FAST-LIVO is a fast LiDAR-Inertial-Visual odometry system, which builds on two tightly-coupled and direct odometry subsystems: a VIO subsystem and a LIO subsystem. The LIO subsystem registers raw points (instead of feature points on e.g., edges or planes) of a new scan to an incrementally-built point cloud map. The map points are additionally attached with image patches, which are then used in the VIO subsystem to align a new image by minimizing the direct photometric errors without extracting any visual features (e.g., ORB or FAST corner features).
Contributors: Chunran Zheng 郑纯然, Qingyan Zhu 朱清岩, Wei Xu 徐威
Our related paper is now available on arXiv: FAST-LIVO: Fast and Tightly-coupled Sparse-Direct LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Odometry.
Our accompanying videos are now available on YouTube (click below images to open) and Bilibili.
Our code, private datasets and hard sychronized handheld device would be released asap. Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for FAST-LIO2 and SVO2.0.
Thanks for Livox Technology for equipment support.