widget shown previously. Two of the animal icons are outlined with an orange border, indicating they have been selected.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
select_multiple abcd_icon grid_multi_widget_compact2 Grid select multiple widget compact-2 select_multiple type with compact-2 appearance, 4 image choices
list_name name label media::image
abcd_icon a A a.jpg
abcd_icon b B b.jpg
abcd_icon c C c.jpg
abcd_icon d D d.jpg
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/grid_multi_widget_compact2" type="select"/>

<select appearance="compact-2" ref="/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/grid_multi_widget_compact2">
  <label>Grid select multiple widget</label>
  <hint>select_multiple type with compact-2 appearance, 4 image choices</hint>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/grid_multi_widget_compact2/a:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/grid_multi_widget_compact2/b:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/grid_multi_widget_compact2/c:label')"/>
    <label ref="jr:itext('/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/grid_multi_widget_compact2/d:label')"/>

Multiselect Spinner Widget

Adding the :tc:`minimal` appearance attribute places the choices into a drop-down style menu.

The Multiselect form widget, with minimal appearance, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. The question text is "Spinner widget: select multiple." The hint text is "select_multiple type with minimal appearance, 4 text choices." Below that is a drop-down style select menu with the prompt "Select Answer." Above the question text is the form group name "This section contains 'Select Multi Widget.'"

The multiselect form widget, wih minimal appearance, as displayed in the previous image. The select menu has expanded to show choices: A, B, C, D. In the lower right corner is a button labeled OK.

XLSForm Rows
type name label appearance hint
select_multiple opt_abcd spinner_multi_widget Spinner widget: select multiple minimal select_multiple type with minimal appearance, 4 image choices
list_name name label
opt_abcd a A
opt_abcd b B
opt_abcd c C
opt_abcd d D
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/spinner_multi_widget" type="select"/>

<select appearance="minimal" ref="/all-widgets/select_multi_widgets/spinner_multi_widget">
  <label>Spinner widget: select multiple</label>
  <hint>select_multiple type with minimal appearance, 4 image choices</hint>

Field List

The :tc:`field-list` appearance attribute, applied to a group of questions, displays them all on a single screen.

A field-list group of questions, as displayed in the ODK Collect app on an Android phone. Six questions are displayed. Below each, the answer choices are arranged in a row.

The continuation of the previous image.

XLSForm Rows

type name label appearance hint
begin_group table_list_test List group field-list  
select_one yes_no table_list_test_label Label widget label Show only the labels of these options and not the inputs (type=select_one yes_no, appearance=label)
select_multiple yes_no table_list_test_label_2 Label multi widget label Show only the labels of these options and not the inputs (type=select_multiple yes_no, appearance=label)
select_one yes_no table_list_1 List widget list-nolabel Show only the inputs of these options and not the labels (type=select_one yes_no, appearance=list-nolabel)
select_multiple yes_no table_list_2 List multi widget list-nolabel Show only the inputs of these options and not the labels (type=select_multiple yes_no, appearance=list-nolabel)
select_one yes_no list_widget List widget list This is a normal list widget with (type = select_one, appearance = list)
select_multiple yes_no list_multi_widget List multi widget list This is a normal list widget with (type = select_multiple, appearance = list)
list_name name label
yes_no yes Yes
yes_no no No
yes_no dk Don't Know
yes_no na Not Applicable



<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/table_list_test/table_list_test_label" type="select1"/>
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/table_list_test/table_list_test_label_2" type="select"/>
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/table_list_test/table_list_1" type="select1"/>
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/table_list_test/table_list_2" type="select"/>
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/table_list_test/list_widget" type="select1"/>
<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/table_list_test/list_multi_widget" type="select"/>

<group appearance="field-list" ref="/all-widgets/table_list_test">
  <label>List group</label>
  <select1 appearance="label" ref="/all-widgets/table_list_test/table_list_test_label">
    <label>Label widget</label>
    <hint>Show only the labels of these options and not the inputs (type=select_one yes_no, appearance=label)</hint>
      <label>Don't Know</label>
      <label>Not Applicable</label>
  <select appearance="label" ref="/all-widgets/table_list_test/table_list_test_label_2">
    <label>Label multi widget</label>
    <hint>Show only the labels of these options and not the inputs (type=select_multiple yes_no, appearance=label)</hint>
      <label>Don't Know</label>
      <label>Not Applicable</label>
  <select1 appearance="list-nolabel" ref="/all-widgets/table_list_test/table_list_1">
    <label>List widget</label>
    <hint>Show only the inputs of these options and not the labels (type=select_one yes_no, appearance=list-nolabel)</hint>
      <label>Don't Know</label>
      <label>Not Applicable</label>
  <select appearance="list-nolabel" ref="/all-widgets/table_list_test/table_list_2">
    <label>List multi widget</label>
    <hint>Show only the inputs of these options and not the labels (type=select_multiple yes_no, appearance=list-nolabel)</hint>
      <label>Don't Know</label>
      <label>Not Applicable</label>
  <select1 appearance="list" ref="/all-widgets/table_list_test/list_widget">
    <label>List widget</label>
    <hint>This is a normal list widget with (type = select_one, appearance = list)</hint>
      <label>Don't Know</label>
      <label>Not Applicable</label>
  <select appearance="list" ref="/all-widgets/table_list_test/list_multi_widget">
    <label>List multi widget</label>
    <hint>This is a normal list widget with (type = select_multiple, appearance = list)</hint>
      <label>Don't Know</label>
      <label>Not Applicable</label>

Trigger Widget

"Trigger" is another name for the :ref:`acknowledge` widget. The example shown here includes the :th:`required` attribute.

The Trigger (or "Acknowledge") form widget as displayed in the ODK Collect App on an Android phone. The question text is, "Trigger widget." The hint text is, "Prompts for confirmation. Useful to combine with required or relevant. (type=trigger)" Below that is a single checkbox labeled, "OK. Please continue." The checkbox is unchecked.

The Trigger widget shown previously. An error text reads, "Sorry, this response is required."

The Trigger widget shown previously. The checkbox is now checked.

XLSForm Rows

type name label hint required
trigger my_trigger Trigger widget Prompts for confirmation. Useful to combine with required or relevant. (type=trigger) true()


<bind nodeset="/all-widgets/my_trigger" required="true()"/>

<trigger ref="/all-widgets/my_trigger">
  <label>Trigger widget</label>
  <hint>Prompts for confirmation. Useful to combine with required or relevant. (type=trigger)</hint>

Including Images as Choices

To include images as choices for select questions, specify the file name in the choices worksheet, in a column labeled :th:`media::image`. The media files must be uploaded to the Android device in the :file:`/sdcard/odk/forms/` directory, in a file labeled :file:`{form-name}-files`. When uploading a form to ODK Aggregate, a second upload prompt will allow you to upload your files directory.