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    Copyright (C) Google Inc.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

    EndlessTunnel is a sample game that shows how to:
        * showcase the Android Studio native support
        * implement a game using Android native glue
        * implement joystick support, including robust DPAD navigation for
          no-touch screens

    It is NOT the goal of this sample to show the best way to write the game
    logic, load resources, etc. The game itself was intentionally kept
    rudimentary in order to keep the focus on the integration with Play
    Games. For example, this game contains textures and geometry hard-coded in
    code, which works for small demo games like this one, but doesn't scale
    well to real games.

    Most of this code was written by Bruno Oliveira
    ( Feel free to add him on
    Google+ and nag him about bugs, etc.

    This project uses the OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) library, available at:

    For more information about this library and its license, please see
    Tunnel/jni/glm/readme.txt and Tunnel/jni/glm/copying.txt.

    * Download the AS
    * Import or Open the project
    * Sync Project with Gradle
    * Build and Run

    Source code are under app, it only contains C++ code, which is
    sitting at its default location (same as for other samples) at

    The game starts at the android_main function in 
    jni/engine/, like any standard NDK game.


    We have a singleton class called SceneManager. As the same says, it's
    the class that manages scenes. There's always an active Scene, and
    the scene determines what's visible onscreen and how the game reacts
    to input. The main menu is a scene, the gameplay is another scene.

    As the game runs, the display might be initialized and terminated
    multiple times, corresponding, for example, to the app losing focus
    and being brought back into focus. This is why the SceneManager
    (and the Scene's) have the notion of StartGraphics() and KillGraphics().
    These two methods may be called multiple times along the lifetime of
    a scene. So everything that has to do with graphics context (like
    shaders, textures, etc) has to be initialized in StartGraphics(), 
    and has to be torn down in KillGraphics().

    The engine_init_display function is where we set up OpenGL
    for our game, and call StartGraphics() on the active scene.
    The engine_term_display is where we call KillGraphics() on the active

    Input arrives by way of the engine_handle_input function, which
    does some basic input classification and delivers the input to
    the scene manager. Incidentally, here we also synthethise DPAD events based
    on the joystick hat axes (many game controllers generate hat events
    when you press the directional pad), because that way we can use that
    directional pad to drive UI navigation in the main screen.

    While we're in jni/engine, take a look at scene_manager.cpp,
    scene.cpp, etc to familiarize yourself with them.


    The game's geometry is represented by VBOs and IBOs. A VBO is represented
    by the VertexBuf class, and an IBO is represented by an IndexBuf.
    A shader is represented by the Shader class, of which TrivialShader is
    a concrete example.

    Now, onto rendering. Everything in the game is rendered by a Shader.

    Normally, to use a Shader, you call BeginRender() and give it a
    VertexBuf. This means you will be rendering one or more subsets of that
    geometry. After that, call Render(ibuf, mat) where ibuf is the IndexBuffer
    that represents the part of the geometry you want to render, and
    mat is the transformation matrix. You can call Render() multiple times to
    render different subsets of the geometry with different matrices.
    When you're done, you call the shader's EndRender() method.

    As a simpler alternative when you only want to render a single copy
    of an object that's defined by a VertexBuffer and IndexBuffer pair,
    just call RenderSimpleGeom(), which takes a matrix and a SimpleGeom
    object (which, in turn, is just a pair of VertexBuffer and IndexBuffer).

    The shader subclass is responsible for knowing what to do to render
    a geometry. For example, if the shader needs texture coordinates, it will
    query the geometry for texture coordinates as necessary -- if it doesn't
    have them, it will throw an error (that being just an euphemism for
    an ugly native crash). So, yes, you have to be careful that the geometry
    you're feeding to a shader has the data that's needed by that shader.

    Particularly, TrivialShader only needs position and color info for 
    each vertex. The more complex OurShader class (in jni/our_shader.cpp)
    needs texture coordinates.


    For all 2D rendering, we use a normalized coordinate system where
    the bottom-left of the screen is (0,0), the X coordinate increases
    to the right and the Y coordinate increases upwards. The Y coordinate
    of the top of the screen is defined to be 1.0. The X coordinate of
    the right side of the screen is the screen's aspect ratio. So,
    on a 4:3 screen, these are the coordinates of the four corners
    of the screen:

    (0.000,1.000)       (1.333,1.000)
           |              |
           |              |
           |              |
           |              |
    (0.000,0.000)       (1.333,0.000)

    What this means is that Y=0.5 is always the vertical center of the
    screen regardless of the screen size, and that X=aspect/2 is always
    the horizontal center of the screen, regardless of physical screen size.

    This coordinate system is set up like this:
        glm::mat4 modelMat, mat;

        // set up projection matrix
        float aspect = SceneManager::GetInstance()->GetScreenAspect();
        glm::mat4 orthoMat = glm::ortho(0.0f, aspect, 0.0f, 1.0f);

        // ... (set up modelMat as needed)

        // determine final matrix for rendering
        mat = orthoMat * modelMat;
        // render something
        mShader->RenderSimpleGeom(&mat, mGeom);


    The game's main menu scene is in jni/welcome_scene.cpp. It renders
    all the buttons on the interface and manages the navigation. It can
    also show popups ("About", "Story", "Play").


    The whole game logic is contained in the PlayScene class. We won't dive
    into a full discussion of it, but start reading from the DoFrame() method
    and it should become clear. It's a standard game loop that handles
    input, updates the world, checks for collisions and renders.