Releases: SoliDry/api-generator
Releases · SoliDry/api-generator
Fix {id} for relations routes to request on entity
- Fix {id} for relations routes to request on entity
- Fix int to int|string for $id parameter in updateReloations method
Bulk extension operations with routes support
2.3.0 #100. Add readme details of bulk ops
Add functional tests generation for Codeception in Laravel
2.2.1 #109. Fix functional tests crashing with incompatible ids + readme
Fix one->many straight relations, improve logical ops, return types, exceptions
- one->many straight relations
- improve logical ops
- return types
- exceptions
Add code coverage up to 80%
Fix relations bound to int type by adding string on all levels + readme
2.1.1 #110. Fix relations to accept int|string ids + readme how to add cust…
Probabilistic early expiration xFetch algorithm implementation
2.1.0 #107. Add readme stampede description
Add string ids support through entire generation route
- convert all json-api entities to accept id either as string or int-
- recode generator to properly generate id support for strings (ex.: Migrations/Pivots)
- change YAML-type system to create user customized IDs (non-atomic as it is now)
- set increment = false to Eloquent models which have string ids + solve all bugs depending on int/string issues
Remove unnecessary config settings code for Redis + readme changes
1.9.41 Merge branch 'develop'
Change redis impl to Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis
It will be more consistent with FW implementation and connection support will be natively provided.
Change env() jwt_secret to config()
enabling cache for configs and avoiding production env crash