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created for SpeedyWeather.jl v0.9.0 on Tue, 02 Apr 2024 14:05:51.

All simulations have been benchmarked over several seconds (wallclock time) without output. Benchmarking excludes initialization and is started just before the main time loop and finishes right after. The benchmarking results here are not very robust, timings that change with +-50% are not uncommon. Proper benchmarking for performance optimization uses the minimum or median of many executions, while we run a simulation for several time steps which effectively represents the mean, susceptible to outliers that slow down the simulation. However, this is what a user will experience in most situations anyway and the following therefore presents a rough idea of how fast a SpeedyWeather simulation will run, and how much memory it requires.

Machine details

All benchmark simulation were single-threaded on a CPU:

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.10.2
Commit bd47eca2c8a (2024-03-01 10:14 UTC)
Build Info:
  Official release
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin22.4.0)
  CPU: 8 × Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1030NG7 CPU @ 1.10GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-15.0.7 (ORCJIT, icelake-client)
Threads: 1 default, 0 interactive, 1 GC (on 8 virtual cores)
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /Users/milan/.julia/conda/3/lib:


Abbreviations in the tables below are as follows, omitted columns use defaults.

  • NF: Number format, default: Float32
  • T: Spectral resolution, maximum degree of spherical harmonics, default: T31
  • L: Number of vertical layers, default: 8 (for 3D models)
  • Grid: Horizontal grid, default: OctahedralGaussianGrid
  • Rings: Grid-point resolution, number of latitude rings pole to pole
  • Dynamics: With dynamics?, default: true
  • Physics: With physical parameterizations?, default: true (for primitive equation models)
  • Δt: time step [s].
  • SYPD: Speed of simulation, simulated years per wallclock day.
  • Memory: Memory footprint of simulation, variables and constants.

Running the benchmarks

The benchmark suite here can be reproduced by executing:

> julia manual_benchmarking.jl

inside the SpeedyWeather.jl/benchmark folder. It will create this which can be pushed to the repository for updates or comparison.

Models, default setups

Model T L Physics Δt SYPD Memory
BarotropicModel 31 1 false 1800 19349 1.22 MB
ShallowWaterModel 31 1 false 1800 10195 1.24 MB
PrimitiveDryModel 31 8 true 1800 530 3.95 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 31 8 true 1800 399 4.28 MB


Model T L Grid Rings Δt SYPD Memory
PrimitiveWetModel 63 8 FullGaussianGrid 96 900 35 22.50 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 63 8 FullClenshawGrid 95 900 34 22.29 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 63 8 OctahedralGaussianGrid 96 900 45 15.34 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 63 8 OctahedralClenshawGrid 95 900 54 15.12 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 63 8 HEALPixGrid 95 900 77 11.46 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 63 8 OctaHEALPixGrid 95 900 56 13.67 MB

Primitive wet model, resolution

Model T L Rings Δt SYPD Memory
PrimitiveWetModel 31 8 48 1800 378 4.28 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 42 8 64 1350 161 7.22 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 63 8 96 900 47 15.34 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 85 8 128 675 20 26.73 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 127 8 192 450 6 59.10 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 170 8 256 338 2 105.37 MB

PrimitiveWetModel: Physics or dynamics only

Model T L Dynamics Physics Δt SYPD Memory
PrimitiveWetModel 31 8 true true 1800 322 4.28 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 31 8 true false 1800 587 4.28 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 31 8 false true 1800 527 4.28 MB

Shallow water model, resolution

Model T L Rings Δt SYPD Memory
ShallowWaterModel 31 1 48 1800 9402 1.24 MB
ShallowWaterModel 42 1 64 1350 4034 2.13 MB
ShallowWaterModel 63 1 96 900 1132 4.71 MB
ShallowWaterModel 85 1 128 675 415 8.45 MB
ShallowWaterModel 127 1 192 450 105 19.60 MB
ShallowWaterModel 170 1 256 338 39 36.41 MB
ShallowWaterModel 255 1 384 225 9 89.44 MB

Primitive Equation, Float32 vs Float64

Model NF T L Δt SYPD Memory
PrimitiveWetModel Float32 31 8 1800 317 4.28 MB
PrimitiveWetModel Float64 31 8 1800 343 8.03 MB

PrimitiveDryModel: Physics or dynamics only

Model T L Dynamics Physics Δt SYPD Memory
PrimitiveDryModel 31 8 true true 1800 462 3.95 MB
PrimitiveDryModel 31 8 true false 1800 657 3.95 MB
PrimitiveDryModel 31 8 false true 1800 683 3.95 MB

Number of vertical layers

Model T L Δt SYPD Memory
PrimitiveWetModel 31 4 1800 583 2.92 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 31 8 1800 345 4.28 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 31 12 1800 217 5.65 MB
PrimitiveWetModel 31 16 1800 186 7.03 MB